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Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise: Difference between revisions

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* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Katara, briefly, when Aang hangs out with some fans. Justified, as one of them calls Katara Aang's ''first'' girlfriend.
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Zuko pulls out of the Harmony Restoration Movement without notifying his friends, presumably acting quickly so no more of his citizens would have to be taken from their homes against their will, and justifies this as being the right thing to do by his people. See below for how this almost leads to [[Poor Communication Kills]]. This later comes back to bite him in the butt with the Earth King. Having broken one treaty without so much as a warning, Kuei sees no point in negotiating with Zuko again after he's proven himself to be untrustworthy.
* [[I Am Not Left -Handed]]: Kori and her mother are Earthbenders, a fact the former doesn't reveal until long after Zuko has taken her prisoner and then uses to easily escape her bonds.
* [[Ignore the Disability]]: Averted. Earth King Kuei compares the Fire Nation colonies to an old scar on the Earth Kingdom... in front of Zuko. He immediately apologizes, though Zuko doesn't take offense.
* [[Instant Waking Skills]]: Zuko. Both times he gets up, he's alert and looking for another assassination attempt.
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* [[Lady Looks Like a Dude]]: Sokka confuses Smellerbee for a 'he'. Katara quickly corrects him.
* [[Late Arrival Spoiler]]: Zuko having a [[Heel Face Turn]] and becoming Fire Lord were major plot points during the show's final season. Here, you learn about it in the first couple pages.
* [[Like Father, Like Son]]: Zuko becoming like his father is a big worry for both Zuko and Aang, forming one of the main dramatic arcs of the trilogy.
* [[Lineage Comes From the Father]]: Despite being both an Earthbender and of mixed nationality in country that was until recently Fire-supremacist, Kori is legally a Fire Nation citizen because her father is one.
* [[Love Triangle|Love Quadrilateral]]: There are hints in Part 2 that Suki's falling for Zuko. She's caused a rift between Zuko and Mai by spilling out the fact that Zuko's visiting his father.
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* [[Moment Killer]]: When Gene Yang said ''The Promise'' would begin '''exactly''' where the TV series left off, [http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_luolcnpQy31r27wz9.png this is what he meant.]
* [[Never Say Die]]: Toph's tallest, fattest student ([[Word of God|named Ho-Tun]]) is constantly worried about everything being 'doomed.' [http://www.avatarspiritmedia.net/interviews.php?id=24 According to Gene Yang], Ho-Tun was originally worried about ''death''. Nick nixed that as being inappropriate for the comic's younger demographic. That said, when referring to actual threats of death, the direct words are used as often as the euphemisms.
* [[Occupiers Out of Our Country!]]: The motivation of the Freedom Fighters and their fellow protesters.
* [[Opening Narration]]: By Katara, as per usual.
* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: Zuko's turnaround on the colonial issue comes across as inexplicable to the Gaang and makes Aang seriously consider invoking his promise to Zuko. When Aang, Katara, go to meet him, the hostile reception Yu Dao's soldiers give to Aang and Katara provokes a fight that only stops when Aang starts to go into the Avatar State. It's only after that close call that Zuko is finally able to explain his position.
** [[It Got Worse]]. Now both the Earth and Fire Nations are at war as an insulted Earth King Kuei feels he's been deceived yet again.
* [["Previously On..."]]: The book opens with a modified version of Katara's [[Opening Narration]] from the cartoon, which briefly sums up the events of the series.
* [[The Promise]]: It's right there in the title. A great deal of tension lies in Aang's promise to kill Zuko if he were to become too much like his father.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: Zuko
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