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World of Warcraft/Tropes I-P: Difference between revisions

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** The Death Knight starting area has you begin as an murdering psychopath before you undergo a [[Heel Face Turn]].
** The "Mystery of the Infinite" quest line in Dragonblight has you be a jerk to ''yourself'', twice, thanks to the magic of [[Time Travel]] and a [[Stable Time Loop]].
** The Children's Week holiday includes achievements for, among other things, eating junk food in front of your orphan ("Bad Example") and leaving him/her behind when you teleport home ([[Shout -Out|"Home Alone"]]). In beta, there was an achievement that required you to kill ten enemy players while they had their orphan out, again aptly titled, "Once an Orphan...".
** There's also an achievement for throwing a snowball at Cairne Bloodhoof, possibly the nicest faction leader of all (if you're Alliance you have to throw it at Magni Bronzebeard instead). After the Cataclysm, you now throw snowballs at Cairne's son, Baine and Magni's brother, Muradin.
** Overlord Agmar has one particular moment that solidifies him as a jerk. When you bring him {{spoiler|the letter of a dead troll mage [[Fake Defector]] in Malygos' army who was forced to work for him so that his sister and her family wouldn't be killed}}, he initially threatens to kill you if you waste his time, then laughs at the letter, [[Fantastic Racism|suggesting that trolls are not to be trusted]]. He concedes that Deino is a good troll, and offers to not tell her that {{spoiler|you killed her brother}}, albeit while [[Blackmail|saying that he "own(s) you" now]].
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** Some achievements are no longer obtainable, whether from being tied to a one-time event (such as logging in during World of Warcraft's anniversary) or from removed content (such as completing the original Zul'Gurub, or maximizing weapon skill), and those that are become Feats of Strength*
* [[Lost in Translation]]: Many of the game's names, particularly those of orcs, rely on the ability of English (and other Germanic languages) to string nouns together; "Hell-scream," "Blade-fist," etc. This is completely lost when the game is translated into Romance languages, which don't have this ability, resulting in awkward names like "Garrosh Grito Infernal."
* [[Luck -Based Mission]]: Several quests, achievements and boss fights, see the trope page for examples.
* [[Ludd Was Right]]: The Blood Elves.
* [[MacGuffin Girl]]: Anveena.
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* [[Murder the Hypotenuse]]: Stalvan Mistmantle not only kills his student, but also, her lover.
* [[The Mutiny]]: Players take part in a few of these. It's how Tony Two-Tusk got his own pirate crew, and how Warchief Mor'ghor, a Fel Orc who makes Warchief Garrosh Hellscream look like a [[Reasonable Authority Figure]], meets his end.
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: [[He Who Fights Monsters|Lord Godfrey]] is willing to set aside his disdain for the Worgen because his liege, [[Zombie Advocate|King Graymane]] is trying to [[Reluctant Monster|restore their humanity]]; once he finds out Graymane himself [[The Reveal|is a Worgen]], his [[Fantastic Racism]] [[Van Helsing Hate Crimes|overrides his loyalty]]. To be fair to Godfrey, except for the Gilneans in ''Cataclysm'', the Worgen are blood-thirsty killing machines.
* [[My Name Is Inigo Montoya]]: In the Blade's Edge Mountains, the NPC fighting alongside players against Goc wants the dragon-killing gronn to know who killed him.
{{quote| '''Baron Sablemane''' (Alliance): It's only right that you know the name of the one who will take your life. Baron Sablemane. It will be on your lips as you gasp your dying breath.<br />
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** Unholy Death Knight PC's get a minion who has one, of the [[Noun Verber]] variety. However, as the names are re-randomized every time you summon the minion, this has the potential for hilarity.
** Some races have these. The Faceless Ones and the Dreadlords come to mind.
** The [[Eldritch Abomination|Old Gods]] and their minions deserve a special notice for having names that no human should have to pronounce. Bonus points for having their name [[Shout -Out|inspired by]] a [[HP Lovecraft|very certain mythology]].
* [[Names to Trust Immediately]]: A few. One notable example in lore is Uther Lightbringer, the very first paladin.
* [[Nemean Skinning]]
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** A lot of old world [[NP Cs]] after the Cataclysm.
* [[Never Mess With Granny]]: {{spoiler|Grandma Wahl of Gilneas seems like a typical old lady, but don't mess with her kitty! Because she will transform into a worgen and [[Rule of Funny|beat you up with her rolling pin]]}}.
* [[New Game Plus+]]: See [[Alt-Itis]], in [[World of Warcraft (Video Game)/Tropes A-H|A-H]]. The heirloom items available for purchase with endgame emblems are usable at any level and grow along with the character they're on at any given moment, along with generally having Superior-quality stats when your character doesn't even see useful Uncommons on a regular basis until level 20 and beyond.
* [[New World Tease]]: Sort of: In the final chamber of the Blood Furnace, you can look straight down through the floor and catch a glimpse of Magtheridon's Lair. And in Magister's Terrace, there is a scrying orb that you can click to get a glimpse of the Sunwell Plateau.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Many hats in the game, but the tophats that the citizens of Gilneas wear takes the cake.
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{{quote| '''Forgemaster Garfrost:''' Garfrost hope giant underpants clean. Save boss great shame. For later. }}
* [[No Eye in Magic]]: The Lunatic Gaze spell, used by Yogg-Saron and the Laughing Skulls, will only drain the sanity of players who are facing it. Also, Eadric the Pure's Radiance and Isiset's Supernova are [[Temporary Blindness|blinding]] attacks that will only work on players who look at it.
* [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]: The ''players'' get to do this to, of all people {{spoiler|''the Lich King''}}. Granted, you have had three phases of fight with him beforehand not counting Remorseless Winter, and he's just been the victim of Tirion.
* [[Noisy Nature]]: Every thing that attacks on both planets will make a lot of noise in the process, even (sometimes especially) when it shouldn't.
* [[Non-Indicative Name]]: The Combat Rogue's Mastery skill, "Main Gauche," increases the rate at which you attack with the weapon in your ''right hand''. "Main Gauche" is French for "left hand."
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* [[Proud Scholar Race Guy]]: Gnomes, and draenei to a lesser extent. In ''Cataclysm'', the Blood Elves also have this going on.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: Orcs most obviously, Tauren to a lesser extent. Vrykul are something of a deconstruction, playing it dead straight to the point of being a bunch of brutal murderers.
* [[Psychic -Assisted Suicide]]: Shadow Priests + [[Mind Control]] + a tall cliff = [[Hilarity Ensues]].
* [[Punctuated for Emphasis]]: Cataclysm expansion, Twilight Highlands. The quest is entitled "Madness," and you're to accompany a horde negotiator to the leader of the Dragonmaw clan of Orcs. Along the way, he questions "Hey, does this [[Red Shirt]] make me look expendable?" along with invoking [[Retirony]]. And worse, at the end of the (unsuccessful) negotiations, he exclaims that "This is madness!" A Sparta kick into the flames behind him accompanies the following-
{{quote| '''Warchief Mor'ghor says:''' This is.....<br />
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