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Memories of Days Long Past: Difference between revisions

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* [[Awful Truth]]: Several have been revealed, such as the nature of The Collection and The Quota, and several more have been [[Fore Shadowed]], like {{spoiler|the real reason everypony is expected to pray to the Goddess}}.
* [[Big Bad Wolves]]
* [[But Thou Must!]]: Or rather, But Thou ''Can't'', as {{spoiler|Applejack discovers when she keeps trying to help her siblings only to keep desyncing and get kicked back to the start of the sequence}}.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Fang.
* [[Crapsack World]]: The past is not a happy place. There's The Collection and The Quota to worry about, for starters.
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* [[Moe]]: The Princess Luna of the past is turning out this way, as is Fluttershy's ancestor Lily.
* [[Mood Dissonance]]: In Session 8.5, Twilight acknowledges and discusses this with Rainbow Dash, wondering how they could be joking about fillyfooling so soon after {{spoiler|Sundae's abduction and Fritter's death}}.
* [[Near -Death Experience]]: This is required for {{spoiler|obtaining a Destiny Mark}}.
* [[No Infantile Amnesia]]: The first thing Twilight witnesses in the past is the first moments of Midnight Star's life, including her mother's [[Death By Childbirth]].
* [[OC Stand In]]: King Thermis and Queen Ambrosia serve as Celestia and Luna's parents.
* [[OrphansOrphan's Ordeal]]: Pastel Lollypop, Skyline & Lily Blossom and {{spoiler|Vega, Midnight's mother}}.
* [[Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions]]: The ponies' faith in their Goddess and the Day of Ascension is roundly mocked by Fang and his pack.
* {{spoiler|[[Reincarnation]]}}: Part of why [[Generation Xerox]] is in effect.
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* [[Senseless Sacrifice]]: As touching as {{spoiler|Revy's brave sacrifice}} was, it didn't actually ''fix'' anything.
* [[Shoot the Dog]]: To protect Skyline, Revy {{spoiler|abducts Midnight so they can't attempt their trading plan}}.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Pinkie provides most of these; in the prologue, upon hearing the setup, she directly references ''[[Inception]]'', then asks if [[Assassin's Creed|their ancestors were assassins]].
** Skyline's griffon friend is named [[Black Lagoon|Revy]].
** [[Progress (Fanfic)|Luna has an Abacus named Abacus.]]
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* [[Stepford Suburbia]]
* [[Tragic Keepsake]]: In Session 12, {{spoiler|Skyline takes Revy's red scarf with her}}.
* [[Unsound Effect]]: [[Tear Jerker|DESYNCHRO]][[Wham! Episode|NIZATION]]
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Fang suffers a brief one after {{spoiler|Midnight's near death and the chaos immediately following}}.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: As Session 12 reveals, {{spoiler|King Thermis let Cinnamon and Skyline attempt their plan in hopes that Midnight would unlock her Destiny Mark, and was going to throw them in jail afterwards}}.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Session 4.
* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' meets ''[[Assassin's Creed]]''. [[Lampshaded]] by Pinkie Pie making a [[Shout -Out]] to the latter, as well as mentioning ''[[Inception]]''.
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: As in ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'', the present-day ponies can observe the past and minorly influence their ancestors, but can't force them too far out of character without desyncing.
* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]
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