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* [[Helmets Are Hardly Heroic]]: [[Played Straight]] at the beginning to give the audience a chance to get to know the pilots, then [[Averted]] after the switch from P-40 Warhawks to P-51 Mustangs.
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard]]: A racist officer in Washington, Colonel Mortamus, leaks a report critical of the Tuskegee Airmen's lack of success to the press, hoping to erode support for it. Instead, it is pointed out that doing so could be considered a ''major security leak'', and the Army is forced to save face by reassigning the unit to a sector where they can actually contribute to the war (the reason for their lack of success being that they were assigned to fly in sectors where the Germans hadn't been spotted).
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: Lightning, gets chewed out for it after starting a bar fight.
* [[Huddle Power]]: "[[Dare to Be Badass|Nothing's difficult! Everything's a challenge! Through adversity to the stars!]] [[Determinator|From the last plane to the last bullet to the last minute to the last man we fight! We fight!]]"
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: Easy, Lightning, Joker, Smoky, Ray Gun/Junior, Deke, Coffee
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* [[Mid-Season Upgrade]]: The Red Tails trade in their beat up Curtiss P-40 Warhawks for brand shiny new North American P-51D Mustangs.
** Pretty Boy and his squadron trade up from their Messerschmidt Me-109s for Me-262s, the first operational jet fighters in history.
* [[Mildly Military]]: [[Hot -Blooded]] Lightning, who can't avoid disobeying orders and getting into brawls. The only thing keeping Colonel Bullard from kicking him out is the fact that he has the most raw flying talent of anyone in the squadron.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: {{spoiler|Lightning's}} solemn funeral is interrupted by {{spoiler|Junior}} returning and making a [[Incoming Ham|very bombastic entrance]].
* [[More Dakka]]: The American fighters mount six .50 cal machine guns each. The German fighters carry 20 millimeter cannons amongst their loadout.
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* [[Shown Their Work]]: The filmmakers went through great pains to make the movie accurate, going as far as interviewing the surviving members of the squadron, and even getting access to their journals. That over-the-top bit with one pilot disabling an Italian destroyer? [[Reality Is Unrealistic|It happened.]]
* [[Sitting Duck]]: The German aircraft at the airfield that is treated to an impromptu air raid by Easy, Lightning, Joker, and Junior.
* [[Standard Hollywood Strafing Procedure]]: Used to attack a German train at the start of the film. [[Subverted Trope|Lightning protests that it would be smarter (and safer) to attack the train head-on instead]], due to the presence of [[Anti -Air]] gunners on the train.
* [[Stereotype Flip]]: In an [[Ironic Echo]] to a previous scene, some of the black pilots are walking past the Officers' Club, where Lightning had previously gotten into a brawl with a large group of racist white officers. A very redneck sounding pilot walks out and shouts at them, seemingly trying to taunt them. He's a grateful bomber pilot wanting to share a drink with the men who saved his crew.
** Later, a German guard is shown gleefully introducing a POW barracks full of grumpy white officers to their new room mate, very black, and very alone {{spoiler|Junior.}} As soon as the guard leaves, {{spoiler|Junior}} learns that the men there are grateful to have him, because he couldn't ''possibly'' be [[Stalag 17|a Nazi spy]]. {{spoiler|And they want him to have a part in their escape.}}
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