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Otaku no Musume-san/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** The scene where Kanau confesses that she always wanted grandparents. However, she wanted a father even more so she's happy now too.
** When Haruka cuts off her [[Peek-a-Bangs]], signifying that she'll be her own person, rather than trying to copy her older sister.
* [[Fan Dumb]]: Concerning the [[Wham! Episode]], the consensual marriage between a 18 year-old girl and a 20 years older man is what creeps people out and makes them abandon the series while since the beginning of the series there has been a OPENLY PEDOPHILIC MAN used as the comic relief guy, huh.
** Not to mention the yaoi-references. Man, I love hypocrisy.
** That 18 year old was raised as that man's "daughter".
* [[Tear Jerker]]: Chapter 39.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Several of the main character are this after their respective [[Wham! Episode]].
** First, we have Sousuke Sensei who {{spoiler|raise Taeko like his daughter and married her.}} Taeko also end up one as well after [[The Reveal]].
** Nicchi, who came across comic relief guy straight to [[Jerkass]] when {{spoiler|he helping Nozomi kidnap Kanau from Kouta and for being overall irresponsible jerk for everybody feeling. It doesn't help that he is also a [[Karma Houdini]] when everyone don't call on him from the above action}}
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* [[Values Dissonance]]:
** The amount of sibling rivalry and parental favoritism that goes on without even a mention sometimes weirds out readers from different cultures.
** Also, people from more individualistic cultures like America might have a hard time understanding why Kouta should have to give up on his crush just so Kanau can have her estranged parents back together. Of course, {{spoiler|the [[Wham! Episode]] makes the whole thing moot anyway.}}
** The aforementioned openly pedophilic man used as a comic relief is something you'd never get away with in most of the western world where pedophiles are consistently portrayed as [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]].
* [[The Woobie]]: The Nagato Family. they are [[The Faceless]] who just want to be noticed by the rest of Higansou. Kind of hard not to feel sorry for Them.
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