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The Dresden Files/Characters/The White Council: Difference between revisions

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* [[Poisonous Friend]]: To the White Council and especially Harry, since if you threaten either one, he'll blow you up. Literally.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Fought in the French and Indian War.
* [[Sawed -Off Shotgun]]: Like Harry, he tends to lug one of these around with him. Not that he usually needs it.
* [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]]: Again, {{spoiler|see aforementioned [[Colony Drop]].}}
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Ebenezar normally uses a staff carved from an oak tree struck by lightning on his farm. But when shit really hits the fan, he pulls out {{spoiler|the Blackstaff, which allows him to work [[Black Magic]] without going insane.}}
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* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* [[Braids, Beads, and Buckskins]]: Listens-To-Wind has been guilty of all charges at some point or another, and uses a lot of Native American trappings to work magic, but manages to subvert the trope entirely. If anything, he seems to have about the same dress sense as most modern-day Native Americans.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Dance Magic]]: Used for some of his spells.
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* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Magic Knight]]
* [[Quickly -Demoted Woman]]: Subverted. Although she now is ''much'' less effective in combat, she retains her rank and uses her knowledge to good effect in a less-physical position. Plus "much less effective in combat" still leaves her capable of kicking a lot of ass.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Was born in the 1700s. {{spoiler|Currently has the body of a twenty-five year old.}}
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: By necessity. Ever since {{spoiler|being transferred to her younger body,}} Luccio's talents have suffered as {{spoiler|her new body doesn't have the potential for magic that her older one possessed.}} That being said, she is still ''incredibly'' powerful and a masterfully-skilled fighter, and makes use of her reduced talents to impressive effect. Even with a modest magical talent now, Luccio can produce deadly beams of precise energy or wide area-effect illusions. Harry states in Changes even with the obvious decrease in power he still wouldn't want to fight her.
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* [[A Man Is Not a Virgin]]: {{spoiler|Despite what he says, he's a virgin. He's still badass}}.
* [[Ted Baxter]]: He really is pretty damn badass, but he's prone to making jokes about his prowess in everything that exaggerate it to the point of ridiculousness.
* [[Tricked -Out Gloves]]: Wears a gauntlet with Olmec or Aztecan pictoglyphs to focus his water magic
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: You don't need a lot of force with particle beams.
** That, and almost everyone looks [[Weak but Skilled]] next to Harry "Powerhouse Slob" Dresden.
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: He doesn't like Harry at ''all''. This didn't stop him from recognizing in ''Turn Coat'' that the guy who makes a living as a private investigator might have the best chance of {{spoiler|rooting out [[The Mole]].}}
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Usually he's just "The Merlin."
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: of a sort. In the earlier books Harry depicts him as [[Head -in -The -Sand Management]], trying to avoid war with the Red Court vampires. By ''Changes'', however, when Cristos' faction is pushing for peace, the Merlin is among those who recognizes that this really is going to be a war of annihilation, and he's determined to fight it through.
** [[Fridge Brilliance]] sets in when you realize that {{spoiler|with Peabody's mind-altering spells gone, Merlin's thinking a bit more clearly.}}
* [[Jerkass]]: He was going to {{spoiler|have Molly executed}} just to spite Harry and keep his mantle of authority unchallenged.
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* [[Anti-Magic]]: Surprisingly adept at countering spells. {{spoiler|He deflects most of Harry's spells while he's attempting to run him down.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Dog Was the Mastermind]]}}: [[Almighty Janitor|Important]] he might be, but he's still a very minor functionary.
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: Peabody has made numerous minor appearances in earlier books, always as a minor background character. For example, he's the one who took notes on the Council meeting in ''Summer Knight'', wrote ''Die Lied der Erlking'', was present at {{spoiler|Molly}}'s trial in ''Proven Guilty'', and so on.
* {{spoiler|[[Mind Control]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mind Rape]]}}
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