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Star Wars/Characters/New Jedi Order and Legacy Eras: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass]]: He kills more Yuuzhan Vong than any other Jedi during the first two years of the war. The first time he fights Yuuzhan Vong warriors, he kills two of them in two moves, when his aunt Mara had hard work to kill one.
* [[Brother-Sister Team]]
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]]
* [[Dropped a Bridge On Him]]: Killed off because of [[George Lucas]] thinking fans wouldn't be able to tell the difference between him and his granddad. Unlike Jacen, he at least gets to go out with a…
* [[Heroic RROD]]
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'''Luke''': ''There, that's the Skywalker survival instinct at work.'' }}
* [[Dating Catwoman]]: With Vestara. They [[Call Back|sit and exchange jokes]].
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
{{quote| '''Ben''': How do you feel? Better than you look, I hope.<br />
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** Also, when putting up the facade of being angry at Vestara in ''Apocalypse'', he [[The Dog Bites Back|can't figure out]] why she is ''[[Domestic Abuse|actually]]'' [[What the Hell, Hero?|angry at him]].
* [[Redheaded Hero]]
* [[Screw Destiny]]: He has torn down at least one prophecy about his future. {{spoiler|[[The End or- Or Is It?|Only time will tell]]}}
* [[Shotacon]]: At the very end of Legacy of the Force.
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: Nearly all of his mannerisms and physical traits he inherited from Mara, and this is repeated several times throughout the novels, although official art is completely hellbent on throwing such similarities out the window…
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* [[Face Heel Turn]]
** [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [["Get Out of Jail Free" Card]]: {{spoiler|Technically she is still under trial for the murder of Pellaeon - a crime she definitely comitted - but it is fairly obvious she will escape punishment altogether.}}
* [[Karma Houdini]]: See above.
** [[Played With]]. {{spoiler|It looked like a subversion, what with there being a big trial about it, and all.}}
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* [[Rogue Protagonist]]: By [[Legacy of the Force]].
* [[Star-Crossed Lovers]]
* [[Thanatos Gambit]] / [[Zero -Approval Gambit]]: As Caedus.
* [[Treacherous Advisor]] / [[Broken Pedestal]]: For Ben Skywalker in ''[[Legacy of the Force]]'', and a little for Tahiri too.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]
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* [["Well Done, Son" Guy|Well Done Daughter Girl]]: Ben mocks her for this:
{{quote| ''"Yes, dear Papa." "No, dear Papa." "You are amazing, dear Papa."''}}
** {{spoiler|[[Self -Made Orphan|It's not gonna happen. She kills her father, and her mother also dies.]]}}
=== Gavar Khai ===
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=== Traest Kre'fey ===
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: He has these tendencies late in the Yuuzhan Vong War, after the Bothan people decided to commit genocide against the Vong.
* [[Four -Star Badass]]
* [[Military Maverick]]
* [[Put On a Bus]]
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* [[Desk Jockey]]: It's noted this was his specialty: keeping the military organized and running smoothly. While he is a very competent commander, he was unprepared for the Yuuzhan Vong and relied on others like Kre'fey and Wedge to come up with the winning tactics.
* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridge On Him]]}}
* [[Four -Star Badass]]
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
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* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]
* [[Farm Boy]]
* [[Four -Star Badass]]: Becomes an Admiral by [[Legacy of the Force]].
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Asyr Sei'lar.
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: At first.
* [[Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?]]: He's a pilot from Tatooine. Recklessly good flying is practically the planet's [[Planet of Hats|hat]].
== New Republic/Galactic Alliance Politicians ==
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=== Vitor Reige ===
* [[Four -Star Badass]]
== Chiss ==
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: It sure tells you a lot about the Vong when their ''Josef Mengele counterpart'' is perhaps the most sympathetic of their recurring characters…
* [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[For Science!]]: Her motivation in a nutshell, coupled with [[My Country, Right or Wrong|My Species Right Or Wrong]].
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Though she's not as mad as some shapers- just smarter.
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]: She averts the usual Vong fanaticism by being a skeptic and agnostic- she's open to the possibility of the gods and won't go so far as to deny them outright, but isn't exactly a devout worshipper either.
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