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The Dalemark Quartet: Difference between revisions

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* [[All Myths Are True]] - It's the "official" history of Dalemark that's in question.
* [[All There in the Manual]] - The second volume (last two books) is followed by "A Guide to Dalemark," a sort of glossary of terms and characters. It includes supplementary information not defined in the text, as well as juicy tidbits about certain characters' futures.
* [[Almost -Dead Guy]] - In ''Cart and Cwidder'', Moril, without even realizing he's doing it, manages to use the magic of the cwidder to keep his father alive as he's dying.
* [[Alpha Bitch]] - Hildy
* [[Always Chaotic Evil]] - [[Big Bad]] [[Evil Sorcerer]] Kankredin.
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* [[The Brigadier]] - Navis post-''The Crown of Dalemark''.
* [[Broken Pedestal]] - When Mitt meets {{spoiler|his father}}, he finds that he's a truly vile human being.
* [[Busmans Vocabulary|Busman's Vocabulary]] - Hilariously played with Hildy's use of lawschool slang.
{{quote| This grittling the boys on fayside were at trase with peelers, would you believe! They had sein right too, so it was all kappin and no barlay. We only had mucks. But Biffa was our surnam and you should have seen the hurrel. Now highside is doggers and we have herison from scap to lengday, and everyone looks up to us although we are to be stapled for it. In haste to trethers. Hildrida.}}
* [[Call On Me]] - Old Ammet and Libby Beer.
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* [[The Girl Who Fits This Slipper]] - The Adon's ring is said to fit any finger on either hand of the true heir, no matter how big or small.
* [[God in Human Form]] - The Undying when bound. They still have supernatural powers, but they're ''extremely'' diminished.
* [[GodsGod's Hands Are Tied]] - The bound Undying, especially the One.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]] - A number of Northern earls, especially Earl Keril. Also Navis Haddsson, who is on the lighter side of good but noted by history to have been absolutely ''ruthless''.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]] - Tanaqui and her siblings: human dad, Undying mom.
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* [[Heroic Lineage]] - Left, right, and center.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] - Quite likely Mitt and Moril. Fandom ''loves'' portraying them like this.
* [[How Do I Shot Web?]] - Moril logically breaks down how the cwidder works, but realizes in the end that he's too young and has too little life experience to use it at all times.
* [[Huge Schoolgirl]] - Biffa
* [[Human Popsicle]] - Tanamil turns Gull into one.
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* [[Immortality]] - The One has [[Complete Immortality]], while the rest of the Undying seem to be either [[The Ageless]] or have a [[Healing Factor]]. Kankredin, meanwhile, is physically gone, but his soul continues to poison Dalemark by taking root in the land and feeding off of the chaos it causes.
* [[Incest Is Relative]] - Pretty much every major character is related, albeit some (much) more distantly than others.
* [[ItsIt's for A Book|It's For A Book]] - Maewen's father takes her sudden and intense interest in the reign of Amil the Great to mean that she's writing a historical novel. He's just glad she's [[Shown Their Work|doing the research]].
* [[Jade-Colored Glasses]] - Earl Keril
* [[Jumped At the Call]] - Mitt, who decides that becoming a revolutionary at the age of ten is a ''grand'' idea.
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[[Category:Young Adult Literature]]
[[Category:The Dalemark Quartet]]
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