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** In ''Naamah's Blessing'', {{spoiler|Jehanne's death, followed by ((overly hasty)) news of his son's death, push King Daniel over this. He drowns himself in the river.}}
* [[Determinator]]: Several. Joscelin and Phèdre both have this in spades, and Moirin shows tons of it when chasing Bao. Jacqueline Carey likes her women strong-willed.
* [[Double Standard Rape (Divine On Mortal)]] - Along with irresistible angelic gifts, there is the matter of Moirin, Snow Tiger, and the dragon. Not perceived as ''okay'' exactly, but certainly not held up as a terrible evil.
** Although the Master of the Straights is the product of precisely this form of rape. When nobody will seek pardon for him, he places a curse on his own son and refuses to lift it until he is himself pardoned.
* [[Double Standard Rape (Female On Male)]] - Both played straight and averted depending on who the protagonist is. In ''Naamah's Kiss'', Moirin more than once jumps on a man ''who is saying no'' (both times because she's a bit under the influence herself, but still) and compels him to go along with it. However, when Imriel is assaulted by a woman (ironically, of the same people as Moirin) who tries to compel him to respond to her desire, this ''is'' held up as an abomination.
* [[Dramatis Personae]] - Each book in the series has [[Loads and Loads of Characters]] and therefore have a dramatis personae that can go on for pages and pages. Averted most recently in the soft cover edition of ''Namaah's Kiss'', a few pages of praise for the past books, the usual title pages, and the ever present map, then it jumps straight into chapter one with no preamble.
* [[Dreaming of Things to Come]]? - Alais can receive dreams of the future. But she doesn't always interpret them correctly.
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*** {{spoiler|Jehanne and Moirin.}}
**** {{spoiler|Moirin and the Rani Amitra. Girl likes girls...}}
* [[Girl -On -Girl Is Hot]] - Perhaps an explanation for the lengthy sections between {{spoiler|Moirin and Jehanne and Moirin and Snow Tiger. Also the celestial Dragon in Snow Tiger is either of this opinion or a [[Yuri Fanboy]]. His comment when Snow Tiger decides that she's not too different from D'Angelines.}}
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: Phèdre journeys to Alba to enlist the Albans' aid against the Skaldi in ''Dart.''
* [[Good People Have Good Sex]] - but S&M is subsumed under this umbrella and Imriel needs to accept and explore his sadistic side in order to accept his sexuality.
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* [[Inhumanly Beautiful Race]]: The D'Angelines, who impress every other people with their beauty.
* [[Istanbul Not Constantinople]] - All of the country, and more than a few ethnic, names are older and/or foreign words for easily recognizable places.
* [[ItsIt's Not You, ItsIt's Me]] - Imriel pulls this on Sidonie in ''Justice''. Joscelin and Phèdre exchanged this occasionally.
* [[ItsIt's Not You, ItsIt's My Enemies]] - Sidonie and Imriel do this to each other in Justice as well. Then again, given her position, and his mother's, possibly reasonable.
* [[Jedi Truth]] - A few times, but especially with Melisande.
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: Joscelin and Bao both. However, once Phèdre takes the stick out of Joscelin's ass, and Moirin smoothes off Bao's rough edges, this disappears.
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* [[Libation for The Dead]] - Traditional in Alba. Drustan does the honors most of the time.
* [[Long Hair Is Feminine]]- Averted. D'Angeline men typically have long hair and it isn't considered feminine.
* [[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]- Nearly every D'Angeline man qualifies.
* [[Loophole Abuse]] - The spirits in Naamah's Kiss do this to avoid giving usable answers to their summoners.
** Moirin does this as well to {{spoiler|let Jehanne know about her promise to Raphael and get help to get out of it.}}
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* [[No Accounting for Taste]] - This is stated to be the realm at large's opinion of Phèdre's relationship with Joscelin.
** Then, later, their reaction to Moirin and Jehanne.
* [[No Periods, Period]] - In Terre D'Ange women can only become pregnant if they [[Fantasy Contraception|pray to Eisheth, a fertility goddess to open their wombs]], and then the Goddess may or may not grant this wish. So essentially no one has a menstrual cycle until then, and no one has to worry about unwanted pregnancy unless they change their mind. [[Be Careful What You Wish For]].
* [[Not Hyperbole]] - The Mahrkagir's iron rod is, in fact, just that.
** Iron and ''spiked'', and covered with the dried blood of the women he's raped with it.
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* [[Safe Word]]: Known as a ''signale.'' Not heeding it is considered heresy.
* [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy]]: Zigzags in the case of Imriel and the Maghuin Dhonn. They foresee the possibility of a terrible future, and at first all their attempts to avert it make it ''more'' likely and ''worse''. However, in the end, they do manage to change the course of fate... but at a terrible price.
* [[Semi -Divine]]: The D'Angeline people are like this; descended from God's son and his angelic companions.
* [[Sex As Rite-Of-Passage]] - Patrons pay extra to take the virginity of a new courtesan. And it's typically part of an aristocrat's 16th birthday celebration for them to visit the Night Court for the first time.
* [[Sex God]]: Any of Terre D'Ange's courtesan, due to the glorification of prostitution as sacred. Special mention goes to Phedre.
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* [[Warrior Monk]]: Joscelin and the other Cassiline brothers--complete with vow of chastity. Which one do you think Joscelin breaks first?
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?]] - {{spoiler|Just learning the Name of God causes the room to rumble and make you feel like your head's going to explode. Phèdre fainted when first hearing it.}} {{spoiler|Calling on the power of the Maghuin Dhonn to drive out a fallen angel from a room almost causes earthquakes.}}
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]] - The ability to speak the language of ants was originally given as a prank by an irritated spirit. In Terre D'Ange, it's this. In the Amazon Rain forest, [[Lethal Harmless Powers|it's]] [[Heart Is an Awesome Power|a little]] different.
* [[We Could Have Avoided All This]] - Almost as soon as he sets foot on Alba in ''Justice'' Imriel is stalked and harassed by the Maghuin Dhonn. They keep mentioning they are trying to prevent a future disaster, but instead of just talking to Imriel they stalk and bind him with magic. When they eventually reveal that the disaster would be {{spoiler|Imriel's son killing off the Mahguin Dhonn and becoming a conqueror due to his and his father's hatred for them}}. Imriel was understandably not impressed and immediately called them out as idiots for not just ''talking'' to him.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Melisande is arguably simply following the precept of "Love as thou wilt" as concerns her passion for intrigue and backstabbery.
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