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Sometimes the setup is there, but something kills it. Replacing a love scene's music with ''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5csNO3oMrQ Thunder and Blazes]'' circus clown music will rapidly turn something appealing into something bizarre, absolutely wrecking any gratification the viewer might get out of it.
The writer might not realize that [[Anatomically -Impossible Sex|their knowledge of the reproductive system is limited at best.]] Or the exotic elements could just be overwhelmed by good ol' fashioned [[Nightmare Fuel]]. It's important to remember, however, that there is no such thing as ''complete'' Fetish Retardant, because [[Rule 34|if it exists, somebody will find it arousing in spite of any efforts to make it unappealing.]]
Subtropes include [[No Yay]], [[IKEA Erotica]], and [[Mills and Boon Prose]].
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Contrast [[Rule of Sexy]] (although it can become this when it fails). When this is inverted, it's [[Think Unsexy Thoughts]]. Naturally, these are Subjective, so there's no need to keep contesting entries; just bring them over to [http://fetishfuel.wikia.com/ Fetish Fuel].
Oh, and [[No Real Life Examples, Please]]. This isn't really a good place for such things.
When this happens [[In Universe]], it's a kind of [[Moment Killer]].
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== Fan Fic ==
* This happens to a ''lot'' of fanfic ([[Sturgeon's Law]], remember) for various reasons. [[IKEA Erotica]], creepy/weird euphemisms, [[Anatomically -Impossible Sex]], spelling mistakes that add fuel to the [[Narm]] fire, or just the [[Fridge Horror]] that sets in when you realize you're reading porn about a children's cartoon.
* The infamous ''[[My Immortal (Fanfic)|My Immortal]]'' Harry Potter fanfic, when the genitals are referred to as "thingy" and "you-know-what".
** You-Know-What? Wouldn't that be Voldemort's penis? Fetish Retardant indeed...
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** [[But for Me It Was Tuesday|To her, it was just another Tuesday?]]
* Both [[Darren Aronofsky]] movies ''[[Black Swan (Film)|Black Swan]]'' and ''[[Requiem for A Dream]]'' have pretty explicit sexual scenes in them. But if you do get aroused while watching them, then you definitely need medical help as much as the main characters do.
* ''[[Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Film)|Transformers Revenge of the Fallen]]'' has it when a girl making out with Sam {{spoiler|turns out to be a Decepticon. [[Panty Shot]] that reveals a tail... pass. Rape attempt with extensible tongue? Unless you're into tentacles, augh!}}
** {{spoiler|In movie, Sam is also quite disgusted. His throat tastes like motor oil.}}
** How about the first ''[[Transformers]]'' and the ending, involving Sam and Mikaela making out on top of Bumblebee, who as we know is ''sentient.'' Just imagine [[Something Else Also Rises|his E-brake slowly rising...]]
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* ''[[IT]]'' gives us {{spoiler|an eleven year old gang bang, with all six of the main boys taking turns on the singular (very prepubescent) girl of the bunch to reforge their mental bond with one another}}. Many viewers are horribly trapped between a massive amount of [[Squick]] and being taken in at how awkwardly heartwarming the scene still manages to be, especially {{spoiler|[[Dogged Nice Guy|Ben]] finally getting to admit how much he loves her}}... aww, but eww, but aww...
* In the first ''[[Kitty Norville]]'' book, the image of a bunch of naked werewolves huddling together for warmth and closeness in a cave could be interpreted as [[Rule of Sexy]], or possibly a kind of [[Ugly Cute]]. But see the book's entry in [[Fridge Horror]] and then take another look. Earlier, the sex scene between Kitty and Carl is kinda hot, if you can dig the dom/sub aspect, but then Carl ends it by saying "I'll take care of you, and [[Abusive Parents|you don't ever have to grow up.]]"
* Arguably used intentionally with Johnnie in ''[[House of Leaves]]''. She has features that would regularly be considered sexy ([[Gag Boobs]], full lips, platinum-blond hair), but the description draws attention to their artificial nature: her lips are stuffed with fat sucked from a corpse, and her implants have enough salt water in them for two oceans. [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|Also, her eyes are red.]]
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* in ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'', ''that'' scene with Cameron in the last episode. Authoritative commands, removal of clothing, flick knife, wait what was that last one? Ooookay.
** To some, it's [[Fetish Retardant]] or even [[Fan Disservice]]. To others[[Fetish Fuel|....]] That entire scene was probably deliberately intended to enduce either [[Squick]] or [[Squee]], and either way, ''it worked.''
* One ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode has the Tenth Doctor imprisoned by the [[Foe Yay|Master]]; and being kicked around, abused, humiliated, taunted, forced to sleep on the floor, made to eat from a dog bowl, locked in a cage, and mentally and physically tortured. By his really fucking hot [[Arch Enemy]] and [[Evil Overlord]]. This, my friends, is possibly the hottest, sexiest thing that the sickest of all fangirls could hope fo -- oh wait, so the Doctor's actually a wrinkled, bald, shrivelled, butt-ugly old man in this episode? Just ''this'' one particular episode of all episodes? Oh. Never mind....
** Definitely a case of "Ooh... the subtext is about to get really kinky. We gotta do something about that."
* ''The International Sexy Ladies Show'' focuses on such obscure fetishes that it's more alarming than sexy. These tend to pop up ''just'' after more conventional hot-chicks-in-bikinis-or-less footage.
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* [[Femme Fatale|Viktoria]] [[Pun|revealing]] [[The Reveal|her true identity]] in the first ''[[Thief]]'' game.
* Some fans theorize that ''[[Bayonetta]]'' includes so much over the top [[Fetish Fuel]] that it's intended to overload the player's kink gland, making it this. [http://www.kotaku.com.au/2010/05/bayonetta-creator-not-thrilled-with-erotic-bayonetta-send-ups/ The creator was apparently angry at people making porn of her].
** Apparently he's not angry about the [[Doujinshi]], but rather that [[Aggressive -Submissive|she is portrayed as the submissive partner]], and thus out of character. [[Alternative Character Interpretation|Or is it?]]
* Most eroge/visual novel translations suffer from severely mood-breaking onomatopoeias. Fellatio simply should NOT make the sound "chap chap chap".
* ''[[The Sims]]'' 2 has the ability to "Woo-Hoo", or have sex. However, it's too cartoonish in noise and appearance to be arousing; it's [[Nightmare Fuel|even worse]] if you look under the sheets through hacking. The next game in the series cools down the comedy and adds actual moaning, but it's still not much. Making out, on the other hand...
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* Any smut scene at [http://community.livejournal.com/weepingcock Weepingcock] or [http://community.livejournal.com/its_like_what It's Like What?] A fic mentioned at both these places described a woman's vagina as "giving off a wondrous smell like a lemon-flavoured fish" and visually resembling "goo running out of a large sewer pipe". Way to make your female readers hate you.
* [[Benzaie]] makes [[Let's Play|Let's Fap]] videos in which he plays hentai games while reading the dialogue in silly voices.
* [[The Cinema Snob (Web Video)|The Cinema Snob]]'s reviews of porno movies tend to invoke this, especially ''[[ETE.T. the Extraterrestrial (Film)|ET the Extraterrestrial]]: The Porno'' and ''[[Beavis and Butthead|Beaver and Buttface]]''.
* [http://www.filmjunk.com/2009/03/26/film-junks-top-10-gag-inducing-sex-scenes/ Film Junk’s Top 10 Gag Inducing Sex Scenes]. Obviously NSFW.
* The anthropomorphization of the [[Fetish Fuel]] Wiki comes across as trying.
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