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Yu-Gi-Oh!/Characters/Minor Antagonists: Difference between revisions

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* [[Determinator]]: Along with Ryuzaki, in the anime. Never gave up no matter how many times he got his ass kicked. [[Crazy Awesome|Biked off of a cliff to catch the rope ladder from Raphael's helicopter.]] [[Determinator|Just because he wanted a better chance at defeating the Pharaoh.]] Then, in the next tournament, [[Holy Shit Quotient|they both beat up a duelist, tied him up, stole his clothes,]] [[Totem Pole Trench|and stood on top of each other]] [[Holy Shit Quotient|just for another chance at fame.]] Yeah. They both qualify.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: Resorts to cheating every time, and always [[Villainous Breakdown|loses it when he loses]].
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Freaky Is Cool]]: ''Adores'' insects, spiders, and all things creepy-crawly.
* [[Giggling Villain]]: [[Annoying Laugh|"Hyoi hyoi hyoi hyoi hyoi hyoi!"]]
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** [[Dark Chick]]: Otaki/Crump, the most sympathetic and absurd, being a penguin fanatic and all.
* [[Fluffy the Terrible]]: Lector's Injection Fairy Lilly. She's a small cute fairy with only 400/1500. However, by paying 2000 Life Points he can raise her attack to 3400 until the end of his turn, making her very hard to get rid of.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Johnson's real body, Lecter's Deck Master body.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: Subverted. Nesbitt thinks he's become one after fusing to create Perfect Machine King but he's probably the weakest duelist of the group.
* [[Good With Numbers]]: Otaki/Crump.
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* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: They think they're this to Pegasus; in reality he's just using them.
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: Crump. He uses a deck filled with penguins, which he's been obsessed with since childhood, and comes off as so pathetic in his duel with Tea that you almost feel sorry for him. Then in the duel between the Big Five and Yugi & Joey (in which most of the cards on the field belong to other Big Five members) he and his Deck Master, Nightmare Penguin, really come into their own, boosting the power of the WATER monsters Ganzley had played and establishing an enormous lead for the Big Five.
* [[Odd Name Out]]: Daimon in the Japanese, as the only one who's name doesn't begin with an "o". He arguably counts in the English as well, given that his name is a [[Shout -Out]] to Hannibal Lector, while the others are just made up names.
* [[The Omniscient Council of Vagueness]]: In their initial appearances.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Nesbitt fuses with Machine King to create Perfect Machine King. The entire Big Five do this in their final match, when they summon Five-Headed Dragon.
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* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent]]: Ganzley's deck.
* [[The Resenter]]: They all resent Kaiba for his control of the company, but Daimon/Lector is the most classic example, feeling control of the company should have come to him due to his status as Gozaburo's right-hand man.
* [[Shout -Out]]: In the English dub, "Lector" is named for Hannibal Lector, and in [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081213044448/yugioh/images/c/c1/JinzoYAP1-EN-UR-LE.png the Jinzo body] looks the part a bit.
* [[Sinister Silhouettes]]: In their initial appearances.
* [[Smug Snake]]: All of them. They range from very low-functioning (Crump and Nesbitt) to the far more high-functioning Ganzley and Lector. Johnson may be the most classic of them, with his condescending attitude, arrogance, and smarmy personality.
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* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: For the entire Doma organization, unveiling their dangerous-looking Duel Disk knock-off, the Seal of Orichalcos, and he can control the God Cards.
* [[Flat Character]]: Who is this guy? Why does he work for Dartz? What type of person is he? Questions we never get answers to.
* [[High -Class Glass]]
* [[Your Soul Is Mine]]: It's practically his first line.
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* [[Accent Adaptation]]: Has an Australian accent in the dub.
* [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]]: At one point, he even declares that he doesn't care if his opponent has an obvious trap card set, he would still attack.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: He doesn't look very stable when he defeats Rebecca and Duke.
** [[Slasher Smile]]: Not at all.
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* [[Not So Different]]/[[Worthy Opponent]]: He and Joey gain a lot of respect for each other over the course of their duel.
* [[Powered Armor]]: His deck motif.
* [[Shout -Out]]: His back story is a reference to ''[[Cyborg 009]]''.
** ''[[Saint Seiya]]'' anyone?
* [[Smug Super]]: What the dub makes him out to be.
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