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* [[Shur Fine Guns]]: "Accidntel Deth" (''sic'': Indietronica artist [[Dntel]] produced the song) includes at least one instance where the [[Title Drop|accidental death]] was of a deer the father of the narrator (who probably isn't Jenny Lewis) had killed when his shotgun went off without him meaning it to (probably because he hit it too hard or something) while hunting with ''his'' dad when he was eight. Her dad swears off guns after that.
* [[Sophomore Slump]]: Averted. Their second album, ''The Execution of All Things'', was a sort of refinement of their previous work under the guiding hand of [[Conor Oberst]]'s Saddle Creek Records.
* [[Take That]]: To [[George W. Bush]], in "It's a Hit" (from ''More Adventurous''). She calls him a monkey. Hey, it was 2004, and that incident with the banner was still fresh in everybody's minds, OK?
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: In "15", the guy who slept with the aforementioned 15-year-old mistook her as "a tiny woman".
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