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* [[A Boy and His X|A Girl And Her Piano]]: Although she does also have a dog, apparently.
* [[Asexuality]]: Has mentioned far preferring pianos to either women (at least, women who aren't her pet singers) or men.
* [[Author Appeal]]: [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mappo |Apocalyptic Buddhism]].
* [[Born in The Wrong Century]]: [http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/500/25992649/Yuki+Kajiura.jpg Intentionally patterns her appearance and life after the German Romantics]. She seems to be aiming to, essentially, dissolve pop music back into classical music as opposed to the more common inverse of bringing classical flourishes to pop. It would appear that she views [[The Eighties]] as the most worthwhile period for ''non''-classical music, oddly enough.
** Maybe not so oddly, as she would have been a teenager around the time that bands like [[Deconstructor Fleet|Dire Straits and Talking Heads]] became big.
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* [[Neoclassical Punk Zydeco Rockabilly]]: In addition to 'classicising' pop music, she also does some fine work in reproducing the sounds of cultures that interest her or are relevant to the projects on which she works.
* [[Reclusive Artist]]: To an extent. It's also possible that she simply doesn't really ''have'' a private life to conceal.
* [[Religious Horror]]: Some of her recent lyrics have this vibe. Buddhist version, with implications of living in the [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapp%C5%8D |Age of the Degenerate Dharma]], with no Future Buddha yet in sight.
* [[Serious Business]]: Some detractors see her as taking [[Anime]] soundtracks far too seriously.
* [[Sex Is Evil]]: Sort of. 'Love Is Good' is the more prominent message; her lyrics excel at depicting every facet of romantic love from the best to the worst, and her body of work presents a world defined almost solely ''by'' romantic love; but the actual sex act, when the music addresses or alludes to it, tends to come across as something almost [[Cosmic Horror Story|Lovecraftian.]]
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* [[Spiritual Successor]]: "Ongaku", to a Matthew Arnold poem called "Dover Beach". [[Teasing Creator|Maybe.]]
* [[The Hecate Sisters]]: Kalafina [[Playing With a Trope|plays with this]], giving us three ''young'' women who present as [http://jpopcdcovers.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/fairytale-cd.jpg (L-R) Mother (Wakana), Maiden (Hikaru), and Crone (Keiko)]. Perhaps unusually, the fan favourite in this case is the Crone, meaning that Keiko is also a pseudo-example of [[Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!]] ''at the age of twenty-four.''
** Also self-consciously a little [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Norns |Norn]]-ish stylistically.
* [[Yuri Fan]]: Possibly? She does seem to work on a lot of [[Les Yay]]-heavy shows.
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* ''[[.hack]]''
** ''[[.hack Sign|.hack//SIGN]]
** ''[[.hack Liminality|.hack//Liminality]]''
** ''[[.hack GU Games|.hack//Roots]]'' (theme song only)
** ''[[Dot Hack Link|.hack//Link]]'' (songs licensed)
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