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Kamen Rider Fourze/Characters/Amanogawa High School: Difference between revisions

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* [[Club President]]: Promoted to the head of the team since Miu will be busy with the Kamen Rider Club. As shown in #25, she does a pretty good job.
* [[The Ditz]]: And yet Miu's trusting her with ''leading the cheerleading team''.
* [[Shout -Out Theme Naming]]: To Junko and Shigeru Tama, characters in ''[[Kamen Rider V 3]]''.
=== Chosuke Ban ===
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* [[Huge Schoolgirl]]
* [[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]: Doesn't help that other members of the Track and Field Team tease her about this (as well as her [[Huge Schoolgirl|stature]]).
* [[Not So Different]]: Not only does she mirror Yuki's "[[Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl]]" relationship with Kengo, but running in a bad stance has led to her developing a chronic condition.
* [[Red Herring]]: There's a lot of heavy-handed hinting that Rumi is the Dragon Zodiarts. {{spoiler|It's actually the Track and Field leader, Jin.}}
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* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: {{spoiler|Learns the hard way that her stupidity nearly got her killed. After that she disbanded the Cult.}}
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: {{spoiler|Was it ''really'' necessary to make Eguchi become Cygnus Zodiarts?}}
* [[Not His Sled]]: The trailer to Episode 24 showed her [[WomaninWoman in Black|in a black costume]] and seemingly holding a Zodiarts switch.
* [[Paint It Black]]: Her ballet outfit in Episode 24.
* [[Red Herring]]: The look in her eye and her point system ''really'' pegged her to be Cygnus Zodiarts. {{spoiler|It's actually Eguchi.}}
* [[Shout -Out]]: A ballerina who appears angelic but turns into a selfish bitch, complete with [[Paint It Black|a black tutu]] - [[Black Swan (Film)|sound familiar]]?
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: It was ''really'' stupid of her to {{spoiler|force Eguchi - who before then actually resisted the temptation to do so - to activate "Last One". ''It nearly killed her''}}.
* [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]]: You just ''had'' to {{spoiler|make Eguchi become the Cygnus Zodiarts at Last One despite noticing that he was ''begging and pleading'' not to! All so you can say "Oh, Eguchi! We still need Cygnus so please transform for us"}}!
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* [[Only Sane Man]]: {{spoiler|His crush hands out Switches to students, their new principal is in on the conspiracy, and the director is the man behind it all. Compared to them, him being the [[Butt Monkey]] is ''normal''!}}
** Even more so now that {{spoiler|he's helping out with the Kamen Rider Club.}}
* [[Professional Butt -Kisser]]: Behaves this way towards Miu and Daimonji. Keeping the Kamen Rider Club a secret has allowed Shun to maintain some clout over him in Episode 11 (or maybe Ohsugi's just that gullible).
** Averted in #30 as he actually tries to ''escape'' them when {{spoiler|he's being guarded by them in the Rabbit Hatch.}}
* [[Red Herring]]: {{spoiler|In one episode, Sonoda sees him reading the horoscope and asks what his sign is. He responds "Scorpio", making pincers with his fingers and getting a creepy red glow. Turns out Sonoda-sensei ''is'' the Scorpion Zodiarts.}}
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* [[The Dreaded]]: In Episode 7 alone he even makes Gentaro cower before him.
* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: Of the academic kind. He spares nobody - not even [[Jerk Jock|Shun]].
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Initially. With the realization that his strictness drove his son to madness, it's safe to say he's getting better.
* [[Gratuitous English]]: "Bad boy." (to Gentaro)
** [[Ironic Echo]]: Gentaro repeats these words when he asks if Sakate's son was also one of these.
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* [[Character Tic]]: Her trademark kick begins with a quick double-stomp resembling a horse tapping its hooves.
* [[Dismotivation]]: Hates being a teacher and makes it clear that she plans on quitting. {{spoiler|Gentaro convinces her to infuse her job with the passion she has for kickboxing, resulting in her starting a kickboxing club and starting to actually enjoy teaching.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Frame -Up]]: The real Pegasus Zodiarts goes out of his way to plant evidence implicating Utsugi because he hates her.}}
* [[Ice Queen]] {{spoiler|-> [[Cool Big Sis]] [[The Mentor|Mentor]]}}
* [[Kick Chick]]: Practices kickboxing.
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