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Modesty Blaise (novel): Difference between revisions

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* [[Adaptation Distillation]]
* [[Alternate Continuity]]: The books from the comic strip.
* [[As the Good Book Says...]]: Willie can supply a quotation from the Book of Psalms to fit any situation. He once spent a year in an Indian prison with nothing to read except a psalter and so has all of the psalms memorised.
* [[Bash Brothers]]
* [[Battle Strip]]
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* [[Fake Defector]]: One of the short stories features a Soviet defector who turns out to be actually a Soviet agent pretending to defect as a way of flushing out and identifying the West's undercover assets as they helped him on his way.
* [[Finger Gun]]: In a lighter moment in the first novel, Modesty gets in a finger-gun battle with a pair of small boys.
* [[Full -Frontal Assault]]: In ''The Silver Mistress'' {{spoiler|Modesty fights nude, and greased-up, to keep the much-stronger bad guy from being able to grab her.}} In addition, one of Modesty's favorite tactics when entering a room full of hostiles is "The Nailer"--she strips to the waist and walks in bare-breasted, counting on the moment of startlement she generates to give her the time she needs to do what she must.
* [[Funetik Aksent]]: Willie Garvin's Cockney
* [[Funny Foreigner]]: Caspar in "A Perfect Night to Break Your Neck" is a Funny Foreigner everywhere he goes, speaking in an unidentifiable accent with [[Poirot Speak]] interjections from multiple languages.
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* [[Ironic Nickname]]: Her mentor started calling her "Modesty" as a joke (she doesn't know her real name).
* [[Knife Nut]]: Willie Garvin
* [[Knife -Throwing Act]]: Willie Garvin occasionally goes and does one of these at a circus somewhere when he feels like a holiday; Modesty sometimes plays the target's role.
* [[Lady of War]]: Modesty
* [[Lock and Load Montage]]
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* [[Show Some Leg]]
* [[Something They Would Never Say]]: The name "Jacqueline" inserted into any conversation is Modesty & Willie's private signal for 'I'm in trouble and can't talk openly.'
* [[Tricked -Out Shoes]]
* [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty]]
* [[Unspoken Plan Guarantee]]
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