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Shadow of the Colossus/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[And Then John Was a Zombie]]: One interpretation of the ending is that Wander becomes the seventeenth Colossus after Dormin possesses him.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type III or IV]]. He'd probably be a lot less morally ambiguous if he didn't live in such a [[Crapsack World]].
* [[The Archer]]: Wander is a hell of a shot with a bow {{spoiler|and in the [[New Game Plus+]], a spear}}, but can't use a sword to save his life. See also [[Possession Implies Mastery]].
** [[Horse Archer]]
* {{spoiler|[[Back From the Dead]]}}
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* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: ... becomes one. In the figurative sense that is in line with what this trope is about, Wander's determination to slay each Colossus one by one becomes more and more unhealthy for him the longer the game goes on. Then a literal version of the trope is played with during the ending, when, as part of his reward for slaying them all, he becomes a Colossus-like entity when Dormin possesses him.
* [[Holler Button]]: There's a button used to make him call Agro's name. The voice clip varies depending on how far Agro is - up to a whistle instead if Agro's far enough - and he sounds kind of panicked during battle. The whistle has a second function, if Agro's not around for a fight: it can enrage the Colossi into making an attack, the sonic equivalent of pointlessly bouncing arrows off of them.
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]]: It's pretty clear from the get-go that Wander knows nothing about how to wield his sword and only has it because he needs its powers for his quest.
* [[Hyperactive Metabolism]]: Eating fruit extends his health bar, and kneeling helps said health bar restore more quickly.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: While Wander's sword has a visible sheath, he seemingly pulls his bow out of his pocket. The same go for awarded items from Time Attack.
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* [[Captain Obvious]]: "Thou shalt not be able to reach its weak point from where thou are…" "Climb to a higher place…" "Find its hidden weak point…" Thank you Dormin, I would be so lost without you!
* [[The Computer Is a Lying Bastard]]: Some of Dormin's hints are entirely useless and too ambiguous to count for anything.
* [[Continue Your Mission, Dammit!]]: As an understated example; if Wander is taking his time killing a Colossus, Dormin will chime in with a cryptic clue regarding the boss' weakness. If he takes longer, Dormin will chime in with a much, ''much'' less cryptic clue.
* [[Dark Is Evil]]: There was probably ''some'' reason Dormin was sealed, and being an evil entity is one explanation. They are also pretty cagey about exactly what price Wander will have to pay to revive Mono, and do possess him at the end.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: On the other hand, not only do They warn Wander about the consequences of their deal, but They actually care enough to keep Their end of the bargain, and (whether or not this was intentional) save Wander's life when both could have been destroyed, possibly even qualifying as a [[Heroic Sacrifice]].
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* [[Boss Arena Idiocy]]: A few of the Colossi on their own would be nightmares to fight were it not for some element in the background that Wander could exploit.
* [[Colossus Climb]]: [[Trope Maker]] and [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Contractual Boss Immunity]]: Wander gets {{spoiler|exploding arrows and the spear of thunder}} in the [[New Game Plus+]] and they still can't be used to actually kill the Colossi. See also [[Annoying Arrows]] in general. [[Justified Trope]], since the sword, the only weapon capable of killing the brutes, holds some mystical power, heavily associated with the Colossi. Dormin admits that the sword is the only thing Wander has that can make the Colossus quest possible.
* [[Damage Sponge Boss]]: Once you're actually up on them, most bosses become this.
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Especially against the bigger, fiercer ones, like Barba, Basaran, and Malus.
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* [[No Mouth]]: Zigzagged. Dirge has a functioning mouth, Avion a seemingly vestigial lower jaw, and Kuromori one hole for a breath weapon, but all the others have a carved line ''at the most''.
* [[Our Giants Are Bigger]]: '''Much''' bigger. Seriously, these monsters are some of the largest enemies in a video game, ever. [http://dl.gamesradar.com/assets/game_size_chart.jpg Accoring to GamesRadar], the first Colossus is slightly bigger than [[Metal Gear|Metal Gear REX]] and [[Fat and Proud|Gabe Newell]], but smaller than the [[Ghostbusters|Stay Puft Marshmallow Man]] and [[Resistance|The Leviathan]]. Worth mentioning though that the first Colossus is far from the largest in the game; that would be Phalanx, which is a quarter of a mile long. Played with when considering Celosia and Cenobia, which are puny compared with the other Colossi, but still pretty big next to Wander.
* [[Perpetual Expression]]: Their faces are carved from stone, and as a result they cannot change their expressions, though their eyes do light up whenever they have Wander in their sights, and [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|turn red]] whenever he attacks them.
* [[Puzzle Boss]]: Pretty much every Colossus is this trope in some form or another, requiring a bit of deduction and observation before you can even get on them, but a few stand out - see below.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: This is how you know you've got a Colossus' attention. Which tends to follow shortly by you being under their foot.
* [[Single Specimen Species]]: Each of the Colossi is completely different from the others.
* [[Skippable Boss]]: Averted. Each time you start a game, if you want to see any Colossus after the first one, you'll have to kill them in order. Even if you only want to unlock the Time Attack mode, which lets you face any Colossus in any order and gives you the option of quitting rather than seeing the battle through to the end, sooner or later you'll have the complete a game first, and that involves killing them.
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* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]]: If you subscribe to the idea that the Colossi are not living things, or else don't technically die {{spoiler|since they seem to be fragments of Dormin's soul, each fragment of which is released when all the weak points of any one Colossus are neutralised}}. In any case, this seems to be Wander's attitude towards them.
* [[What Measure Is a Non Unique]]: Every Colossus is different. Some fierce (Cenobia, Celosia, Dirge), some majestic and powerful (Phaedra, Gaius), some terrifying (Pelagia, Quadratus). And you have to kill them all.
* [[You Get Knocked Down, You Get Back Up Again]]: If Wander gets injured and knocked down, the offending Colossus will make no further offensive effort unless either Wander finally gets back up or the player leaves him lying down for too long. [[Combat Pragmatist|Except in Hard Mode.]] As detailed in their sections, Cenobia and Celosia end up being nasty subversions.
=== {{smallcaps|Individual Colossi}} ===
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* [[Cool Horse]]
** [[Hellish Horse]]: Slow-moving, skeletal-looking and alien even by Colossus standards, Phaedra is perhaps the eeriest boss you'll encounter in this game.
** [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: A giant horse with crab-legs.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Up to this point, the other Colossi simply grunt or roar when you stab their vitals. Phaedra ''[[Hell Is That Noise|screams]]''.
* [[Wake Up Call Boss]]: Quite fiddly for newcomers, and also introduces the first puzzle that doesn't involve bouncing arrows off a Colossus.
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Colossus number nine. Resembles a tortoise.
* [[Boss Arena Idiocy]]: Basaran, Basaran. Why would you live someplace that houses {{spoiler|geysers that can flip you over}}?
* [[Luck -Based Mission]]: Sometimes to the point of being [[That One Boss]] for some players. Flipping it is a fiddly process dependant on {{spoiler|the timing of geysers}} and whether or not it works is up to Basaran as much as it's up to you.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: He's mainly a tortoise, but he has fur and thin, crab-like limbs.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: Basaran is the second Colossus Wander confronts that is capable of launching projectiles at him. In this case, it's a quadruple whammy of lightning bolts that shake the screen when they hit the ground (or Wander). Bizarrely, they come from four spikes on Basaran's chin.
* [[Turtle Power]]: The shell on its back is segmented and has unusual projections and spikes on it, but otherwise Basaran looks very much like a giant tortoise. {{spoiler|It also has few handholds, so staying on when Basaran rights itself is a tricky business unless you know where those handhelds are.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Eye Scream]]: Dirge regularly pokes it head out of the sand while pursuing Agro, and opens its eyes. The resulting blank stare is pretty creepy, but if you shoot it in the eye, Dirge shrieks out in pain and is temporarily blinded.}}
* [[Leitmotif]]: Dirge has its own unique theme. Other Colossi have distinctive themes, but these are usually repeated at least once in another Colossus battle. Dirge's initial theme is never heard outside of that battle, and, while being quick and stirring, it also has a distinctly menacing tone to it.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: He's serpent-like with a hairy body, has a [[Never Smile At a Crocodile|crocodilian face]] and sounds a bit like a dolphin.
* [[Sand Is Water]]: It has to be magical, given its size: Dirge seems to treat sand as its natural home, and moves so quickly while swimming through it that Agro can barely keep ahead of it even while racing at full gallop. Dirge can't go through solid rock, though, which is the only place you can sit and think while still in the fight {{spoiler|... before the answer hits you.}}
* [[Worm Sign]]: One way to keep track of Dirge is to watch out for geysers of sand as Dirge moves beneath the surface. This is the usual way of tracking Dirge at a distance. When it gets close, the back fin pokes through the sand and once it gets closer still its head comes above the surface.
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Colossus number eleven. One of the two smallest Colossi at about elephant size; resembles a big cat with massive horns/fangs.
* [[Boss Arena Idiocy]]: {{spoiler|One of only two places in the entire valley that have fire just had to be the [[Boss Room]] of the only colossus afraid of fire…}}
* [[Bullfight Boss]]: Celosia can fall into this very quickly if you don't dodge its charge attack in good time. If Wander doesn't get up and run for cover, Celosia will just keep charging and charging until either Wander makes for cover [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|or gets beaten to death]].
* [[Cat and Mouse Boss]]: You'll spend most of the battle being chased by it, but once its weak point is exposed it's your turn to chase it [[Chasing Your Tail|while it is trying to chase you]].
* {{spoiler|[[Didn't Need Those Anyway]]: See [[Ring Out Boss]].}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Ring Out Boss]]: At the beginning of the battle, Celosia is invincible. In order to defeat it, you have to trick it into falling off the cliff. The impact smashes its armour, exposing the weak point on its back.}}
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Celosia is {{spoiler|terrified of fire.}}
* [[You Get Knocked Down, You Get Back Up Again]]: [[Subverted Trope|Subverted:]] it will reserve its attack until Wander is getting up, giving the player a ''[[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|very]]'' limited window of opportunity to dodge roll out of the way, even on Normal. Too soon and it will turn towards you at the last moment; too late and you'll just get hit.
=== Pelagia - Permagnus Pistrix (The Great Basilisk) ===
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* [[Chasing Your Tail]]: When you're trying to get up on its back and it's simultaneously turning around to follow you.
* [[Confusion Fu]]: What it tries to lure Wander out of his hiding spot.
* [[Eyeless Face]] / [[The Faceless]]: This is the only Colossus that doesn't even bother with [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|eyes]]. Instead, you tell if it's aggressive if its ''horns'' turn from blue to red. See the Your Mileage May Vary page for more information.
* [[Eye Beam]]: It's attacks become this if you believe it has eye-stalks as opposed to horns.
* [[Our Monsters Are Weird]]
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* [[Palette Swap]]: He has different armor and fur than Celosia, but not much other distinction.
* [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse]]: {{spoiler|He can knock down some of the larger pillars, which are about as thick, large, and sturdy as Valus' leg}}. He's only the size of an SUV.
* [[You Get Knocked Down, You Get Back Up Again]]: Like Cenobia,[[Subverted Trope|subverted:]] it will reserve its attack until Wander is getting up, giving the player a ''[[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|very]]'' limited window of opportunity to dodge roll out of the way, even on Normal. Too soon and it will turn towards you at the last moment; too late and you'll just get hit.
=== Argus - Presidium Vigilio (The Sentinel) ===
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