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Pokémon Ranger/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Amazon Brigade]]: Leads the Dim Sun Crimson Unit, an all-female squad.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: She is pictured squaring off against Keith in a newspaper article a while before you meet her.
* [[Everything's Better With Monkeys]]: Infernape.
* [[Playing With Fire]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Improbable Weapon User|Improbable Pokemon User]]: He uses about eight [[Com Mons|Bidoofs]] to fight you, and near the very end he sends a [[Curb Stomp Battle|single Bidoof]] to try and stop you. He would have sent more, but Blake stopped him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Save the Villain]]}}
* [[Yes -Man]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Green Hair]]
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* [[Playing With Fire]]: His Pokemon preference.
* {{spoiler|[[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: [[Villainous BSOD|He gets pretty darn depressed when you beat him the second time]].}}
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: [[Captain Obvious|Duh.]]
* [[Sleeves Are for Wimps]]
* [[Terrible Trio]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Power Glows]]: Once outfitted with the [[Power Armor|Golden Armor]].}}
* [[Purple Eyes]]: It's his ''name'', for crying out loud!
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: As befitting his name, ''with himself''. During the story, he's cocky, smug, and somewhat [[Hot -Blooded]]. {{spoiler|After his imprisonment, he becomes cold, unfeeling, stoic, and even worse of a person, calmly and inflectionlessly advocating the destruction of humanity.}}
* [[Skunk Stripe]]: It's a light-purple streak in dark-purple hair, though.
* {{spoiler|[[The Starscream]]: And he succeeds, too!}}
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