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* '''Cosmic Disorientation''': One's [[wikipedia:Pre-established harmony|pre-established harmony]] has been disrupted. Leads to an existential breakdown when body and soul feel like they're a wrong match, or like someone is trapped in the wrong body - somehow. A side effect of the [[Unwilling Roboticisation]] that occurs in Artificial Reincarnation. Similar to [[Grand Theft Me]].
* '''Crimson Owl Immunity''': A lampshaded, in-universe version of [[Contractual Immortality]] governed by the [[Applied Phlebotinum]] of that universe. Usually limited to only one character, and usually involves a [[Curse Escape Clause]] (such as [[Death By Sex|losing one's virginity]].)
* [http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crooked+rainbow Crooked Rainbow]: A [[Character Exaggeration|concentrated]] version of the [[Gayngster|Gay Mafia]]. What happens [[X Meets Y|when you combine]] [[Depraved Homosexual]] with [[Corrupt Church]] / [[Church Militant]] -like loyalty to [[The War On Straw|nearly every left-wing cause in existence]], multiply by [[Super -Persistent Predator]], add in some [[Bomb -Throwing Anarchists]] and [[Dirty Communists]], then [[Opening a Can of Clones|clone the result]] a million times.
** Will almost always be balanced by a [[Fox News Liberal|more civil homosexual character]] who will take pity on the Crooked mob's targets of violence and try to protect them. Expect lots of [[Refuge in Audacity]] and [[Crosses the Line Twice]] with this one. Will sometimes try to justify its portrayal with [[Ripped from the Headlines]] and [[But It Really Happened!]].
** [[Eats Babies]] and [[Extreme Omnisexual]] are optional. Being [[Ax Crazy]] / [[But You Screw One Goat!|depraved]] / suicidal enough [[Bullying a Dragon|to attempt raping angels]] is all but mandatory.
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* '''Librions''': The creatures that result from Artificial Reincarnation.
* '''Mosquatlons''': A specific type of vampire that uses proboscises instead of fangs. A sub-trope of [[Our Vampires Are Different]].
* '''Muellexic Gravity''': [[Applied Phlebotinum]] alters the way gravity works so that it behaves ''how the plot needs it to.'' Typically used as a way to compress worlds into smaller spaces without them colliding, thus [[Sci -Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale|getting around the scaling issues]] that space usually causes; and make an [[Interplanetary Voyage]] seem more feasible. Also allows writers to get away with not needing [[Faster -Than -Light Travel]].
* '''Phantomars''' and '''Phantomitic fields''': When writers attempt to [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshade]] and [[Hand Wave]] away [[Invisible Anatomy]].
* [[Resigned to The Call]]: The series ''wants'' credit for this, but it might have to settle for being the [[Trope Codifier]]. The actual trope is considerably older, however. ''[[The Bible (Literature)|The Bible]]'' contains examples which may qualify as an [[Ur Example]]. (E.g., Mary agreeing to carry Jesus, Jonah's attitude change about Ninevah, etc.)
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=== This series contains examples of: ===
* [[Anachronism Stew]] / [[Schizo -Tech]] / [[Decade Dissonance]]: All the planets have differing rates of technological advancement and evolution.
** Mantith looks like [[The Seventies]]. The Mosquatlons look like [[World War II|the 40s]]. Their Aviatet [[Fur Against Fang|rivals]] look like [[The Roaring Twenties]].
** Drizad goes back and forth between communes that look like [[The Dung Ages]] and palaces that look like [[Arabian Nights Days]] and spaceports that have [[The New Tens]] all over them. The cities are underground, beneath the commune farms. And they resemble [[Mordor]].
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* [[City Noir]]: Nabijab City plays this one completely straight. Thanks to Astrabolo, most of the rest of Neothode is [[Crapsack World|not that different]].
* [[Cloudcuckooland]]: All the worlds view each other this way to an extent. Ironically, the fanatical politics and religious wars between a tiny minority of non-compromised church intellectuals and an entire world of paranoid anti-theists that makes up the human world of Mantith ends up fitting this ''better'' than worlds that are run by Pens and Markers trying to battle sex-crazed terrorist-pirates. Almost all parts of Inktacto have a few too many [[Red Shirt]] characters to truly qualify any of them as a [[World of Badass]].
* [[Composite Character]]: Zigzagged, especially with the [[Shout -Out Theme Naming]] and [[Parody Names|parody characters]]. Examples are under Trivia.
* [[Demon Lords and Archdevils]]: The Dark Wanderer, analogous to Beelzebub as depicted in ''[[The Pilgrims Progress (Literature)|The Pilgrims Progress]]''. He is the Giver of Sorcery and Lord over Contracted Wizards. Thankfully, he is only seldom a threat to the Inktacto system. Part of this is because, like his master the [[Satan|Vile Chameleon]], he is bound to [[Hell|Depositalium]] such that he can only normally operate [[A Wizard Did It|by proxy]]. And his proxies have to get past the universe's [[Anti-Magic|firewall]], which is maintained by Levio the Nullfier. Mezelwradd and Lorkush [[Subverted Trope|are just]] the Chameleon's disguises, used to create Consto's religion and the Yehtzig cult, respectively.
* [[Diplomatic Impunity]]: Callously averted on Mantith, as the Antian president shows little to no interest in actually keeping his promises to keep the Voyagers safe. Sure, the government funds them and helps them find jobs, but they're on their own for protection. They are regularly harassed, threatened, and abducted. By governments and [[Civilian Villain]] types alike. The Antian government primarily abuses them as publicity stunts as well, even considering revoking the little immunity they have, just to appease gay special privileges groups who are out for their [[Bizarre Alien Biology|ink]].
* [[Don't Make Me Destroy You]]: The ''angels'', of all things, have to give this warning. Their targets seem to have a [[Too Dumb to Live|chronic defiance disorder]].
* [[Double Standard Rape (Divine On Mortal)]]: Averted with Maria DiNazalenth in "Essentials of Nativity." [[The Bible]] has its explanation of how this trope is averted expanded on in a way that [[It Makes Sense in Context|makes it fit the story's universe]].
** Instead of Mary/Maria simply waking up one day pregnant, [[Negative Space Wedgie|the Muellex]] stops time save for one isolated locale, and a Chasm Tube opens up where the Trimalus strikes her like a bolt of lightning. [[Lightning Can Do Anything|A "divinospermato" instantly forms]], and with the aid of no other sperm cells, is able to fertilize an egg the same way sperm fertilizes an egg during artificial insemination.
** Actually makes her explanation for what happened ''[[Up to Eleven|even more]]'' of a [[Cassandra Truth]] to her parents, [[Go Mad From the Revelation|until]] [[Broken Masquerade|an alien crashes into the neighborhood and starts teleporting everywhere]].
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** Played a little more straight in the ''Final Hope'' timeline: Philidrio and Verdegal used to date each other. Molly is the grandaughter of Liquimo, Liquidon's twin brother. Verdegal is the granddaughter of Monigo Lanchez, who helped two of the original Voyagers escape from prison.
* [[Furry Confusion]]: They're living pens and markers; but they keep journals with non-living "dolls." Then again, [[Nightmare Fuel|the alternative]] would have them writing with their own heads [[Squick|using their own blood]].
* [[The Good, theThe Bad, And The Evil]]: Voyagers (good), Skidders (good, but anti-heroic), the Xylien Society at large (sketchy), and Imperial Markerterion (bad), against the Paltaki Organization (bad), the Crooked Rainbow (evil), la-Qualda (evil), the YPL (evil), the Drismabons (evil), and Varikton's army (evil).
* [[Genocide Backfire]]: Because of this series, it could just as easily be called the [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|Dandelion Of Doom]]. Literally any time the Dandelion Effect is invoked, it is a reference to this. Not limited to just attacks [[Nice Job Breaking It, Herod|on babies]]. Is even [[Space Whale Aesop|compared]] to the [[Butterfly of Doom]], [[Anvilicious|just to get the point across]] to any villains who might be [[Genre Savvy]] [[Evil Overlord List|enough to listen]].
* [[Going Cosmic]]: Zigzagged. The series is heavy-handed from the very get-go. Becomes ''slightly'' [[Inverted Trope|less philosophical]] and more action-oriented with time, though [[Subverted Trope|at the expense]] of getting [[Satire|more political]].
* [[Haunted Technology]]: [[Do Androids Dream?|Librions]] are quite literally robots with [[Our Souls Are Different|souls]] [[Ghost in The Machine|inside them]]. They interact with a cybernetic brain interface that, due to being artificial, disrupts their [[wikipedia:Pre-established harmony|cosmic orientation]]. Due to the way that interface works, they constantly blur the lines between a literal [[Our Ghosts Are Different|ghost]] and a [[Virtual Ghost]]. Their [[Who Wants to Live Forever?|quasi-immortality]] inside their robotic selves [[AI Is a Crapshoot|tends to be very prone]] to developing [[Heroic BSOD|mental]] [[Ax Crazy|illness]].
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: See the [[Stationery Voyagers/Characters|Character Sheet]] for examples.
* [[Humans Are Bastards|Humans Are]] [[Axe Crazy|Rabid, Psychotic, Murderous]] [[Strawman Political|Fanatics Who Exploit]] [[Exaggerated Trope|Every Situation Possible To Advance Their Preferred Ideology]]: And if you dare disagree, beware of the [[Super -Persistent Predator]]. See [[Cloudcuckooland]] above.
* [[Invisible Anatomy]] / [[Psychic Powers]] / [[Mind Over Matter]]: Phantomitics and Phantomars (invisible arms.) [[Conversational Troping|Discussed]].
* [[Kung Fu Jesus]]: Minshus is the only being who can authorize large-scale muellexic tampering with the space-time continuum, he helps blow up an entire planet, he had a bodyguard for a short while that was made of [[Supernatural Martial Arts]], and when he came to raise an army of resurrected souls to lift other resurrects out of their graves and collect everyone around the world for [[The End of the World As We Know It|Judgment Day]], the news reported it as him starting a [[Zombie Apocalypse]].
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* [[Serial Killer]]: [http://dozerfleetwiki2.wiki-site.com/index.php/Cybomec_%28Consto%29 Clandish Consto] toys around with the idea of making a career out of being a [[Serial Killer]]. Then, he decides to become a full-blown terrorist instead. (With plans to become [[A God Am I|a god]].)
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: Think the story [[Cerebus Syndrome|can't get any darker]]? By the ''Final Hope'' timeline, {{spoiler|Astrabolo}} [[Human Popsicle|has returned]]. The PTG (UN substitute) has now become the [[People's Republic of Tyranny]], with {{spoiler|Astrabolo}} as [[The Caligula]]. {{spoiler|The original Voyagers}} are dead. All the characters we loved are dead or sent into hibernation/muellexic freeze. If {{spoiler|Astrabolo}} gets [[Who Would Be Stupid Enough|desperate enough]], he may release [[Omnicidal Maniac|Melchar]] ([[Sealed Evil in A Duel|and Alhox]]) from the Muellex. {{spoiler|Port Metaball}} is a nuclear wasteland. Our new heroes are a black dude whose family was killed in a fire, a girl who [[Video Game Lives|has unlimited lives]] if she remains a technical virgin, a monk, a chaplain/mechanic, a [[Spoiled Sweet|rich girl]] with a [[Rape As Drama]] [[Break the Cutie|motif]], and the grandniece of our favorite [[Walking Wasteland]]. They must stop the old evil from assembling a [[Death Ray]] that can wipe out an entire city at a time, by finding the hidden blueprints first. Meanwhile, signs point to [[The End of the World As We Know It]].
* [[Shout -Out Theme Naming]]: The Xylien Society contains [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] to a LOT of pop-cultural depictions of [[The Men in Black|Men In Black]] types. While [[Men in Black (Film)|Men in Black]] (weird technology, wearing black, and liking to keep secrets from surface [[Muggles]]) and [[Blade Runner]] ("retiring" rogue Mechies) are pretty egregiously referenced, [[Heroes (TV)|Heroes]] tops the list. A lot of references to The Company [[Don't Explain the Joke|can be found throughout]]. The Trivia page has more examples.
* [[Sixth Ranger]]: Neone, a subversion in that she was always meant to be part of the original team, but got delayed by reason of being on another planet.
** [[Magnetic Hero|Then]] there was Liquidon, who didn't fight the team but instead needed their help to [[Clear My Name|get his name cleared]] as he was mistaken for a terrorist.
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* [[Steven Ulysses Perhero]]: Quite a few examples under the Trivia page.
* [[Straw Hypocrite]]: A judge in Braldon bans Oceanoe from visiting the country, based solely on the fact that he was a victimized by the Crooked Rainbow in their intolerance of the Voyagers' Minshan beliefs. Yet, the judge allows several of the exact same Crooked Rainbow members who victimized Oceanoe into Braldon for an all-expenses paid, taxpayer-funded (without taxpayer consent) trip, to spread propaganda for their lifestyle, in the name of "tolerance."
** [[GaiasGaia's Vengeance|And is]] [[When Trees Attack|eaten by a tree for it]]. After being slaughtered by it [[Impaled With Extreme Prejudice|rather brutally]]. Do NOT [[Tempting Fate|get Filforth mad]]! Observe [http://dozerfleet.wikia.com/wiki/File:ChoiceAfterAll.jpg here]. (Look closely. Those are ''[[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|charred skeletons]]''.)
* [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]]: Usually averted, at least for women. Just as long as you don't cross paths with [[Serial Killer|Clandish]] "[[Psycho Electro|Cybomec]]" [[A God Am I|Consto]]. Granted, [[Our Vampires Are Different|the Mosquatlon heroine]] Cindy {{spoiler|turning into a bomb}} to save Liquidon; and then {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice|blowing herself up]]}} to defeat Varikton's monster is probably about the worst example. {{spoiler|Susani Malone}}'s death might count as this as well. {{spoiler|Hidicky Delft}}'s death is a ''very straight'' (albeit, gender-flipped) version of this.
* [[Take That]]: LOTS of them, ranging from [[Satire|American political examples]] to the occasional [[Deconstructive Parody]] of various films/shows. See the Trivia page for examples.
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