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So while if done right, this can strike fear into our hearts, too often this falls short and strikes [[Narm]] into our hearts.
Compare [[Limp and Livid]], [[Three -Point Landing]], [[Running On All Fours]].
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* [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Viral]] does this while fighting Kamina. Justified in that he's part cat, and fights like one when he's on foot.
* [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Eva-01]] does this on a few occasions when it goes [[Unstoppable Rage|berserk]], most notably when fighting the 14th Angel.
** As well as a fair amount of [[Three -Point Landing|Three Point Landings]].
* This is [[Death Note (Manga)|L's]] modus operandi when [[Genius Ditz|not sitting in uncomfortable positions on staring at a computer screen for hours on end]].
* Be ''very, very afraid'' if you see a Diclonius in ''[[Elfen Lied]]'' walking like this.
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* The [[Peter Jackson]] ''[[The Lord of the Rings (Film)|The Lord of the Rings]]'' films both played this straight, with the Moria orcs and goblins, and averted it in the design of the Uruk-Hai and Mordor orcs. According to the behind-the-scenes features, quite a bit of time went into training the stunt actors portraying orcs to ''not'' walk like monkeys due to the possibility of making them more [[Narm]]-inducing than fearsome.
** Gollum, who is permenently hunched over and often lopes on all fours when running. One orc describes him as "rather like a spider himself, or perhaps like a starved frog."
* The [[Affably Evil]] Rattigan from '[[The Great Mouse Detective]]'', after having a severe [[Villainous Breakdown]], begins running on all fours to get to the protagonist and [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|beat the living crap out of him.]]
* Dominic Greene in ''[[Quantum of Solace (Film)|Quantum of Solace]]'' uses a very subtle version of this, betraying his sinister nature over his high society, charitable facade. After his [[Villainous Breakdown]], it becomes far more obvious when he [[Narm|screams like a demonic monkey]] while [[Axe Crazy|attacking Bond with an axe.]]
* ''[[Interview With the Vampire]]'': Vampires usually turn inhuman--demonic and beastly--when they are about to feed. You rarely see one stroll across the ceiling; usually they go on all fours when they're skirting across the ceiling. Lestat and Louis, repeatedly.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* The Ferengi in their first episode of ''[[Star Trek the Next Generation]]''. People laughed so hard at them, they were later turned into [[Planet of Hats|a race of]] [[Plucky Comic Relief]] [[Honest John's Dealership|conniving merchants]].
* The savage people in the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' episode "Utopia".
* The First Slayer in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''. [[Nightmare Fuel|Done a little too well, perhaps.]]
* Wild-animal-themed ''[[Super Sentai]]'' teams ''[[Seijuu Sentai Gingaman|Gingaman]]'' and ''[[Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger|Gaoranger]]'' use this instead of the typical [[Super Sentai Stance]].
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* The newly-designed hurlocks of ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' utilize this trope. They tend to shamble rather than walk or run.
** Taken [[Up to Eleven]] with the new genlocks, who are constantly hunched over and prone to [[Running On All Fours]].
*** [[Magic Knight|Fe]][[Badass|nr]][[Good Is Not Nice|is]] is a mild example, but there's still a noticeable difference between his posture and that of the other companions. Get him to stand near, say, [[Black Magician Girl|Me]][[Cute Clumsy Girl|ri]][[Morality Pet|ll]] or [[The Archer|Seb]][[Knight in Shining Armor|ast]][[Government in Exile|ian]] and you can clearly see a difference, as Fenris stands with his shoulders hunched forward, like he's constantly ready to pounce into action in an instant. And given his [[Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!|circ]][[Living MacGuffin|umst]][[Stern Chase|ances]], it's probably [[Justified Trope|justified]].
* Monkey in [[Enslaved]]. He even runs in this position sometimes - and manages to make it look cool.
* Cipher Admin. Gorigan of ''[[Pokémon XD]]: Gale of Darkness'' adopts a pose similar to an ape's pose at all times (as seen above). He also bangs his fists against his chest when angered.
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