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* [[Armored Closet Gay]]: {{spoiler|Detective Bridges}}
* [[Ass Shove]]
* [[Back From the Dead]]: Played straight and literally for the most part, with several characters literally resurrected. In fact, this happens so often and on camera, that we actually forget the cliches of the medium when we're reading the comic: {{spoiler|Jesse's mother is shown to be dragged to her death by arguably the biggest sadist in the book, but her death scene is only implied. Her return is a [[Wham! Episode]] in a series that includes a one-man genocide on heaven, vampires, and a man with an arse for a face.}}
* [[Badass Boast]]: "There ain't worse than me in all of Hell. Go an' look." (Gunshot)
** "Give me all the hell you got to spare."
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*** Tom Pickett, the Texas Ranger Jesse and Tulip met when they were younger.
* [[Cursed With Awesome]]: Cassidy's view of being a vampire.
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: The Saint gets a couple of moments of this {{spoiler|with the girl he later marries, and then with their child}}, though of course it's largely played for contrast. Also, to his surprise, Tulip's [[Rated "M" for Manly]] dad (though it helps that she just burped).
{{quote| ''Aw, so you're a girl. That needn't be so bad.''}}
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: That one chick. You know the one. With the action. And the dark.
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* [[Face Heel Turn]]: {{spoiler|Cassidy.}}
* [[Face Heel Revolving Door]]: {{spoiler|Cassidy.}} If we look at his history, he starts out as a pretty decent guy, then gradually becomes an amoral jerk, then when he meets {{spoiler|Jesse}} he tries to become a good guy again, but at some point goes back to being a jerk, until finally he is able to save absolve himself and become a good guy again, and (presumably) he stays that way after the story is over.
* [[Female Angel, Male Demon]]: Inverted. Genesis is the offspring of a male angel and a female demon.
* [[French Jerk]]: [[Famous-Named Foreigner|Napoleon]] [[Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys|Vichy]]. "I 'ave come to eat your horses".
* [[Funetik Aksent]]: Arguably, anyone from 'the South' is depected as having a stereotypical drawl to a lesser or greater extent, but particularly Arseface (Indecipherable) and the 'Sexual Investigators' [[Oop North|Bob Glover]].
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** He does describe himself as "the V word", though...
*** So he's [[Vagina Dentata|a V-word with teeth]]?
* [[Not With the Safety On, You Won't]]
* [[Odd Job Gods|Odd Job Saints]]: The Saint of Killers, the Angel of Death's replacement. Whenever you're about to kill someone, pray to him, he's the one pulling the trigger.
* [[One-Man Army]]: The Saint.
* [[One -Sided Arm Wrestling]]: Cassidy, soon after arriving in the US.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Played with - Starr, for all his own issues, is fairly clearly this relative to the Grail in general.
** Jesse is this in relation to everyone else in the book, except maybe Tulip. [[Word of God]] says this is why he's the hero of the piece.
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* [[Rage Against the Heavens]]
* [[Rape Discretion Shot]]: Herr Starr's rape by "sexual investigator" happens entirely off-panel.
* [[Double Standard Rape (Male On Male)]]: Starr is raped by the Sexual Investigators in "Hunters".
** In ''Ancient History'', the crooked bayou fight promoter, with a baseball bat.
*** And in the Salvation story arc, when Jesse locks up some of Quincannon's unruly workers.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]: Jesse, Jesse's dad, the Saint, Tulip's dad, Jody...
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Jesse delivers a couple of these, including to {{spoiler|Cassidy.}}
** Right after his [[Happily-Failed Suicide]], Arseface’s best friend’s sister asked him why he and her brother were [[Driven to Suicide]]. Arseface answers (writes) [[Wangst|''Nobody cared'']]. To the only person who cared enough to visit him in the hospital. She angrily screams before leaving in tears:
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* [[Serial Escalation]]: The Saint's accomplishments keep getting more impressive.
* [[Serial Prostheses]]: Starr.
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** Jesse's spiritual guide/hallucination of [[John Wayne]] is similar to how [[Christian Slater]]'s character in ''[[True Romance]]'' talks to [[Elvis Presley]]
** The beginning of the Saint of Killer's origin story references a grab bag of classic Westerns: ''[[The Outlaw Josey Wales]]'', ''[[The Shootist]]'', ''[[Lonesome Dove]]'', ''[[The Searchers]]'', ''[[Unforgiven]]''...
* [[Shout -Out Theme Naming]]: All Cassidy's old drinking buddies in New York are from 'The Irish Rover'.
** Saddam Hopper looks like Hussein but acts like Dennis Hopper.
* [[Significant Anagram]]: Jesse Custer = Secret Jesus. (also, Uses Rejects.)
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*** That one's a bit ambiguous. While he certainly bears a strong physical resemblance to Gaiman, the poem that he reads has little in common with his writing style. And anyway, Gaiman writes very little poetry, as he has openly said that [[Self-Deprecation|he's terrible at it]].
** There are more than a few shots taken at the music industry, media commentators, media watchdogs, political correctness, psychiatrists and psychology buzzwords, liberal and conservative extremists, Goths, Anne Rice, racists, child molesters, self-loathing homophobes, hypocrites of every variety, in fact, it's hard to think of anyone who wasn't told to stick it where the sun doesn't shine at least once during this series. Except [[John Wayne]].
** And even the Duke spits some [[Self-Deprecation]]: [[I'm Not a Hero, ImI'm X|he's not a hero, he's]] "just a broke-down, wore-out ol' [[Cowboy]]", [[Born in The Wrong Century]], who made movies about what he thought heroes should be like. But he thinks Jesse made a good hero, warts and all.
* [[Tank Goodness]]: Subverted ''epically'' in the War In The Sun arc.
* [[Tell Me About My Father]]
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* [[Volleying Insults]]: Happens whenever Martha Moore and Ulysses Gett appear. Sometimes happens with other people.
* [[Wanton Cruelty to The Common Comma]]: "Improper use of inverted commas, Hoover!"
* [[War Is Hell]] / [[Armies Are Evil|Hate The War, Love The Soldier]]: Billy Baker, AKA "Space", a [[The Vietnam War|Vietnam Veteran]] who owes Jesse's father his life. He shows up in "Texas and the Spaceman" and "The Land of Bad Things" - both times he waxes poetic on the horrors of war and the humanity of solders. His closing words as he stands before the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_Veterans_Memorial:Vietnam Veterans Memorial|Vietnam Veterans Memorial]] simultaneously make you want to donate a million bucks to the [[Band of Brothers|VA]] and spit on every [[We Have Reserves|armchair general]] in existence.
{{quote| '''Billy Baker''': (addressing The Black Wall) ''[[Due to The Dead|So tell me somethin'. How come you shitheads never write?]]''}}
* [[Watering Down]]: Custer starts off his massive [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] to the whole town by telling the bartender he can almost taste the beer through all the water.
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* [[We Have Reserves]]: How the Grail attempted to deal with the Saint.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Subverted to hell and back with Jody's attempts to cast himself as this to Jesse. Even when he's a [[Vision Quest|hallucination]] he pulls this: "Git on about yore vision, boy"
* [[Wham! Episode]]: ''War In The Sun.''
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: It's never explained what happened to Genesis after it's forced out of Custer's mind at the end. Nor what happened to the Angel of Death, the Saint's predecessor.
* [[What Have I Become?]]: Cassidy's reaction to becoming a vampire is actually pretty upbeat.
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