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== Dark Souls takes place in the same world as [[Lost Kingdoms]], only on the world's other continent. ==
Why? Because.
* That actually sounds like it would apply more to [[DemonsDemon's Souls]], where a colorless fog is explicitly mentioned, just like in Lost Kingdoms.
== Dark Souls takes place in the Land of the Giants from Demon's Souls. ==
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== Ceaseless Discharge is another daughter of chaos, more ghoulishly transformed than her sisters. ==
The shrine that you take the gold-hemmed robes from is the shrine to the Witch of Izalith. The clothes state in their description that they once belonged to the witch. Ceaseless Discharge watches over the shrine and will only attack you if you hit her or violate the shrine by stealing the robes. When you do this she will attack you in such a rage that she won't even notice the gaping hole in the floor that she can fall into.
* The two spheres on either side of the Bed of Chaos are two of her daughters. If we assume Ceaseless Discharge is a daughter for the reasons above, all seven daughters from the prologue are accounted for: The two half-spiders, Quelana, the eldest daughter defending the Bed of Chaos (this pyromancer uses a spell specifically stated by Quelana to be the specialty of her eldest sister), the Bed's spheres, and the Ceaseless Discharge.
* Ultimately [[Jossed]]. The Ceaseless Discharge is actually the Witch of Izalith's only known son, who was afflicted with [[Body Horror|lava-spewing sores]]. However, the seventh daughter of chaos is still accounted for, because the tomb where you get the Gold-Hemmed armor set is hers.
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== Priscilla is Seath's Daughter. ==
There's no real hard evidence, but a good deal of clues and interesting similarities.
1. Same coloration: both are white dragonoids with lizard-like scales as opposed to the stone scales of the Ancient Dragons. Their tails are the same shape as well.
2. Both have ice-related powers, although Seath's have been warped by the Primordial Crystal to become more mineral-based.
3. Seath is established as an amoral monster who routinely kidnaps and experiments on people, and specifically human women. Whose to say one of his experiments wasn't creating a human/dragon hybrid child just to see what happens? This doesn't mean Priscilla is a "natural" child, for [[Brain Bleach|obvious]] [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility|logistical reasons]], but considering Seath is directly stated as being capable of creating life from scratch magically, creating a hybrid should be easy for him.
4. That she's alive at all implies that she's related to a member of Gwyn's court, as if she wasn't, Gwyn/Gwyndolin would have just had her killed outright for being part dragon- especially because of the Lifehunt. Seath, being Seath, managed to convince Gwyn/Gwyndolin to keep her alive but in exile, either out of genuine caring (not likely, as he's a bastard who doesn't care about anyone but himself even before he went mad), so he can run more experiments on her when he thinks of something, or just to avoid the political shitstorm her creation would have caused. The environment of the painting also suits her and complements her abilities perfectly; if Gwyn/Gwyndolin wanted to be a dick, he could have made her prison painting a river of lava, but he gives her something that she actually seems to like.
* Someone on [[Game FAQsGameFAQs]] theorized that Gwynevere is Priscilla's mother. This would establish a relationship between her and Gwyn's court.
** The main reason for that speculation is the apparent size compatibility between Seath and Ms. [[Gag Boobs|Ginormous Gozangas]], but let's remember that {{spoiler|while the illusory Gwynevere is effing huge, there's no evidence pointing to the real one being the same way}}, or evidence pointing to her being the only woman that huge.
== Sir Artorias isn't a [[Fallen Hero]]; he's a [[Defector From Decadence]] ==
Admittedly, there isn't much evidence one way or another to determine the character's moral outlook in-game, but it's possible that his experience mirrors that of many pro-Darkness players. For most of his tenure, it was easy for him to view the world as [[Black and White Morality]]: the [[Powers That Be]] in Anor Londo were good, and the monsters outside of Anor Londo, particularly the Darkwraiths and other dark servants against which his sword specializes, were evil. Then for one reason or another, Artorias arrives in New Londo where he discovers the lengths to which Gwyn and his forces are willing to go in order to hold onto their power. Artorias experiences a [[Heroic BSOD]] when Darkstalker Kaathe contacts him and convinces him that the right thing to do is to side with the creatures of the abyss and combat the rogue Darkwraiths wandering new Londo who betrayed Kaathe. The forces of light branded him a heretic who made a [[Deal Withwith the Devil]] and struck him down, leaving the Great Grey Wolf Sif his only remaining ally in the material world.
== Patches is in Lordran because he was murdered by Mephistopheles' operative. ==
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The Crestfallen Warrior mention's New Londo as having once been an undead city. {{spoiler|This likely means that New Londo was built by undead, specifically to house the undead on their own terms. Gwyn was still alive when the city was thriving and personally granted its leaders a portion of his own power. This means the curse of undeath has been around for over a thousand years and there has been no mention of it vanishing for a point and time when Gwyn sacrificed himself to rekindle the flame, which is very telling. Kindling the fire has absolutely nothing to do with the Darksign.}} Havel the rock is mentioned as having been an old friend of Gwyn. {{spoiler|This means Havel has been around for at least 1000 years. His weapon, the Dragon Tooth, implies he has been around since the war against the everlasting dragons making him even older. An undead that has been around since the war against the dragons wouldn't make sense if the Dark Sign is caused by the fading of the First Flame.}}
** If on payed very close attention, this is a pretty major inconsistency with Frampt claiming relinking the Flame would cure the Darksign- after all, the curse first appeared after the flame began to burn and the dragons were vanquished, but before Gwyn went to link the fire, and yet Gwyn's linking did nothing, and is a (very sneaky) clue that Frampt is lying.
== The animals in Lordran aren't giant. You're just very small. ==
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The armor he wears bears a resemblance to the Elite Armor Set, and the sword and shield he wields look like the Greatsword and Greatshield of Artorias.
* Possibly [[Jossed]]. In the recently released artbook, there is [http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1w58wQ6k11rqi01yo1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI6WLSGT7Y3ET7ADQ&Expires=1333823297&Signature=MvwYPYTqH1M1YBeUTToHKhA5LM4%3D concept art] of what appears to be a grey/silver colored wolf-themed Ornstein carrying the Greatsword of Artorias.
** Definitely Jossed. [https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/564618_305259969547054_119869331419453_757375_113075776_n.jpg The PC box art]{{Dead link}} has the real Artorias.
== The Cragspiders in Blighttown are what the larva from Quelaag's eggs grow into ==
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* Siegmeyer, on the other hand, is someone who’s always summoning help. These players lack skill and/or confidence, and don’t feel that they can beat the game on their own. Hence, they tend to spend a lot of time waiting around safe areas or bonfires for summon signs to appear. When signs don’t appear, as they sometimes won’t, well, like Siegmeyer, they’ll spend a lot of time waiting. And when help does arrive, the phantom usually ends up doing most of the work.
* Sieglinde represents gamers who want to play with friends. It doesn’t matter whether they’re the summoner or the summonee, as long as they’re with people they like, they’re happy. Unfortunately for them, ''[[Dark Souls]]'' doesn’t support that kind of gameplay, so just how Sieglinde is blindly stumbling around Lordran in a fruitless bid to find her father, most of these players are trying and failing to hook up with their buddies. They may get in touch a few times, but like Sieglinde’s journey, it’s only a matter of time before at least one of the players moves on to another game.
* Lautrec represents the more [[Jerkass]] playerbase. These people have decided that the best way to power level is not to proceed through the game as normal, but to go to any of the more popular [[PvP]] zones (like Anor Londo, the Kiln of the First Flame, or Darkroot Garden) in human form, and summon two phantoms. After that, they sit around, kill every invader effortlessly (using [[Game Breaker|cheap tactics]]), and throw rude gestures around. In other words, they do exactly what Lautrec does in Anor Londo.
** Lautrec pulls double duty, symbolizing players that are particularly murderous toward NPCs. [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|Once an in-game character has outlived his/her usefulness]], this player will kill them for additional items, souls, spells, and humanity.
* Knight Kirk represents the persistent invader. These players go to a zone and invade others' games, over and over and over again. They just love the thrill of the hunt. And inevitably, whether they win or lose their fights, they’ll end up invading the same few people repeatedly, much to the latter’s chagrin.
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== The Dark Lord ending ''is'' the good ending. ==
There are all sorts of unknown factors as to what consequences there will be in the aftermath of ''Dark Souls''' two endings. What kind of future awaits? What changes will we see? And more than anything, which one is truly better for the world at large? Perhaps the answer can be found not by staring into the hazy future, but at what we know of the past and present.
Looking at what we can see of the Age of Fire…things are not looking good in the world. Entire kingdoms have been swarmed by undead that have gone hollow. And despite both Frampt and Gwyndolin's "[[Blatant Lies|claims]]" to the contrary, the curse of undeath will ''not'' go away; it's always existed in the world in one form or another. Worse yet, linking the Fire isn’t going to make the current hollows disappear either; they’ll still remain in those fallen kingdoms, and continue to build up in number in the countries that are still standing. If anything, prolonging the Age of Fire may in fact doom humanity.
So what does the Age of Dark entail? The First Flame is gone now, as are all Bonfires in the world. As we see in game, whenever someone bearing the Dark Sign dies, he or she ends up back at the nearest Bonfire. So what will happen to the undead now that there aren’t anymore Bonfires to revive at? Chances are, they will...stay dead. That may not be ''quite'' the magical cure everyone was hoping for, but without the Fire consuming Humanity and recycling humans who by all rights should have passed on, the undead effectively regain their mortality. Hence, they are now free to die as normal and not simply wait for their minds to crack. And the undead who have already gone hollow, and who have subsequently caused numerous kingdoms to fall via [[Zombie Apocalypse]] can finally be eliminated once and for all.
From the ashes of the Age of Fire, humanity can finally rebuild.
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== Artorias the Abysswalker and Hawkeye Gough became bitter enemies after the former's defection to the darkness. ==
One has a [[Big Badass Wolf|wolf]] [[Animal Motifs|motif]] going for him, the other has a [[Big Badass Bird of Prey|hawk]] theme. This would hardly be the first [[Shout-Out]] to ''[[Berserk]]'' that either ''[[Dark Souls]]'' or ''[[DemonsDemon's Souls]]'' have had.
== The [[Always Night]] aspect of Darkroot forest is an illusion created by Artorias similar to what Gwyndolin is using in Anor Londo. ==
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