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[[File:Vanity_9528.jpg|link=The Smurfs|rightframe|Don't hate him because he's beautiful.]]
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The implications of this trope tend to be even nastier when applied to men, as the implied femininity is a grievous insult. The audience may get a chuckle out of the sight of a manly man checking his hair in a store window, but a consistently and overtly vain man is a subject of ridicule and disdain. They will be foppish, cowardly, quite possibly gay in a narrative which makes clear this is a negative and undesirable thing. The [[Sissy Villain]] owes much to this trope.
The more indulgent version of this trope is often paired up with [[All Men Are Perverts]], by way of balancing out the genders' respective weaknesses. All women want to be looked at, and all men want to look. Works that believe in the [[Mars and Venus Gender Contrast]] are especially likely to make use of it. It is the polar opposite to the concept of metrosexuality, and has waned in recent times as mores change and gender stereotypes are discarded, but not yet a [[Dead Horse Trope]]. Contrast [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses]], and [[Agent Peacock]], a [[Bishounen]] badass whose vanity will not detract from their worth and respectability. The [[Sharp -Dressed Man]] may or may not fall peril to this trope, depending on how ''personally'' he takes his reception, rather than viewing it through a purely detached perspective.
Compare [[Men Act, Women Are]] and [[Men Are Strong, Women Are Pretty]].
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* The hosts of ''[[What Not to Wear]]'' take clients (mostly female), who don't wear flattering clothes or apply makeup and then do their very best to assert that this lack of vanity is due to some very serious psychological issues and that the only cure is to make them dress up 24/7. Men are given the treatment too, but without the psychological aspect. Men not caring about their appearance is just slovenly. Women not caring is a denial of their very gender.
* ''[[Queer Eye For The Straight Guy]]'' seems to be built around this. Straight, "masculine" men are not expected to know about matters of style and taste, but ''gay'' men can be their tutors.
* Played with in ''[[Frasier]]'', where not only Frasier and Niles' excessive vanity about their clothes and grooming, but simply the fact that they have good taste and style, is seen as effeminate and therefore undesirable. This is despite the fact that they [[Sharp -Dressed Man|always look good]] because of this -- oh no, men are supposed to just ''accidentally'' throw on random clothes that they happen to look dashing in.
* In ''[[Star Trek TOS]]'', all of the female characters were [[Men Are Strong, Women Are Pretty|very pretty]], and Uhura was by far the most vain of the main cast. When they were all tempted into staying behind on a land run by robots, [[The Spock|Spock]] was offered great knowledge and opportunity for learning, [[The Medic|McCoy]] was offered great medical facilities, Chekov was offered beautiful [[Ridiculously -Human Robots|robot women]] to obey his every command, and Uhura was offered eternal youth. Even more obviously, in And The Children Shall Lead the characters' worst fears were shown: Kirk's was losing command, Sulu's was facing certain death that he had to maneuver the ship out of, and Uhura's was...being old and ugly.
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[[Category:Gender and Sexuality Tropes]]
[[Category:Vanity Is Feminine]]
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