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The Legend of Korra/Characters/New Team Avatar: Difference between revisions

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* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy|Arrogant Kung Fu Girl]]: In Korra's first present-day scene, her teachers complain that she is amazingly good at learning the practical sides of bending, but amazingly bad at learning the discipline and wisdom that's supposed to go with them.
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Badass Arm -Fold]]: [[Sleeves Are for Wimps|Welcome to the gun show.]]
** {{spoiler|[[Badass in Distress]]: During "When Extremes Meet" and "Out of the Past," when she's been kidnapped by Tarrlok.}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't mess with her friends, and especially don't provoke her to violence if you have.
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* [[Boisterous Bruiser]]: She rarely fights out of outright malice; it's simply her preferred way of dealing with conflict.
* [[Boobs of Steel]]: Korra is one of, if not ''the'' most physically capable character on the show. She is also very well endowed.
* [[Braids, Beads, and Buckskins]]: [[Downplayed]]. Korra wears a tan-colored, fur-trimmed pelt around her waist and a parka while at the South Pole. While in Air Temple vestments, she still wears a few of her Water Tribe accessories.
* [[Bratty Teenage Daughter]]: Though not actually related to Tenzin, his status as [[The Stoic]] and [[Team Dad]] and Korra's [[Hot -Blooded]] nature means they frequently butt heads, so Tenzin sometimes sees her this way. Tenzin even begs his children at one point not to grow up to be teenagers like Korra. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Jinora declares she will make no such promises]].
* [[Break the Haughty]]: In "The Voice in the Night". The idea of having her bending taken from her is so terrifying that she is afraid to fight back, until her bravado forces her to try. {{spoiler|Amon just made it worse by easily capturing her and taunting her about how he's saving her for last.}}
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: She lifts Tenzin and his children in a [[Bear Hug]] effortlessly, and tosses a [[Mook]] at least a few meters through a shop through brute strength alone. In "And The Winner Is..." she is able to not only hold on to the edge of the pro bending ring, not only catch and hold on to Mako (who also ended up over the edge), but ''toss Mako back into the ring'', averting a knockout loss for the Ferrets.
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* [[Fish Out of Water]]/[[No Social Skills]]: A big part of Korra. Moving from an isolated compound in the South Pole (which was already slower to develop than the other nations) to the booming urban center of Republic City causes a lot of problems.
* [[Fluffy Tamer]]: The first person to have ever tamed a polar bear dog.
* [[Forceful Kiss]]/[["Shut Up" Kiss]]: {{spoiler|Plants quite the good one on Mako. He reciprocates}}.
* [[Four-Temperament Ensemble]]: Choleric.
* [[Freudian Trio]]: Id.
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* [[Good Parents]]: Though minor characters, Korra's parents Tonraq and Senna are shown to be loving and supportive. Unlike most characters in the original series, Korra doesn't seem to have any parental issues, which is fitting as she was born and raised in peacetime.
* [[Goo -Goo Godlike]]: Most Avatars don't discover their potential until they are told at [[Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday|age sixteen]], and even Aang didn't find out until he was twelve. Korra had discovered her ability to bend three elements with no formal training at four years old.
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Toward Asami at first.
* [[Hard Work Hardly Works]]: Averted. While Korra is quite talented, she has also been shown regularly practicing on her own.
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* [[Hot Amazon]]: Bolin seems to think so. "You're the smartest, funniest, toughest, buffest, talented-est, incredible-est girl in the world!"
** Mako joins his brother in that account, mentioning that she's strong and a good athlete in the list of good qualities in their conversation of Korra being girlfriend material.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: This is likely why she took to Firebending so well, despite being a native Waterbender.
* [[Innocently Insensitive]]: Part of her spiritual weakness is that she's almost completely oblivious to other people's feelings, most obviously in episode five where she goes on a date with Bolin, {{spoiler|then forces a kiss on Mako the ''very'' next day.}} She doesn't really get that this is a problem until she sees Bolin's reaction.
* [[Instant Expert]]: Korra was able to bend fire, water and earth without any training at a very young age. Averted with airbending, which she has not been able to use even after a season of constant training.
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Red Oni]]: To Mako's Blue Oni.
** [[Emotions vs. Stoicism]]: The emotional to Mako's stoicism.
** [[Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl]]: Energetic Girl to Mako's Savvy Guy.
** [[Technician vs. Performer]]: The performer (along with Bolin) to Mako's technician.
* [[Reincarnation]]: Of the [[Nature Spirit|spirit of the planet]] and most recently Aang.
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** He can also bee seen as the Veronica to Bolin's Betty with Korra as Archie. [[Love Dodecahedron|Yes, two connected love triangles.]]
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Regardless of his rough edges, Mako loves Bolin, and he's [[Undying Loyalty|fiercely loyal]] and ''very'' protective of him. He willingly took (and presently still does take) most burdens and responsibilities of their living conditions. He also sheltered his brother from the harsh realities and darker nature of their environment, which led to Bolin's current naiveté and dependency. Both siblings have such an immense, strong bond, actually, that [[Heroic Sacrifice|neither would second guess giving their lives for one another]] despite their clashes.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni|Blue Oni]]: To Korra's Red Oni. In addition to their different temperaments, he's powerful, but more focused and technical as opposed to Korra's [[Hot -Blooded|usual method of dealing with opponents]].
** [[Irony]]: Their [[Chromatic Arrangement]] being the opposite of their oni colors.
** [[Emotions vs. Stoicism]]: We have headstrong, brash Korra and cheerful, earnest Bolin vs. serious, "cool under fire" Mako.
** [[Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl]]: Savvy Guy to Korra's Energetic Girl.
** [[Technician vs. Performer]]: The Technician to Korra's and Bolin's Performer.
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: Not as big an example as Korra, but Mako has shown considerable upper strength than his body type would normally allow. He [[Papa Wolf|grabbed an Equalist that held his brother from behind]], and ''launched'' him over his head somewhere yonder and far off-screen. Then in episode five, he effortlessly carried muscled, stocky build Bolin (who ''just'' ate and was flailing around) on his shoulder like a rag doll without an inkling of weight strain. And possibly took him home the distance from the noodle shop to the pro-bending arena that way.
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* [[Crash Into Hello]]: How he meets Asami - she accidentally hits him with her moped due to his jaywalking.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: His life on the street and seeing his parents killed in a mugging when he was eight qualifies.
* [[Dead Guy, Junior]]/[[Named After Somebody Famous]]: Meta example of the former. He's named after [[Mako]], prominent Japanese-American actor who performed the original series' role of Iroh until his death.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Elemental Eye Colors]]: A Firebender with [[Amber Eyes]].
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* [[Freudian Trio]]: Superego.
** [[The Spock]]
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: To his chagrin in "The Spirit of Competition" when Bolin and Korra head out on their date. Korra [[You're Just Jealous|totally calls him out on it]] after he wrongly accuses her of using his brother for some [[Operation: Jealousy]] ploy.
** It also serves as a [[Green -Eyed Epiphany]]. It's implied that whatever he's feeling for Korra has been suppressed, and for good reason (his brother and Asami are core cases). It isn't until Bolin takes his interest for her ''seriously'' that Mako begins to confront what he's been denying. And he still attempted to deny it for most of episode five.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: To survive. His defense and justification for his past workings with the Triple Threat Triad.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: In contrast to his brother, Mako can come off rather grouchy and irritable. While Bolin is initially very friendly with Korra, Mako clashes with her. But he's not incapable of kindness, rather warm-hearted to those he knows well, and acknowledges when he's in the wrong as well as give credit where credit is due.
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* [[Loyal Animal Companion]]: She ''adores'' Korra and does her best to protect her. In "The Voice in the Night", it's shown that Korra lets Naga sleep next to her bed.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: "Naga" is Inuktitut for "no." Given that Korra is the first person to have tamed a polar bear dog, and the Water Tribe is based on Inuit culture, one can imagine Korra had to yell "No!" enough that the name stuck.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: Somewhat more literally than most. Naga's hind end is thinner, like a dog's, while her front has bear-like proportions.
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: To Korra. Considering that she's part dog, and Korra's spirit guide, this is pretty much a given. {{spoiler|Even goes far out of Republic City to rescue her.}}
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* [[Evil-Detecting Dog|Evil-detecting Fire Ferret]]: Pabu sits peacefully by the radio while music plays, but hisses and jumps away when Amon [[Do Not Adjust Your Set|interrupts the scheduled program]].
* [[Fluffy Dry Cat|Fluffy Dry Fire Ferret]]: In "The Aftermath", after the butler dries him down with a towel.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: Ferrets, minks and red pandas.
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]: To Bolin primarily.
* [[Parrot Pet Position]]: He tends to ride on people's shoulders.
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