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{{quote|''"They’re the kind of dames who can wear floor-length gowns and look completely naked. The kind with hair piled up on their head like compliant serpents, or falling down in smooth lustrous waves. Dames with hard faces and mocking smiles and eyes that sized you up and found you wanting . . . but you’d do, for now."''|'''James Lileks,''' ''The Bleat'' for [http://www.lileks.com/bleats/archive/03/0203/020703.html February 7, 2003]}}
The morally ambiguous [[Femme Fatale]] is the typical client in a [[Hardboiled Detective]] story. You know the type. [[WomaninWoman in Black|Dressed all in black]] with [[She's Got Legs|legs up to here]], she slinks into the [[Private Investigator|PI]]'s office, holding a [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking|cigarette on a long, long holder]], saying "Oh, Mr. Rockhammer, you're the only one who can help me find out who killed my extremely wealthy husband." Did she do it? [[Private Eye Monologue|Do I care?]] [[Sexophone|Where'd that saxophone music come from]]? Whatever her story is, whether she did it or not, she's definitely keeping some secrets.
The [[Femme Fatale]] is [[LMFAO (Music)|sexy and she knows it]]. Made famous by [[Film Noir]] and hard-boiled detective stories, the Femme Fatale manipulates and confuses the hero with her undeniable aura of sexiness and danger. He knows that she's walking trouble and knows much more about the bad guys than she should, but damn it if he can't resist her feminine wiles.
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While the [[Femme Fatale]] is generally evil, or at least morally conflicted, there are occasional exceptions, most notably, the leading ladies of ''[[Mission Impossible]]'' or ''[[Charlies Angels]].'' They are [[Show Some Leg|using their feminine wiles]] in an artificial context to snare the bad guy...all for the greater good, of course.
Often the [[Lady in Red]], and even more often the [[WomaninWoman in Black]], but possibly dressed like [[Naive Everygirl|everyone else]] so as to not be [[Colour-Coded for Your Convenience]]. The [[Femme Fatale]] is one of the female character types that can often be seen wearing [[Opera Gloves]], especially in conjunction with her sexy evening gowns, and, during the daytime (particularly in old [[Film Noir]] movies), is often seen wearing a "fascinator" or "pillbox" hat with a partial- or full-face veil. Not above using the [[Kiss of Distraction]].
If [[Dark Action Girl|she can fight, too,]] then she's ''really'' going to be trouble.
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== Live Action TV ==
* Selena Coombs of ''[[American Gothic]]''. In an interesting inversion, however, her primary sexual usage in the show, aside from being Buck's mistress, is not to turn a good man evil, but to keep a man nominally on the side of evil--Ben Healy--from defecting to the good.
* Sam Marquez on ''[[Las Vegas]]'' works for a casino. Specifically, her job is to keep 'whales' - big spenders - happy. Once, she only slept with a guy because he was dying, and she has openly called herself a slut. Strangely, she rarely sleeps with any of the whales themselves, and had to start going to a therapist later in the series after she was [[Wham! Episode|abducted and nearly raped and killed]].
* Miss Parker from ''[[The Pretender]]''. Makes her entrance stomping out a cigarette on an oil tanker, shoots at the good guy a lot, has UST with him, and regularly growls at and intimidates most men within range.
* ''[[Dollhouse]]'': Adelle DeWitt - charming, morally grey ballbuster who is equally at home with threats and seduction, and approaches Darth Vader levels of nastiness in the second season. She is. In. Charge.
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** In the episode ''[[Elseworld|Noir]]'', an episode with all the ''[[Smallville]]'' characters in a [[Film Noir]], Lana takes the role of the Femme Fatale, {{spoiler|having an affair with Clark Kent, an undercover cop, killing her husband, Lex, and framing Jimmy for the murder}}.
** A contemporary but classic example is Alicia Baker from season three's "Obsession", who decides she's going to have Clark no matter what it takes.
* Lady Christina de Souza from ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' seemed to want to be one.
** The younger River Song was clearly intended to be something like this. Not only does she show up in a long black dress, dark glasses, and stiletto heels, but she wears ''hallucinogenic lipstick''.
* [[Robot Girl|Cameron]] of ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' has more than once used her physical body's attractiveness to coldly manipulate people, up to and including John Connor himself. It is implied that this was, in fact, the entire reason she was built. {{spoiler|Her external appearance was based on a girl named Allison Young, who was implied to be either a close friend or lover of the future John Connor, and Cameron interrogated Allison to learn her mannerisms before attempting to take her place.}}
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