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** You can get this to work for you, if you set your ally to Auto... but that [[AI Roulette|had problems too]].
** Since you're limited to a party of two people, any enemy with a status attack becomes a [[Demonic Spider]], as once Confusion, Sleep, Paralysis or Petrify sets in, you instantly lose half your party. You can try to use Heal to cure your ally, assuming the enemies don't get first move next round and incapacitate you too. There's one Battlefield after clearing the Lava Dome, which is fond of ambushes and Stheno (Medusa recolors) pairs. These often end on the first turn because they can inflict ''all'' of those mentioned status ailments.
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: One of the dungeons is a giant volcano. The Lava Dome, where the boss guarding the Crystal of Fire hides out, has its entrance at the ''mouth'' of the volcano.
** And let's not ignore the fact that when you beat said boss, the volcano ''erupts'', too, leaving you...completely unscathed? [[Fridge Logic|Huh?]]
* [[Cutscene Incompetence]]: Unlike the other characters, Reuben doesn't leave your party after beating the Lava Dome and saving Fireburg, but when you get to the rope bridge and get jumped by a single Mummy, he rather oddly [[Leave Him to Me|engages it in a duel]] and gets knocked off the bridge, making him unavailable for the entire Windia area.
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* [[Dem Bones]]: Skeleton warriors are a tough early-game enemy. The two [[Tyrannosaurus Rex|T. rex]]-type bosses, Flamerus Rex and [[Palette Swap|Skullrus Rex]] are also made only of bones.
* [[Distressed Damsel]]: Of course. Kaeli, when she gets poisoned and Norma when she's caught on the wrong side of the bridge when it collapses. (Why her grandpa Otto Cid Bekenstein let her wander near [[The Dragon]] is... [[Fridge Logic|yeah]].. but at least she has the sense to at least stay outside the lair.)
* [[Doomed Hometown]]: You see it on the world map for about five seconds in the opening, until an earthquake takes it out. Ben complains about it once, but seems otherwise [[Angst? What Angst?|rather un-broken-up about it]].
* [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors]]: The game made a point of telling you when an attack was more or less effective against a target. In addition to the magical [[Elemental Powers]] there are also Bomb, Axe (including Reuben's Morning Star as well as the hero's and Kaeli's axes) and Shoot (Phoebe's Bow and Tristam's Ninja Stars) type attacks. Most of the strategy in the game was matching attacks to monster weaknesses.
** Not entirely used straight; what enemies are weak to what element tended to throw players off when [[Wrong Genre Savvy|they expected standard FF elemental rules to apply]]. Flying and digging monsters in particular tended to throw a curve, with flying monsters being weak to wind and digging monsters being weak to earth, despite using those elements to attack. Though in retrospect, a targeted tornado is a pretty good way to ruin a bird's day.
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** [[Cap]]: Specifically, level caps. As noted, all of your party members have set levels that don't go up, giving them hard caps. (Kaeli and Reuben max out at 31, Tristam a measly 23, and Phoebe is the highest at 34.) The game doesn't allow you to go higher than level 41, however, and since you don't actually gain any actual stat bonuses at 41, the "real" level cap for Ben is 40.
*** Surprisingly, you do earn added spell slots if you keep amassing XP (the counter continues to climb) after level 41.
* [[Fantasy Character Classes]]: Despite none being named, there actually ''are'' elements of this in the game. Kaeli is, despite the green dress, actually a sort of armor-wearing, [[An Axe to Grind|axe-wielding]] Druid/Barbarian hybrid. Tristam is basically a ranged [[Ninja]] who uses light armor and throwing stars. Phoebe is a [[The Archer|bow-using]] Caster of [[The Red Mage|both magic types]] (making her [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards|the second most powerful character in the game]] in terms of raw potential), and wears "cloth" armor to match. Reuben is pretty much a vanilla Fighter type - tough, big weapon, heavy armor and not much else. There are even HP total differences between everyone - Ben gains exactly one "block" of HP per level, and everyone else is adjusted around this (Phoebe takes a rather significant penalty to HP, Tristam takes less, Kaeli's about equal to Ben, and Reuben has bonus HP).
** Meanwhile, though, Ben [[Magic Knight|kind of does everything]].
* [[Fisher King]]: The monsters that stole the four crystals cause the surrounding land to rot by draining their power. Once defeated, the crystals restore that section of the world to its natural state.
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* [[Grappling Hook Pistol]]: The Dragon Claw functions as one.
* [[Guest Star Party Member]]: Everyone you encounter will join your party exactly twice. To her credit, Phoebe joins for what are easily the longest stretches of the game (the three dungeons of Aquaria, and then the entire Doom Castle sequence). Tristam is infamous for his ''short'' appearances (one dungeon early on and then ''half'' a dungeon later).
** This gets a bit annoying later as many people find themselves pining for Phoebe again, since she's [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards|way, way, way more powerful]] than any of the others (moreso if you take advantage of [[Good Bad Bugs]]).
* [[Headless Horseman]]: Dullahan and its [[Degraded Boss]] form, Thanatos.
* [[Honest John]]: Tristam. He'll [[Crazy Prepared|usually have the right medicine you need to heal someone]] ({{spoiler|i.e., Kaeli}})... if you pony up some gold pieces beforehand, that is. (All credit cards and mystical treasure accepted. Except Discover.)
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** {{spoiler|He ''is'' also the only character to join Ben on Captain Mac's ship in the ending...}}
* [[It's All Upstairs From Here]]: The final jaunt up the Focus Tower to face the Dark King in [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|Doom Castle]].
* [[Law of Cartographical Elegance]]: Uses the flat, [[Insurmountable Waist -Height Fence]] version. The entire world appears to be bordered by clouds. Also, you move from point to point on rails.
* [[Low Level Advantage]]: It's possible to severely damage the final boss by casting Cure on him. The spell will actually do MORE damage at lower levels. (This does not work if your ''partner'' casts cure though.)
** Though the advantage hardly matters; even at max levels, it will do over ten-thousand damage a hit (in a game where no other attack is above the low thousands) and kill him with very, very few castings.
* [[Luck -Based Mission]]: The ''very first battle'' of the game. Benjamin has no healing items or spells, you can't run away, and the Steel Sword tends to miss often, so you're just sitting there constantly selecting Attack and praying that all of your strikes connect, and that the Behemoth doesn't get a [[Critical Hit]]. (Thankfully you get [[Meaningless Lives|unlimited continues]].)
* [[Magic Knight]]: The main character, who eventually gets every spell in the game in addition to his arsenal of weapons. Kaeli may also qualify, since she uses [[An Axe to Grind|an axe]] as her [[Weapon of Choice]].
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Among the more generic names of the Vile Four, Pazuzu stands out for being named after the Babylonian wind demon.
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* [[Set Piece Puzzle]]: Many of the dungeons require you to press switches, move around blocks, or blow holes in walls. This was actually innovative for the series at the time, since most ''Final Fantasy'' dungeons fit the [[No Sidepaths No Exploration No Freedom]] classification. Even more odd is that ''very'' few games with the name have tried to further what the game began, or even tackled the same gameplay ideas.
* [[Speech Bubbles]]: Characters talk through this instead of [[Final Fantasy (Franchise)|Final Fantasy]]'s traditional bar atop the screen.
* [[Shout -Out]]: A triple-headed boss -- one of the heads being a dragon -- is named [[Godzilla|Gidrah]].
* [[Shows Damage]]: Every single enemy. Normal enemies have two images, major enemies have three, and bosses have four.
* [[Squishy Wizard]]: Phoebe again. She might have the (arguably) best magic in the game, but she doesn't gain HP nearly as fast as the hero (note her HP total at level 15, for example, when Ben gets that high) and she'll end up with a Defense stat easily forty to fifty points lower than an equal-level Ben at the end, especially if you bother to get all the best armor.
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