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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.PhantasySpelling 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.PhantasySpelling, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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Common words spelled this way are "magic", "vampire", "fairy", and "fantasy", among others. See also [[My Nayme Is]], [[Xtreme Kool Letterz]], and [[Punctuation Shaker]], [[A Villain Named Zrg]] and [[Law of Alien Names]]. Depending on the word, the author may instead decide that [[Capital Letters Are Magic]].
A [[Super -Trope]] to [[Magick]].
''Also known as phantassie spælling, pfant'see pspaëllynnge, or fantaſy ſpelling.''
== [[The Fair Folk|Fairy/Phaery]] ==
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* Mention must be made of the series of young adult fantasy novels by Angie Sage whose titles include ''Magick, Flyte, Physik, Queste,'' and so on.
* The different tribes of Trollocs in ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'': Al'ghol, Ahf'frait, Bhansheen, Dha'vol, Dhai'mon, Dhjin'nen, Ghar'ghael, Ghob'hlin, Gho'hlem, Ghraem'lan, Ko'bal, Kno'mon.
* In addition to the above vampire/vampyre example, various words in the Darkangel Trilogy have odd spellings, {{spoiler|which may be justified as corruptions of the original language of the Ancient Ones}}. Squatty underground-dwellers are [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same|duaroughs]], big black birds are rhuks, scaly creatures are [[Our Dragons Are Different|dracgs]], and sweet pale-orange fruits are [[How Do You Like Them Apples?|apricoks]].
** And "lyons," "sfinxes," and (in the ''[[Firebringer Trilogy]]'') "wyches."
** Aside from the aforementioned corruptions, there is also the possibility that all of them would be, to us, [[Biological Mashup|BiologicalMashUps]] which look sort of like their semi-namesakes. After all, the series also has [[Amazing Technicolor Population|technicolor humans]], and remember that {{spoiler|the entire place was terraformed by the Ancient Ones from Oceanus.}}
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[[Category:This Trope Name References Itself]]
[[Category:Phantasy Spelling]]
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