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Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Difference between revisions

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== Literature ==
* [[JRR Tolkien (Creator)|JRR Tolkien]]'s ''[[The Hobbit]]'' and ''[[Lord of the Rings]]'' is the origin of the trope. Interestingly, in an attempt to make them sound fundamentally different from other races, Tolkien's Dwarvish language is constructed along the lines of the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_languages:Semitic languages|Semitic languages]]; none of them ever speak with a Scottish or Welsh accent at all. When you combine the quasi-Semitic language with their lost homeland and usual status as a minority in lands ruled by other races, many writers have compared them to [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|analogues to the Jews]] (an allusion that also comes up in the [[Discworld]] series). Tolkien himself alluded to the idea in response to allegations that it was a negative depiction; he was particularly sympathetic [[World War Two|given the time he was alive]]. His dwarves are different from dwarfs of folklore and fairy tales primarily in that [[Proud Warrior Race|a lot of them are warriors]] in addition to being miners and craftsmen. They of course, pay tribute to their roots, being quite Nordic in culture (Rohirrim are primarily Saxon-land-Vikings, an Gondor has a Nordic vibe too), and having names stolen from the Poetic Edda. A thing that Tolkien long regretted as it forced him to come up with an explanation why a Real-world language such as Old Norse would exist in a Fantasy world.
** [[The Silmarillion|Tolkein's background notes]] reveal the reason Dwarves are so different from the other races: that they were made by Aule, one of the [[Powers That Be|Valar]] - not [[The Omnipotent|Eru Illuvatar]] himself, although after the fact Eru gave them the spark of free will that Aule couldn't provide. Since he knew that [[The Devil|Morgoth]] was loose in the world, Aule designed the Dwarves to be able to resist suffering and evil - a fact that came in handy millenia later, when Sauron offered them [[Don't Touch It, You Idiot!|seven golden Rings of Power.]]
* ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia]]'' features dwarfs, but depicts them as a race that is almost [[Always Chaotic Evil]]. While there are good dwarves (the [[Color Coded for Your Convenience|"red dwarfs"]]), who are grumpy but good-natured, the majority of them (the [[Colour-Coded for Your Convenience|"black" ones]]) are ruthless, greedy, traitorous bastards. The black dwarfs eventually [[Flat Earth Atheist|renounce Aslan's existence]], and are duly punished with being blind/insane and abandoned to grovel away at each other (they are, of course, Lewis's allegory for atheists).
** Interestingly, many black dwarves resemble mongol raiders in the movie adaptation.
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*** They have ale that is so filled with nutrients that they can literally survive on it alone.
**** They distill their ''helicopter fuel'' from it!
*** Mmmmm, [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Bock |beerfood]].
** Interestingly, while the individual Dwarf in [[Warhammer]] is fairly slow (it's the little legs), Dwarf infantry is effectively among the fastest in the game. This is because the game mechanics say that you can't march (read: move at double your normal speed) when there are enemies within 8". Dwarfs, by virtue of being [[Determinator|Determinators]], can ignore that rule, and effectively always march. Apart from when they charge. The result is that army of short bearded guys is going to tactically outmanoeuvre you by landing their gyrocopters 7" behind your lines and so suddenly everyone but your cavalry is being ourpaced.
** ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' once had the Squats, which, naturally, were Dwarfs [[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE]], but the designers couldn't quite decide on their overall theme. Some models were straight Dwarfs, while others were more like really short [[All Bikers Are Hells Angels|Biker Dudes]] <small>IN SPACE</small>, so they got removed from future editions -- i.e., they [[Dropped a Bridge On Him|Dropped A]] [[Bug War|Hive Fleet]] [[Dropped a Bridge On Him|On Them]]. However, the "space Dwarfs" ''concept'', if not the models, seem to be returning in the form of the Demiurg ([[Meaningful Name|Greek for "craftsman"]]), a mercenary alien race that has worked for both the Imperium and the Tau in the past.
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== Web Original ==
* ''[[Dorf Quest]]'''s Beardbeard, and every other dorf we've seen, has been this trope taken to psychotic extremes - every problem can be solved with a [[Drinking Contest]], violence, or a [[Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs|violent drinking contest]].
* In ''[[The Salvation War]]'', [[Evil Genius|Belial's]] [[Elaborate Underground Base]] of [[Dwarf Fortress|Palelabor]] is staffed by a horde of very squat, heavyset demons with long gray beards, who are, for all intents and purposes, dwarves.
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[[Category:Index of Fictional Creatures]]
[[Category:Our Dwarves Are All The Same]]
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