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* [[Reality TV Show Mansion]]: The Leet World House, although it is far from extravagant.
* [[Rivals Team Up]]: The Terrorists and the CTs, against some outside force.
* [[Robotic Reveal]]: While his [[Artificial Human]] status had been hinted at since his introduction, and confirmed just moments before, {{spoiler|Asher's eyes [[Glowing Eyes of Doom|flashing]] [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|red]] after receiving his reprogramming}} was the final confirmation that he definitely wasn't human.
* [[Running Gag]]: Many, including Leeroy's 'online social life,' Player's ass, and the ski-masked Ochos Muertos continually getting their names mixed up between them.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Player and Chet to the Producer in the season 2 finale.
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'''Ellis''': Uh, ''yeah''. Loser. Let's get out of here, Montrose.<br />
'''Montrose''': Later, beeyotch. }}
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Episode 2.7, and then again shortly afterwards with episode 2.10.
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Westheimer and Cortez, albeit begrudgingly; the Domination Guy and Cortez; and, oddly enough, [[Ax Crazy|Mendoza]] to Westheimer.
{{quote| '''Westheimer:''' If anything happens to my soldiers I'm gonna come after you myself, challenge be damned.<br />
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