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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.LandmarkOfLore 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.LandmarkOfLore, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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== [[Film]] ==
* A certain important giant man was found in the Arctic ice in ''[[Transformers (Film)|Transformers]]''. In ''[[Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Film)|Transformers Revenge of the Fallen]]'', {{spoiler|an ancient alien doomsday device}} was located in the pyramids at Giza.
* In ''[[National Treasure (Film)|National Treasure]]'', the treasure hunters found a clue in the Arctic ice. After that, the cast were led up and down the east coast of the United States, stopping at Washington, Philadelphia and finally New York, where the great big treasure was finally found.
* ''[[Troll 2 (Film)|Troll 2]]'' features "The Stonehenge Stone", which apparently has the power to create goblins and to kill people. How exactly a massive rock was transported from Stonehenge to a small church in Midwest America without anyone noticing it missing is never explained.
* ''[[The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (Film)|The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor]]'' features Shangri-La with Yetis. Then the Great Wall becomes a bonus Landmark of Lore.
** In the first two movies, Hamunaptra is an in-universe example. Good news: the stories about it being the resting place for the wealth of Egypt are true! Bad news: so is that story about the cursed mummy!
** And at the beginning of the first one, you had '''[[Somewhere This Index Is Crying|Thebes with pyramids]]''', which seemed kinda mystical. [[Hollywood Atlas|Apparently]], [[Real Place Background|Giza and Thebes]] [[Mix -and -Match Critters|were united]] to create a nice [[Landmark of Lore]].
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
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** Alien technology acquired off-world is analyzed at [[Area 51]].
** The Stargate team is based out of Cheyenne Mountain, which is a close relative of Area 51.
* In ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', buried under Stonehenge is the Pandorica, the ultimate prison. The justification is that it is really old and really important so the ones who made it put some markers there so they could remember where they put it. {{spoiler|Oh, and the whole thing is a trap for the Doctor designed to appeal to his curiosity.}}
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Used in the RPG ''[[Scion]]'': great landmarks like Stonehenge or Statue of Liberty are called Touchstones, they allow someone to go from the landmark to a place in the Overworld, and then from there to any other point that resonates with that same place. For instance, on could to from Stonehenge in England to the Great Henge, and then go from the Great Henge to ''[http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Carhenge |Carhenge]]''. Why Carhenge? Because it's the funniest replica of Stonehenge, and it's mentioned explicitly in the book's description of Touchstones.
** Carhenge is funnier than Foamhenge?
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[[Category:Landmark Of Lore]]
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