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Hollow Man: Difference between revisions

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* [[Body Horror]]: The incredibly-detailed transformation sequence.
* [[Camera Spoofing]]: Caine does this with the thermal camera designed to keep track of him, allowing his escape.
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: The base explodes, the elevator's bottom is covered in raging flames, yet the people climbing the ladder up the elevator shaft to leave have no problem with the heat.
* [[Design Student's Orgasm]]: The credits sequence.
* [[Dwindling Party]]: The proper thing to do when you're trapped in a [[Elaborate Underground Base|sealed underground laboratory]] with a crazy killer, is to [[Too Dumb to Live|wander off on your own]]. And if you do manage to strike him down, put your weapon down beside him and turn your back...
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* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: Made explicit when the invisible Dr. Caine rapes his female neighbor.
* [[Professor Guinea Pig]]: While the team performed extensive tests on animal subjects, Caine thought the secret to reversing it could be unlocked using a human test subject, nominating himself. This proves to be ill advised.
* [[Double Standard Rape (Male On Male)]]: Caine tells a well-known joke about [[Superman]] and [[Wonder Woman]], with the Invisible Man <ref>Maybe it was the [[Martian Manhunter]]?</ref> caught in the middle. Possibly subverted, in that no one laughs. It only acts as foreshadowing of Caine's character.
* [[Required Secondary Powers]]: The first problem is outlined when Caine screams that he can't block the strong ambient lights because his eyelids and arms are invisible. The problem of how he is able to see with invisible retinas is not addressed, but then, [[Handwaved|it never is]].
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Caine.
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[[Category:Films of the 2000s]]
[[Category:Hollow Man]]
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