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* [[Big Good]]: The Entity, although [[Good Is Not Nice]] and it tends to jerk some of the heroes around.
* [[Big Friendly Dog]]: The Predator. No, really.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: ''Brightest Day'': {{spoiler|The original Swamp Thing is dead and Alec Holland (the ''real'' Holland, not the plant who ''thought'' he was Holland) has become the new Swamp Thing. Shiera has disappeared following the final battle, leaving Hawkman completely alone. Ronnie & Jason learn that the Firestorm matrix was damaged by the Anti-Monitor and will detonate in 90 days. Deadman is dead once again and cannot pass on, leaving a tearful goodbye to Dove. Hawk's life has ''technically'' been returned to him, but his rage & warlike nature has prevented him from truly reclaiming his life as his own. Not to mention that Swamp Thing has become an active [[GaiasGaia's Vengeance]], with John Constantine realizing what the consequences of this being. But life and Earth have been saved, J'onn has found solace with his life, and Aquaman (complete with healed hand) has reconciled with Mera}}.
** Much less so with ''Generation Lost'': {{spoiler|OMAC-Prime has been destroyed and Wonder Woman is still alive. Max undid his mind control over the world, but managed to escape and announce that he's rededicating Checkmate to policing the metahuman/superhero community. Captain Atom is presumably alive, but has been thrown out of current time & space to the unknown. Finally, the JLI has been cleared of their "crimes" and now been reinstated as an active superhero team}}.
* [[Bloodier and Gorier]]: Cause of the [[Hype Backlash]] for the series, as the violence of the series has turned off many who felt the title meant that DC would be toning down the gore and violence following the gore and violence of ''Blackest Night''.
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* [[Expy]]: [[Green Arrow]] had always been a [[Robin Hood]] [[Expy]], but now he's an outlaw and has his own "Sherwood Forest".
* [[Eye Scream]]: In order to keep his captive telepaths docile under his control, Zardor {{spoiler|has his snakes eat their eyes out}}.
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Johns has referred to the resurrected Deadman as "Aliveman". Fans have also used "Liveman" ([[Choujuu Sentai Liveman|not that one]], though they [[Shout -Out|reference it often]]) and "Un-Deadman".
* [[Faux Affably Evil]]: Deathstorm.
* [[Five-Bad Band]]: {{spoiler|Krona}} and his associates
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* [[Memetic Badass]]: Batman's status as this is [[In-Universe|lampshaded by Deadman]], who thinks he's the chosen bearer of the White Ring. Because it's ''always'' Batman.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Deathstorm, D'kay D'razz
* [[Nineties Anti -Hero]]: The writers have confirmed that Deathstorm was designed in this vein, complete with [[Totally Radical]] speech.
* [[Non-Indicative Name]]: A number of fans took "Brightest Day" to mean "[[Lighter and Softer]]", leading to a massive [[Hype Backlash]] when it turned out to be more the same.
* [[Oh Crap]]: When Captain Atom takes the blast of the nuclear device Max left behind as a trap, his energies take him through the timestream until he falls in a simpler moment in time, where two kids find him. Their father, a settler, mistakes him for a member of a freak show and takes him in until he can move on. Then, night comes, and he peers out of the window... {{spoiler|to see the moon completely shattered in the night sky. When asked what year it is, he learns it is the 24th century}}, and upon invoking the names of the superheroes he thought would have staved disaster off, everybody gets scared. Taken to a "Karrie" living on an atomic wasteland who might have some answers for him, he opens her tent to find she recognizes him, {{spoiler|being Kara, the former Power Girl}}. Horribly irradiated, she points Max Lord as the inception of a horrific catastrophe, begging him to stop his plans as he returns to his time before it all goes to Hell.
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* [[Unperson]]: Max Lord did this to himself. Later happens to [[Wonder Woman]] due to events in her own book; Max, who had been tracking her, notes the [[Irony]].
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: [[Lex Luthor]] in ''Action Comics'', and Deathstroke's team in ''Titans''.
* [[Wham! Episode]]: In ''Green Lantern'' #60, it is revealed that {{spoiler|Krona}} is the mysterious enemy who has been trying to steal the Entities. Yes, the same {{spoiler|rogue Immortal who was inadvertantly responsible for the creation of the Multiverse, the birth of the Anti-Monitor, and the guy who tried to help Nekron out in its first attempt to force its way into existence by killing the Guardians of the GLC. And by the look of it, he's forced himself to evolve into the same type of being as the Guardians, with presumably the same type of powers they possess}}. Screwed doesn't even begin to describe how much everyone is right now.
** [[It Got Worse]]: The entities (loyal to {{spoiler|Krona}} from his years of taking care of them) possess the bodies of all of the remaining Guardians of the Universe, save for Parallax, who re-enters the Main Green Lantern Power Battery and takes control over 99% of the Green Lantern Corps.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]]: What are the mysterious, sage words of wisdom that the Entity gives to Hank Hall, Dawn Granger and Boston Brand after Hank demands answers from the White Ring? ''"Eat a cheeseburger."'' Evidently the Entity is not without a sense of humor.
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