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* A pretty big issue in Shade's and Kathy's relationship in ''[[Shade the Changing Man]]''. While being separated from Shade, Kathy starts up a lesbian affair with their mutual friend Lenny. Shade himself feels guilty about falling out of love with girlfriend on his homeworld.
* The [[Distant Finale]] of the first volume of ''Zero Girl''. ''Ouch.''
* Sort of kind of done in ''[[Y the Last Man]]''. The story in short: Yorick has a long distance phone call with his girlfriend, Beth, but it gets disconnected before Yorick, who had intended to propose over the phone, can say what he wanted to say. After this, complete [[Gendercide]] ensures, and Yorick is left the only living man on Earth! One year and a lot of adventurers later he finally meets up with his dear sweetheart, Beth... only to find out that she had intended to break up with him during that phone call one year ago, because her heart had gone yonder during his absence. Not only that, but she had realized that she was actually in love with Yorick's sister! C'mon, let's say it all together now: [[Alas, Poor Yorick]].
== Film - Animated ==
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* [[Harry Turtledove]]'s ''[[Worldwar (Literature)]]'' series, in which someone is [[Mistaken for Dying|Mistaken For Dead]] - there is a war going on, after all - and his wife ends up getting pregnant by, and married to, another man. (And why is that not a trope name?) This is a particularly painful one because both the husband and the new guy are focus characters, so we get to spend the entire time the husband is making his slow, tortuous journey back home knowing exactly what's waiting for him, and that things will get very bad when he finishes his quest. Turtledove eventually [[Murder the Hypotenuse|has him go nuts and get himself killed]] to resolve the [[Love Triangle]].
** Worth pointing out, the husband was shown to be a good and loving man, but he got put through a [[Humiliation Conga]] ''par excellence'' in the meantime and thus is in no mood to be rational when he finds out. He ends up developing a persecution complex and deciding that the best way to punish everyone who he feels wronged him (including his wife) would be to betray humanity.
** Further, the only reason the woman and "other man" hooked up is because they were in the middle of an air raid and have [["Glad to Be Alive" Sex]]. Eventually he admits some of this to his son, but is still too embarrassed to tell the whole story and confesses that had she not gotten pregnant, the woman involved would most likely have gotten back with her husband.
*** Jens also ''does'' have a grievance against the US military, whose "national security" prevented him from letting his wife know he was alive. In fact, a single letter saying "I'm alive" would've prevented her from re-marrying, but somehow the army thought it would jeopardize the atomic bomb project. And then the army people wonder why they guy's pissed off at them.
*** Sam muses that, had it not been wartime, he'd be in a lot of legal trouble for polygamy (although, technically, it'd be his wife who would be in trouble). Fortunately for them, the US has other things to worry about.
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* You. [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|Yes, you]] in ''[[Mass Effect 2 (Video Game)|Mass Effect 2]]''. Assuming you romanced Kaidan, Ashley, or Liara (none of whom will join you in your adventures the second time around) in the first game and they survived only for you to choose to romance a different person in the second game, it's this. ''Particularly'' if you start a romance with one of the new love interests ''before'' meeting your old flame for their [[One-Scene Wonder]]. Depending on how that meeting goes down though, you may or may not feel guilty about it.
** While you were {{spoiler|dead}}, Kaidan's friends convinced him to begin seeing a doctor, since it's not like most guys expect their ex-girlfriends to {{spoiler|come [[Back From the Dead]]}}. It's also eventually revealed that {{spoiler|he still wasn't over you, which is why your reunion on Horizon goes so badly}}.
{{quote| '''Kaidan:''' {{spoiler|I'd finally let my friends talk me into going out for drinks with a doctor on the Citadel. Nothing serious, but [[The Mourning After|trying to let myself have a life again]], you know? [[Wham! Episode|Then I saw you, and everything pulled hard to port]].}}}}
** Ashley doesn't mention if she saw anyone while Shepard was dead, but Liara ''definitely'' didn't move on. She's been too busy {{spoiler|[[Violently Protective Girlfriend|trying to take down the Shadow Broker for trying to sell your body to the Collectors]]}}, and if you romanced her in the first game, {{spoiler|you're then given the opportunity to hook back up with her in some DLC and pick up where you left off, averting this trope in her case.}} And if you did cheat on her and mutually agree to break up, she seems to take it well and wish you happiness.
** Shepard has a picture of whoever the romance in the first game was in his/her room. If you choose to start a new romance, it'll be turned face down... so this ''will'' [[Your Cheating Heart|come back to haunt you]] in the third game.
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* Parodied in the webcomic ''[[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcd]]'', [http://xkcd.com/57/ here].
* In ''[[Bittersweet Candy Bowl]]'', Mike is in a [[Long -Distance Relationship]] with Sandy. After he rejects a [[Love Confession]], one of his friends [[Invoked Trope|invokes this]] by telling him flat-out he should dump Sandy and get together with the local [[Love Interest]], as "long distance relationships never work out anyway". Mike isn't too pleased at having ''his'' feelings on the matter brushed away and his love for Sandy trivialized, and it only damages his friendship with the others.
* Almost the entire plot of the [[Ciem Webcomic Series]] is that Candi's efforts to move after from Donte's rumored death only complicate things worse; especially when she tries to replace him with [[Squishy Wizard|a scientist who's much more easily killed]].
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