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G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra: Difference between revisions

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*** The "More than 26" part was because the Vipers (normal solders) and the Neo-Vipers look the same (Neo-Vipers have metal color chest armour while Vipers are all black, and in the game blue, like they should be)
* [[Badass Biker]] [[Biker Babe|Babe]]: Scarlett.
** It's [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_camouflage:Active camouflage|active camouflage]] a type of stealth that's being researched right now. Nothing that can be mass produced yet, but possible in "the near future".
* [[Badass in A Nice Suit]]: Storm Shadow is probably the best-dressed person in the film. McCullen deserves notice, too, as his suit is ''[[Shout -Out|fan-TAS-tic.]]''
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Snake Eyes has one, Storm Shadow has one, and the Baroness wears one in Paris.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Snake-Eyes in particular (Storm Shadow is his Cobra counterpart), specifically when dealing with the Neo-Vipers. In the Paris chase he manages to do a lot more to try and stop Storm Shadow and Ana than his teammates in [[Powered Armor]]. All without having anything special besides a gun and his sword.
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* [[Designated Girl Fight]]: A rather brutal example involving Baroness, Scarlett, a chain, a screwdriver, and a pan of motor oil. The motor oil is only used to defeat the "invisibility suit" though. Played with in that Scarlett is wearing BDUs instead of, say, her workout clothes, and Baroness hits her in the face with the pan.
* [[Dirty Coward]]: Zartan especially when he knifes Cover Girl in the back.
* [[Dog FightingDogfighting Furballs]]: Unlike most examples, this one took place under water.
* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: Ripcord thinks he's this to Scarlett.
* [[Dramatic Gun Cock]]: During the raid on the pit, Duke has the Baroness and Storm Shadow at gunpoint; when the Baroness approaches him, he thumbs back the hammer on his 1911, which means, up to that point, it was incapable of firing.
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** Complete immunity to toxins means lack of need of protective equipment in case of chemical or biological warfare. This was also demonstration of regenerative capabilities of Vipers.
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: As pointed out quite clearly, Ripcord was attracted to Scarlett.
* [[Hero Insurance]]: Somewhere between this and a [["Get Out of Jail Free" Card]]. During the Paris escapade the Joes cause minimal damage compared to the Baroness and Storm Shadow (a few yards of pavement, a train window and a few dozen cars). General Hawk is able to get them freed from the Paris Police but {{spoiler|the French give the team involved a permanent travel ban as a "thank you for saving our most famous city" present}}. Of course, to a large degree they were enacting a [[Godzilla Threshold]]; stopping them was more important than a few million dollars of property damage.
* [[Highly-Visible Ninja]]: Storm Shadow. Because ''nobody'' will ever notice a dude in a blinding white terrycloth ninja outfit...
** One, he's just that awesome, and two, their base is under a polar ice cap.
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* [[Hollywood Atheist]]: Scarlet seems to be either an aversion of this or an example since she doesn't believe in anything unquantifiable, including ''emotions.'' Equally possible, she's just a smart lady trying to push Ripchord away with a very bad line.
* [[Hollywood Healing]]: Scarlett's face, badly battered by a brutal beating from the Baroness, is magically all better in time for the next big action set-piece.
* [[Hot Sub -On -Sub Action]]: Oh, boy, is there ever. So much so it only have been even a more clear <s>ripoff</s> <s>homage</s> imitation of ''[[Star Wars|Return of the Jedi]]'' if it had been in space.
* [[I Control My Minions Through...]]: [[Mind Control]], Money ''and'' Sadism.
* [[Impaled With Extreme Prejudice]]: ''Several'' examples.
* [[Implacable Man]]: The Neo-Vipers, at least until the Joes figure out how to put them down quicker (really big guns help).
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* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja]]: Ripcord and Duke pull off some pretty awesome stuff in their Alpha 6 Accelerator Suits. Snake-Eyes, pulls off the same and/or ''more'' awesome stunts, without them. The audience doesn't question that because he's ''a goddamn Ninja''.
* [[Ironic Echo]]: "This will only hurt a little. What comes next... more so." {{spoiler|1=First said by Dr. Mindbender to a test subject, then by Rex to McCullen.}}
* [[ItsIt's Going Down]]
* [[Just Between You and Me]]: Lampshaded and partially subverted. While Duke is being taken in for Viper conversion, he tries to grill McCullen on his master plan. McCullen sees through the attempt and indulges him anyway, but leaves the critical detail out to avoid spoiling the surprise.
* [[Karmic Transformation]]: {{spoiler|Destro}}
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* [[Oh Crap]]: When Snake Eyes unexpectedly drops out of the Paris car chase, [[The Baroness]] gloats "He gave up!" Cue Storm Shadow -- "He ''never'' gives up." {{spoiler|They get blindsided by a train}}.
* [[One-Scene Wonder]]: [[The Mummy Trilogy (Film)|Kevin J. O'Connor]] as Dr. Mindbender in {{spoiler|Rex}}/The Doctor's [[Flash Back]].
* [[One -Way Visor]]: Snake Eyes
** Mantis fighter sub pilots.
* [[Outrun the Fireball]]: Inverted somewhat--{{spoiler|Duke runs toward a building to save Rex from an impending airstrike, but is blown backward by the explosion}}.
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* [[Product Placement]]: Double Bubble, Norton AntiVirus, Cisco Systems, Chrysler, Hummer, Opel...surprisingly not one for Hasbro.
** That's called the entire movie.
* [[Quickly -Demoted Woman]]: Scarlett seems to be afflicted with a version of this. Despite being a (supposedly) brilliant, highly capable operative and well-respected, long-standing member of G.I. Joe, her role in the film is almost entirely limited to serving to enable new recruit Ripcord's various exploits. ''And'', in fairness, [[Boom! Headshot!|shooting guys in the face with exploding bolts]] her crossbow.
* [[Race Lift]]: Ripcord is white in the original series. Breaker was a white southerner in the original Marvel comic run. Heavy Duty was still black but from [[The Windy City|Chicago]], not London.
* [[Reality Ensues]]: After [[The Reveal]], {{spoiler|the Commander and Destro are promptly captured. Despite Ana breaking free of her mind control, she's still under arrest until they can figure out how to get the nanites out.}}
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** It only can't be referenced on-screen because ''The Mummy'' is by another studio (Transformers, at least, isn't).
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: General Hawk first subverted his orders by {{spoiler|telling the team that they could violate the spirit of the orders without technically violating the letter}} and later {{spoiler|launched an unsanctioned attack on Cobra's Arctic base after the organization was ordered disbanded.}}
* [[Shout -Out]]: Many
** The underwater base is a [[James Bond]] homage.
** The battle for the base is one long tribute to [[Star Wars]]. When the base's pulse canon first activates, it strongly resembles the Death Star's firing sequence. {{spoiler|Duke and Baroness'}} escape from the exploding tunnel is almost frame for frame Lando's escape from the exploding Death Star II. The entire underwater melee has strong [[Return of the Jedi]] echoes.
*** And when the pulse cannon fires, it makes the sound of [[Tron|programs "de-rezzing".]]
** Strip the Night Raven down to bare metal and slap red stars on it, and you have [[Firefox]].
** And, of course, there's [[Doctor Who (TV)|The Doctor]] [[The Nth Doctor|regenerating]] as well.
** Storm Shadow's the one using a double-bladed weapon in a reactor complex, which is funny given Snake Eyes' actor is the one that played [[Star Wars|Darth Maul]].
** Duke likes to kick ass and [[Chew Bubblegum]]. Right before the Paris chase, [[They Live|he runs out of gum]].
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*** Considering that she had tried to pretend she was busy seconds earlier, that was probably just the next level.
* [[Super Soldier]]: The Neo-Vipers stroll through massed assault rifle fire without any apparent ill effect, and one even continues on as normal even after being set on fire.
** More or less you have to shoot them in the eye (the only part without armour) or use anti-tank weapons to kill one. At the very least with Joe tech, [[Boom! Headshot!|aim for the head]].
* [[Super Window Jump]]: Performed by Strom Shadow during the last parts of the Paris chase.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Duke loves gum. Tatum's kicked-puppy-dog face when Breaker begs for his last piece of Double-Bubble is ''hilarious''.
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