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''Eden Eternal'' is a [[Free to Play]] [[MMORPG]] by Taiwanese developer X-Legend. It makes its mark by borrowing and uniting successful features from a variety of popular older Eastern and Western titles and wrapping them in a [[Animesque]] art style, with the addition of a unique mechanic that allows a single character to switch between and level all 15 of the game's classes at any time. [[Aeria Games]] provides the Western/Global service and has done a relatively excellent job, with enough pop culture [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] to make a drinking game.
The game takes place in a [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]] where infighting between various species of [[Petting Zoo People]] has been interrupted by the re-emergence of an ancient evil. The [[Player Character|Player Characters]] are humans born from blue crystals, who have great powers that allow them to stand a chance against the enemy. However, the recent addition of the Zumi mouse-race has revealed that it is not merely humans but ''heroes of all races'' that are born into the land through the crystals. With most of the NPC races yet to be made playable, who knows how the rest of the legend will unfold?
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* [[An Adventurer Is You]]: The system is rather generous, with 5 different archetypes of 3 classes each. Every archetype has a set of skills shared by all of its classes and each class has its own unique skills to differentiate from the rest of the archetype.
** '''Defense''' specializes in gaining and holding aggro. ''Warriors'' focus on keeping the attention of one enemy (such as a boss) while ''Knights'' have better area taunting ability (oddly enough they also have the best movement buff of all classes). The third ''Templar'' class is focused on the block stat and healing, with an instant self-heal that can outheal most Clerics.
** '''Melee DMG''' specializes in doing damage up close. ''Thieves'' have stealth and attacks which are enhanced when used from stealth, ''Martial Artists'' specialize in hitting like freight trains and ''Blade Dancers'' have multiple melee [[Herd -Hitting Attack|Herd Hitting Attacks]], some of which are enhanced by Bard skills.
** '''Ranged DMG''' specializes in hitting hard from afar. ''Hunters'' can summon a powerful tiger companion to help them burn down their target. ''Engineers'' can switch between a high DPS single target human form and an [[Iron Man]] [[Expy]] with good AOE and damage mitigation abilities. The ''Ranger'' is a varied ranged class, with an eagle summon, two triple-hit skills and a fear debuff.
** '''Magic DMG''' focuses on elemental attacks. ''Magicians'' are the AOE specialists, ''Illusionists'' do better single target damage and have a [[Robot Buddy]] to keep enemies at bay, and ''Warlocks'' are [[Gradual Grinder|Gradual Grinders]] who can summon a floating ball of eyes to aid them.
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* [[Rule of Cute]]: The basic mount in the game is a fluffy alpaca, which many players are attached to despite more advanced mounts having a larger speed bonus.
* [[Smash Mook]]: Most dungeons will have a few of these patrolling the corridors. They hit MUCH harder and take MUCH more damage than the regular trash packs, to the point where pulling one by accident can kill the main tank in seconds.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Where to start? Notable exmples:
** [[Kino's Journey (Light Novel)|Journeyman Kino.]] {{spoiler|The achievement for killing this rare monster reads: "This world is not beautiful, therefore it is."}}
** [[The Last Crusade (Film)|"It belongs in a museum!"]]
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* [[Scenery Porn]]: Many of the maps are packed with clever little design details that are off the beaten road (there are actual roads which are quite accurately outlined on each zone map) and the relatively long draw distance means that you'll often spot something interesting from far away. There are also plenty of elevation changes in even the most barren of landscapes.
** Players are only allowed to access a blob-shaped portion of each map but the maps themselves are square with the unreachable areas having fully featured topography.
* [[Schizo -Tech]]: Most of the areas are at a standard [[High Fantasy]] [[Medieval Stasis]] level. Then night falls in [[The Kingdom|Aven]] and you see ''electric spotlights''...
* [[Solo Class]]: Hunters can solo very efficiently due to having most of their DPS come from a powerful tiger companion that can be healed (they are sub-par against bosses that quickly kill or dispel their tiger). The class is exceptionally popular with botters for this reason.
* [[Spoony Bard]]: The not-so-spoony variety. The class has strong raid healing ability (although it has trouble dealing with large damage spikes) and can kite via a powerful stacking AOE debuff and a hefty movespeed buff.
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