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I Thought It Meant/M-N: Difference between revisions

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*** The previous poster has been brutally murdered. Nothing to see here, folks...
* [[Made of Plasticine]] is not a description of claymation.
* [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive]] <s>is not</s> <s>kinda is</s> ''is'' about something constructed of awesome. ''Examples made by Tropers'' constructed of awesome.
* [[Maechen Period]] was not a period in Chinese history that has been popularized in historical dramas (though it can be as boring as that sounds).
* [[Mage in Manhattan]] is not about the premise of ''The Wizard on 4th Street''.
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** It is also not about [[Mega Man (Video Game)|Mega Man]], [[Mega Man X (Video Game)|Mega Man X]], [[Mega Man Legends (Video Game)|Mega Man Volnutt-Trigger]], [[Mega Man Battle Network (Video Game)|MegaMan.EXE]] or [[Mega Man Star Force (Video Game)|Mega Man Geo-Omega]] [[Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever|growing to a giant size]], though it has to do with them.
** Not is about becoming extremely manly.
*** Yes, [[Testosterone Poisoning|We]] [[Rated "M" for Manly|have]] [[Took a Level In Badass|tropes]] [[Memetic Badass|enough]] as it is.
* [[Meganekko]] is not about huge cats. That would be [[Mega Neko]], which is, in turn, not about pretty girls who just wouldn't be the same without their glasses. (And neither of those has anything to do with the character "Big Pussy" from ''[[The Sopranos]]''.)
* [[Memento MacGuffin]] is not when it turns out you already got the [[MacGuffin]], but [[Memento (Film)|forgot about it]].
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* [[Metroidvania]] is not a crossover between [[Castlevania]] and [[Metroid]], even though that ''should happen''.
* [[Metro Specific Underworld]] has little if anything to do with [[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|Shibuya's UG]]. It is also not where old Geos go to die. Nor is it a land of the dead [[Afterlife Express|only accessible by public transportation]]. Nor is it where [[Transformers|Metroplex]] will go when he dies. Nor does it have anything to do with ''[[Magic Knight Rayearth]]'' character [[Theme Naming|Geo Metro]]. Nor is it about a hell focused on fashion trends. ''[[Neverwhere]]'' is right out.
* [[Mexico Called They Want Texas Back]] is not a [[Sub -Trope]] of [[X Called. They Want Their Y Back.]].
* [[Mickey Mousing]] is not about creating a [[Funny Animal]] who is an Everyman Hero.
* [[Mighty Whitey]] has nothing to do with [[Captain Underpants]] or Orbit Gum.
* [[Miko]] is not a [[Nuns Are Mikos|nun]]. Nor is it a [[Order of the Stick|paladin]]. Nor does it [[Transformers Prime|hang out with Bulkhead.]]
* [[Mildly Military]] is not about [[DadsDad's Army (TV)|Sergeant Wilson]].
* [[Miles Gloriosus]] is not a Good/[[Evil Counterpart]] to the [[Inglourious Basterds]].
* A [[Military Mashup Machine]] will not, well, mash up the military.
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** Nor is it about a neighborhood in [[Fresh Pretty Cure|Labyrinth]].
* [[Mock Cousteau]] is not our suggestion that you make fun of Jacques Cousteau, as he was actually really cool.
* [[Mode Lock]] does not describe mode-toggle buttons such as caps lock, scroll lock, etc. It also has nothing to do with [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Mode-locking |lasers]].
* [[Modesty Shorts]] are not short stories or cartoon shorts featuring [[Modesty Blaise (Franchise)|Modesty Blaise]].
* [[Moe Couplet]] does not necessarily involve very cute poetry. Although there's no rule saying that it ''doesn't''.
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* [[Mohs Scale of Rock and Metal Hardness]] does not refer to mineral substances. That's the original scale.
* [[The Mole]] is not related to [[Mole Men]].
* A [[Moment Killer]] is not an object that stops another object from [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_%28physics%29:Moment chr(28)physicschr(29)|rotating]]. Nor is it someone determined to [[Time Stands Still|stop time]].
* [[Monopoly]] isn't about companies that are the exclusive producer of a particular commodity.
* The [[Mons]] can be shown on TV without censorship.
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** While we're on the subject, it has nothing to do with ''[[School House Rock]]'' or prequels to ''[[My Hero (TV)]]'', either.
* [[My Kung Fu Is Stronger Than Yours]] is not a declaration of a type of martial art being inherently and objectively superior in combat to another.
* [[My Little Panzer]] is not the [[Rated "M" for Manly]] version of [[My Little Pony]].
* [[My Name Is Inigo Montoya]] is not about changing your name to [[The Princess Bride (Film)|Inigo Montoya]].
* [[My Own Grampa]] is not about someone really proud of his or her grandfather, and it's not related to the [[Grandfather Clause]].
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* [[Narm]] is not something [[Pinky and The Brain|Pinky]] says. Nor is [[Nerf]] or [[Zork (Video Game)|Zork]].
* [[Near Villain Victory]] is not a spoiler for the end of ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]''. {{spoiler|Even if it's arguably correct.}}
** [[Near -Death Experience]] is not {{spoiler|The 40 seconds Near waited to see Light and Mikami fail in killing them.}}
** As for [[Near -Rape Experience]], we're not going to [[Squick|go on that subject]].
* A [[Neck Lift]] will not make you look 10 years younger.
* [[The Needless]] isn't a character or element the work could do without.
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* [[Ninja Tropes]] are not appreciably stealthier or deadlier than any other tropes.
* [[Nintendo Hard]] is not about getting a hard-on while playing Nintendo games.
* [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Nipah_virus:Nipah virus#Nipah_virusNipah virus|Nipah Virus]] will not cause you to become a cute child forced to [[Groundhog Day Loop|relive the same]] [[The Eighties|1980s summers]] [[Alternate Universe|over and over again]].
* [[Nippon Ichi]] is not about [[Fatal Fury|Mai Shiranui]] or her [[Gainaxing|most valuable pair]]. Or Japan being itchy.
** It's not "Me Bouncy!", by the way.
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** Nor does it refer to [[Game of Thrones|Osha refusing to submit to Theon Greyjoy]].
* [[No Party Given]] is not about a disappointing birthday.
* [[No Periods, Period]] most certainly has nothing to do with punctuation.
* [[No Recycling]] is not an aversion of [[Copy and Paste Environments]].
* [[No Sell]] is not about when a sales clerk has to open up a cash register just to make small change.
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