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Roommates (2007 webcomic)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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** Like Erik not flinching at all when the Zombies knocked on the window... ok, in his case [[The Insomniac|sleep deprivation]] was also a factor.
** Also common fan theory is that the "[[Bigger On the Inside]]" joke about the TARDIS wasn't used because for James this just meant "it's like Jareth's wardrobe".
* [[The Four Loves]]: The primary motivation of most characters (not Jadis' but she is the exception not the rule). Best seen in the case of Jareth because he sucks in showing it but still tries [[Stop Helping Me!|exceptionally hard]].
* [[Meta Guy]]: Everybody seems to be around this level of [[Medium Awareness]]. (Except stated otherwise)
* [[Vague Age]]: Age is a bit of a vague concept in this 'verse. As a general rule characters are the same age as they where in the canonical story but then [[Actor Allusion]] (like Erik's [[Merlin Sickness]]), the [[Theory of Narrative Causality]] (Sarah and Toby are 5 or so years older because plot says so) and the like hits. Not to mention the [[Mind Screw]] that the [[Medium Awareness]] of the series brings. So question: If your story "came out" in 1986 (you didn't exist before that), you were [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]] in it and were played by a 39 years old actor then how old are you in 2012? [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]? 39? 26? 65? All of these?
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: Almost anybody to almost everybody.
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Perks]]: All powerful characters, most of the time. This is an out of canon world and most characters are determined to enjoy it. The fact helps that the place has the ''[[Girls Next Door]]'' named [[Failure Is the Only Option|Fail-Field]].
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* [[Expressive Ears]]: It's not clear yet if this is a family trait or not.
* [[The Fair Folk]]: Thanks to the [[Tangled Family Tree|magic family tree]] he is even related to all of them (and the whole [[Witch Species]]).
* [[A Friend in Need]] / [[Stop Helping Me!|Jareth. Please. Please! PLEASE!!! Stop Helping Us!]]: He is. He genuinely cares for his friends (random mortals probably not so much), would risk all... but given how ''bad'' he is in doing good he is the personification of the [[With Friends Like These...]] principle.
* [[Hero With an F In Good]] / [[Villain Ball Magnet]]: He is almost perfectly in the middle of these tropes. He has great intentions but is either misguided or misunderstood. {{spoiler|Because of the [[Theory of Narrative Causality]] his wish to be [[Heroes|the good guy]] is maybe a [[Tragic Dream]].}}
* [[Hidden Badass]]: On several levels. He is an incredibly powerful [[The Fair Folk|greater fae]] who can kick ass or warp [[Time Master|time]] and [[Space Master|space]], manipulate [[Laser-Guided Amnesia|mem]][[Character Rerailment|ories]] and [[Dream Weaver|dreams]] and more. Has a [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]. But normally is [[Friend to All Children]]. And also:
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** [[Beware the Silly Ones]]: Let's see he seems like a [[Keet]], [[Dumb Blonde|blond]], [[The Trickster|prankster]] with [[Fearless Fool|questionable level of self-preservation instinct]] who [[It Amused Me|only wants to have fun]].
** [[Took a Level In Badass]]: {{spoiler|He accepted his darker nature after the ''Dark!Jareth arc'', which resulted in much stronger magic. It also manifests in a lot of different side effects like a [[Battle Aura]] ([http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-196-Power-Play-265228145 here]), more frequent [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]], his [[Crystal Ball]] changing form, flashier [[Instant Runes]] sometimes even a partial or full [[Transformation Sequence]] ([http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-187-Reflexes-259633618 here])}}
* [[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]: [[Downplayed Trope|As much as]] Highly Powerful [[Last of Her Kind]] [[Witch Species]] mom and Close To [[Supernatural Elite|Pure Blooded]] [[Fair Folk]] dad counts.
* [[Idea Bulb]]: [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-13-Flush-66111403 Idea crystal]!
* [[Impossibly Tacky Clothes]] / [[Villainous Fashion Sense]]: There is a reason WHY the others don't approve his [[Changing Clothes Is a Free Action|instant]] [[Instant Cosplay Surprise|clothing]] spell.
* [[The Jail BaitJailbait Wait]]: Ended, but he did probably the [[Mind Screw|weirdest]] one in fiction. {{spoiler|His own [[Precocious Crush]] and [[Geas|given word]] bound him to wait for [[Single -Target Sexuality|Sarah]] to be born and grow up to be in legal age for his [[Mayfly-December Romance]] attepts. And he even played the [[Trickster Mentor]] (like in their movie) to ensure that the right future happens an the whole thing doesn't end in [[Temporal Paradox]]. See [[Precocious Crush]] in Kid!Jareth's tropes.}}
* [[Kaleidoscope Eyes]]: Normally he has [[Mismatched Eyes]] but technically not real heterochromia as both of his eyes are [[Blue Eyes]] just his different sized pupils create a similar effect. ''But'' in times of high magic (so when his [[The Fair Folk|fae]] heritage is close to the surface) his eyes can turn [[Monochromatic Eyes]] or [[Midnight Blue Eyes]] where they shouldn't be. He can also get [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]. All of these are [[Uh-Oh Eyes]] but when it gets [[Monochromatic Eyes]] ''and'' [[Midnight Blue Eyes]]. {{spoiler|Ummm... Hello Mr. [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Dark!Jareth]]!}}
* [[Keet]]: Most of the time. With some subtle shades of [[Sad Clown]] mostly after applied [[Fridge Logic]].
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* [[Slouch of Villainy]]: Because here [[Power Floats]] now sometimes [[Up to Eleven|even on thin air]]!
* [[Stalker With a Crush]]: It's his canon, but here, most of the time, he's less guilty than suspected.
* [[Strong Family Resemblance]]: He and {{spoiler|[[The Erl King (Literature)|his father]]}}. They look alike, dress alike ([[Painted-On Pants]] / [[Villainous Fashion Sense]]), have similar modus operandi and even share a [[Catch Phrase]] or two... but for some reason, no [[Hereditary Hairstyle]] in sight {{spoiler|(Jareth has [[Eighties Hair]] while his dad is a [[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]). So for his mothers great dismay the guy did [[Turn Out Like His Father]] a whole lot.}}
* [[Thicker Than Water]]: Averted HARD. He feels no love, compassion or obligation for his family in general and parents in particular (they can still blackmail him into things though). For his [[True Companions|friends]] on the other hand...
* [[Token Non-Human]]: Of the main cast. Can be argued that he is the [[Monster Roommate]] of Erik.
* [[Upper Class Wit]]: He fits this almost perfectly, even if his friends and Sarah tend to think of him as [[Upperclass Twit]]. Only he is part of the [[Supernatural Elite]], and has a [[Single -Target Sexuality]] (this doesn't mean that he doesn't appear [[Ambiguously Gay]] or as a [[Chivalrous Pervert]] though).
''Tropes about his magic:''
* [[Animorphism]]: As in [[Canon]] he [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|can shapeshift]] into a [[Owl Be Damned|barn owl]] ([http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-136-Lurk-187161819?q=sort%3Atime%20gallery%3Aasherhyder&qo=8 like this]) but here this can also happen to him [[Involuntary Shapeshifter|involuntarily]] for example if he [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-21-Bad-Signs-70656269 uses up too much magic]. Also results in a lot of [[Feather Motif|Feather Motifs]].
* [[Changing Clothes Is a Free Action]]: His [[Signature Move]]. It's still unclear if this is an [[Flight, Strength, Heart|addition to]] or a [[Mundane Utility|creative application of]] his [[New Powers As the Plot Demands|highly versatile]] magic. He is also prone to bestow [[Instant Cosplay Surprise]] on the others.
* [[Crystal Ball]] / [[Power Crystal]]: For [[Sinister Surveillance]], using magic, or just playing. These things (or at least most of them) are, as the physical manifestation of Jareth's spells until activation or [[Hour of Power|expiration]], [[Made of Magic]].
* [[Geas]]: Outside of the vows taken in his magically binding voice, he also has some other magical bindings like what he can or can't tell people about his magic. {{spoiler|Example: He can't tell you the ''[[Words Can Break My Bones|Right Words]]'' even if he wanted to.}}
* [[Instant Runes]]: [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-198-Time-Out-265375997 See the pretty circle?] His time magic tends to get these (kinda resemble stylized clocks).
* [[Magical Gesture]]: His primary way of spell-casting, he even uses [[Badass Finger -Snap|Badass Finger Snaps]] sometimes. Seems like the range of movement he requires is inversely proportional with the needed fine control and directly proportional to the power level of the spell so sometimes (like in battles) this turns into full blown [[Full -Contact Magic]].
* [[PG Explosives]]: His original [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-20-Infestation-70131387 attack spell].
* [[Power Floats]]: Gravity is a suggestion, not a law, for him. In his own admission in his [[Magical Land]] he would be [[Gravity Master]] or even outright [[Reality Warper]].
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* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Mostly to Jareth. The guy has a gift to piss him off.
* [[Idea Bulb]]: He has an [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Wrong-Movie-48267877 idea] [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-102-Boy-Player-156480419 candle].
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Punjab lasso which also functions as [[Variable -Length Chain]].
* [[The Insomniac]]: Related to being [[The Workaholic]], so he is mostly type B or C.
* [[Kindhearted Cat Lover]]: The kindhearted part is [[Your Mileage May Vary|debatable]] but he is a cat lover.
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* [[Former Teen Rebel]]
* [[Inspector Javert]]
* {{spoiler|[[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]: [[Inverted Trope|Inverted]]. He has [[Witch Species]] mom and a probably purely human father (not established here but the [[Spin-Off]] about [[Word of Dante|him and Valjean]] named [[The Hunchback of Notre Dame|Clopin Trouillefou]]).}}
* [[One Head Taller]]: Javert and {{spoiler|Valjean}}. It directly contradicts their established statures in the [[Les Misérables|book]] to highlight the dynamic of their UST [[Tropes Are Not Bad|Nobody's necessarily complaining, however]]. This height difference comes from the [[Actor Allusion|Dream Cast version of the musical]]... and because of this he is taller than ''anybody''.
** I'm not sure about this contradicting the [[Les Misérables|Brick]] - Javert is always described as very tall, whereas average height for male Europeans at the time was around 5'3". So {{spoiler|Valjean}} may be burly and muscular, but he's unlikely to have been as tall as Javert (and I don't remember his height being specifically mentioned, either).
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* [[Friendly Enemy]]
* [[Fourth Wall Observer]]: Everyone has [[Meta Guy|some]] [[Genre Savvy|level]] of [[Medium Awareness]] here... But they know the author, his/her phone number and [[Word of God|according to Ashe]], Crowley [[The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You|steals his/her beer]].
* [[Schizo -Tech]]: For agents of [[Heaven and Hell]] they have an oddly high-tech equipment...
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: [[Improbable Weapon User|Tire-iron]] for Crowley / [[Flaming Sword]] for Azira.
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* [[Captain Obvious]]: Less than in [[Girls Next Door (Webcomic)|Girls Next Door]] but still has his moments.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]
* [[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]: [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roomates-25-Nightmare-73379557 See]?
* [[Orlando Bloom]]: [[Actor Allusion]] for his and James' great missfortune.
* [[Our Elves Are Better]]: He must be... he rooms with Sweeney.
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* [[Gentleman Thief]]: Dream thief that is. {{spoiler|He learned the hard way that this is trespassing around here and the local [[Dream Weaver]] won't go easy on you... maybe he even fixes your movie!}}
* [[Leonardo Di Caprio]]: Just to be on the safe side for [[Actor Allusion]] jokes.
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]]
<br /><br /><br />
'''[[Inception (Film)|Dominic Cobb's children (Philippa and James)]]'''
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* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]
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'''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Tenth Doctor]]''' (???)
[[File:Roommates-X_1524.jpg|frame|We don't know what he teaches.]]
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* [[Anime Hair]]: Maybe even [[Elemental Hair]] given that she looks ''kinda'' [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-Mist-and-Madness-217138534 mist themed], but it's not yet established.
* [[The Fair Folk]]
* [[Graceful Ladies Like Purple]] / [[True -Blue Femininity]]: She prefers the misty colors of her eyes and hair and is a graceful fae lady. Maybe even a case of [[Supernatural Is Purple]].
* [[Monochromatic Eyes|Monochromatic]] [[Purple Eyes]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: It's purplish blue, actually.
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{{quote box|Because this mini arc is just 2(+1) pages long and is unlikely for any of the copies to appear again no picture for them. But here are the originals a [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-Pre-Halloween-68641359 Pre-Halloween joke], [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-29-Copies-75702909 Page 1], [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-30-Copy-Machine-76375505 Page 2].}}
* '''[[Dracula 2000|Dracula]]'''
* '''[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_%28film%29:Timeline chr(28)filmchr(29)|Andre Marek]]'''
* '''[[300 (Film)|Leonidas]]'''
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* {{spoiler|[[Divorce Assets Conflict]]: His parents are in the middle of it and yes they both count him as asset. Ends with [[Solomon Divorce]] more or less, Jareth ends up with his mother, ''daddy dearest'' takes his sister (but it's implied that she wasn't from this marriage anyway).}}
* {{spoiler|[[Lonely Rich Kid]]: Lonely [[Supernatural Elite|Magical Royal]] Kid. With parents like his who wouldn't be?}}
* {{spoiler|[[Precocious Crush]]: And he even [[The Promise|gave his word]] and those tend to be [[Geas|magically binging]]. Technically he promised to [[Screw Destiny|'''not''' be]] [[I Am Not My Father|like his parents]], [[Time Travel Romance|always]] [[Mayfly-December Romance|love the girl]] and to [[Be Careful What You Wish For|make all her wishes come true]]. The girl was Sarah. An older one. In the future. Their whole movie happened because of this [[Forgotten First Meeting]] that wasn't really forgotten just didn't happen yet... [[Mind Screw]] anyone? Also 2 out of 3 isn't so bad. See also: [[The Jail BaitJailbait Wait]] in his regular tropes.}}
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'''Dark!Jareth''' {{spoiler|(Appeared in the ''Dark!Jareth arc'' and also in ''Such Stuff As Dreams are Made On''. He is basically Jareth's [[Super-Powered Evil Side]] and read ''Evil'' as ''[[The Fair Folk|Fair]]''.)}}
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* [[Adorkable]]: Ditzy, wide-eyed, confused and insanely cute.
* {{spoiler|[[Bad Dreams]]: The [[Dreaming the Truth]] / [[Talking in Your Dreams]] variety.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Brought Down to Normal]]: Not a permanent [[De -Power]] but his only strange ability (according to Shadow!Javert) in this form is to always know where Sarah is.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Cell Phone]]: He has one and has his [[Erl King (Literature)|dad]] [[Post -Modern Magik|on speed-dial]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fake Memories]]: Seem to have them and he is locked in a full-blown [[Lotus Eater Machine]]. Daddy thinks of everything.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Badass Long Robe]]: The [[Kimono]] variety.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mythical Motifs]]: He got [[Dragons Up the Yin -Yang|Eastern Dragon]]! How Mr. King got this Shadow Beast is a mystery.}}
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