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== ''Sherlock'' takes place in the same universe as ''[[Jekyll]]''. ==
It would be so awesome if there was a [[Steven Moffat]] [[The Verse|fictionverse.]]
* Here's a [[YouTube]] interview where Moffat is speculating briefly on what a meeting between this version of Sherlock and [[Doctor Who (TV)|The Doctor]] would be like. We can but dream: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdkeFAVKajk\]
** Link to this video/article, please?
** There is a (fanmade) trailer for this [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0av4se_430\]
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== ''[[The Princess Bride (Film)|The Princess Bride]]'' (or at least the scene with the poisoned drinks) never existed in this universe. ==
It's clear that the original [[Sherlock Holmes]] stories don't exist in this universe. [[Butterfly of Doom|The ripple effects must have]] [[Ret -Gone|wiped out]] all sorts of [[Derivative Work|derivative works]]. It's possible that one of them was that scene.
This would explain why nobody even mentions the possibility that both choices are poisoned.
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Also Sherlock's brother Mycroft might actually be the Doctor's ACTUAL brother sent to check on him by their mother, the now lord president of Gallifrey who has his own companion (the hot chick that was constantly texting.)
== Sherlock is [[Doctor Who (TV)|The Doctor]] with Amnesia ==
Think about it. He craves an assistant, is extremely clever in a slightly alien way, and doesn't mind a bit of running.
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** Umm, what?
* [[Steven Moffat]] [[Word of God|went on record]] saying that he considers them to be ''polar opposites.'' The Doctor is like an angel who wishes to be human; Holmes is a human that aspires to be a god.
** So Sherlock is the <s>[[Scotland Yard]]</s> [[Doctor Who (TV)|Valeyard]]?
** I had him pegged as the Master.
** And so...
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Also relevant: despite constantly having to clarify to [[Everyone Can See It|everyone]] that [[He Is Not My Boyfriend|he and Sherlock are not couple]], John never actually denies anything except actually being in a relationship with Sherlock. A series with this many [[Mistaken for Gay]] jokes, and not even one "I'm not gay"? Suspicious.
* For the record, John does indeed say "I'm not gay" in the comments on one of his blogs, but supposes Sherlock might be [http://www.johnwatsonblog.co.uk/blog/29january\]; of course, he could still be bisexual, or [[If Its You Its OK|otherwise]].
** On the blog, John only says he's not gay when he's directly prompted to say if he's gay or not; initally, he ignores the question. So the argument more-or-less still holds: as a character, John seems to lack any interest in clarifying that he isn't gay, despite the fact that pretty much everyone thinks he is. Of course, this could just be because it's not a big deal to him, but it'd be still kind of unusual for a straight guy with John's generally high degree of interest in getting laid. Regardless, from an out of universe perspective it seems impossible that the ambiguity is accidental given how much talk of sexual orientation has occurred on this show already. Either Moffat and Gatiss are strongly committed to leaving it open ended, or they're setting up one hell of a [[Wham! Episode]] for a future season.
** During ''A Scandal In Belgravia'', John says something along the lines of "I don't know if anyone's interested, but I'm not gay!".
*** ...and then a certain someone informs him that {{spoiler|she IS gay except for her intense, clearly non-platonic interest in Sherlock}}, and implies that John is in [[Its Ok If Its You|the same boat]]. And then John looks like he's been thrown for a loop. This on the heels of him {{spoiler|getting really rather angry about her flirty texts and being called out as jealous}}. So it's true that we now have an instance of Watson saying the magic words, but they seem less magic in context.
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* {{spoiler|Sadly [[Jossed]].}}
== Mycroft Holmes is this universe's version of [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Cameron:David Cameron|David Cameron]] ==
Hey, they look similar. And if Sherlock doesn't pay attention to the news, he could be forgiven for thinking that Mycroft still occupied a "minor position in government". And John just assumes its a lookalike.
* Sherlock doesn't seem to believe it when Mycroft claims that. At most, he believes that Mycroft's official title is that of a low-level bureaucrat when he actually has a great deal of power.
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== Mycroft's umbrella is a weapon. ==
It's why he always has it with him, even when the weather doesn't call for it. It's not a sword-cane or anything like that. Instead, it has injectable poison darts in the tip, like the umbrella used to kill [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgi_Markov:Georgi Markov|Georgi Markov]].
== Jim and Molly are actually siblings, ''both'' Moriarty. ==
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== John has [http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6587659/1/Let_the_Sand_Fall_Thats_What_an_Hourglass_Is_For nine lives]. ==
Sherlock is the work of two [[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]] writers. What would you expect?
== Mrs. Hudson will become a [[Memetic Badass]] [[In Universe]] ==
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Soft voice, short brown hair, under six feet tall, intelligent, psychopath who likes to play games.
== Moriaty is a clone of the [[Doctor Who (TV)|The Master.]] ==
I'm sick of all these time lord theories, let's say that the 2010 version of the person who hired him to steal the Mona Lisa in the Jeremy Brett series found the remains of the Master, (assuming that he died at the climax of End of Time) and used them to create the criminal mastermind.
* You say you're sick of them then write another. ...what.
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== Molly is the teselecta ==
Obviously Sherlock deduced that she was a fugitive from ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' and when he said he needed her he specifically wanted inside for the purpose of faking his death. [[Steven Moffat|Sound familiar?]]
* ...what? What has the Teselecta got to do with fugitives? Aren't they a justice department of some sort?
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Another component of this (that I didn't agree with) involved the Baskerville gas, which John was sprayed with by the biker. Which is why he was disoriented. I just didn't see any gas being sprayed, or a hint at it, so I didn't think that was likely.
** I would love this to be true, just so that I could see Benedict playing two characters in the same scene, a la [[Doctor Who (TV)|the Doctor]] in The Almost People.
== Sherlock is an Assassin ==
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== Harry Watson will appear in Season 3 ==
Played by [[Catherine Tate]]. Her sympathy about Dr Watson's insistance that "we're not a couple" will be evident, as she and [[Doctor Who (TV)|another Doctor]] frequently had to assure people they weren't a couple either.
== Sherlock has ADHD. ==
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