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* [[Fainting Seer]]: Cordy and Doyle tend to suffer from this.
* [[Fake Memories]]: Given to [[Mass Hypnosis|everyone]] at the end of Season 4, regarding Connor.
* [[Fake -Out Make -Out]]: Angel and Fred do this while trying to avoid Jasmine's followers. [[Oh Crap|It doesn't work]].
* [[Fake Static]]: Calling his old contacts in order to locate Angel ("In the Dark") has the added consequence of stirring up Doyle's creditors. Eventually, Doyle starts resorting to the 'wrong number' trick.
{{quote| '''Doyle:''' ''([[Fake American|Nasally]] accent)'' House of Pies.}}
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* [[Figure It Out Yourself]]: Cordelia to Angel, when she wakes from her coma to help him get back on track.
* [[Finger in The Mail]]: Subverted in "The Ring". Darin McNamara implores Angel to save his brother from loan sharks, verifying his story with a severed finger. However, when we finally meet Jack, all ten of his digits are in tip-top shape.
* [[Finish Him!]]: The audience in "The Ring" chants "KILLING BLOW" when a contestant is on the ropes.
* [[Five -Finger Discount]]:
{{quote| '''Wesley:''' Where'd you get the police radio?<br />
'''Angel:''' Police car. }}
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{{quote| '''Cordelia:''' And I thought ''Darla'' was rock bottom.}}
** Angelus and Faith. He's disappointed when the Slayer he hears about in LA is her, but he quickly gets over it.
* [[Foot -Dragging Divorcee]]: Doyle's wife shows up with her new fiancé so that she can finalize their divorce. Doyle is naturally mopey, since the only reason she left him was because he found out he was half-demon. {{spoiler|Except that it turns out the new guy is ''also'' a demon, forcing Doyle to confront his own personal problems}}.
* [[For Halloween I Am Going As Myself]]: Deconstructed in "Hero". An adolescent demon shares with Doyle his memories of being going out on Halloween with his mom -- the one night of the year he was permitted to play with other children. He's pretty bitter about it.
* [[For Inconvenience Press One]]: Angel's testing of the Wolfram & Hart phone directory.
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** Even Angel is at times unsure about whether the PTB care about his mission, though subtle hints are dropped that this isn't the case.
* [[Go-Go Enslavement]]: Cordelia, immediately upon landing in Pylea.
* [[The Good, theThe Bad, And The Evil]]: Lilah ends up joining Angel Investigations (sort of) after the rest of the firm is slaughtered by The Beast. Subverted when {{spoiler|Cordy stabs her in the neck}}. So much for that.
* [[Good Guy Bar]] / [[Truce Zone]]: Caritas caters to good and neutral folks, as well as normal people. Popular for the drinks and the psychic karaoke. If only people would [[Loophole Abuse|stop finding loopholes]] to circumvent the wards protecting it.
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Every member of Team Angel proves this time and again.
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* [[Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?]]: Lorne. The character encompasses many aspects of a [[Camp Gay|stereotypically gay]] man; and he smirks upon mentioning Angel in leather pants. However he later says that the reason he never lived up to the expectations of his [[Proud Warrior Race]] is because he was "hanging by the well and chatting up the senoritas". Andy Hallet explained Lorne's sexuality as being closer to omnisexual (figuratively speaking), since he "loves ''all'' humans."
* [[Have You Tried Not Being a Monster?]]: Zig-zagged with Doyle, who claims that the awakening of his demonic side caused the collapse of his marriage. In actual fact, his wife Harrie came to accept his demon heritage, even becoming an ethnodemonologist, someone who studies demonic cultures. When Doyle withdrew from their relationship, Harrie became engaged to Richard, another demon-human hybrid.
* [[Hawaiian -Shirted Tourist]]: One of Angel's less-inspired disguises ("Sense & Sensitivity").
* [[He Knows Too Much]]: Trevor Lockley's fate, after he starts asking a few too many questions about his associates.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Holtz became as dangerous and as likely to cross the [[Moral Event Horizon]] as vampires.
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* [[I'll Kill You!]]: In the Victorian-era flashbacks of "Five By Five", Darla reacts to Angel's newfound soul the same way a human would to a vampire -- by recoiling in fear and trying to kill him.
** After Wesley conspires with Holtz to steal Angel's son (and gets a slit throat for his trouble) Angel pays him a visit in the hospital. At first it seems like Angel is prepared to reconcile, but then he suddenly grabs a pillow and tries to smother Wesley with it. Angel continues to hurl curses and threats at Wesley as he is dragged away by Gunn and some orderlies.
* [[I'm Cold... So Cold...]]: A somewhat dumbfounded Wesley asks, "Is anyone else cold?" after getting shot in the gut. ("The Thin Dead Line")
* [[I'm Not Afraid of You|I'm Not Afraid Of You]]
* [[I'm Standing Right Here]]:
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** Attorney Lee Mercer makes the mistake of getting in Faith's face, warning her not to make him "look bad". Faith immediately starts hammering his head into a table while parroting his line (The next time we see Mercer, he's wearing a neck brace).
** "Survival of the fittest, bro. And right now you're not lookin' too fit."
* [[Is There a Doctor In The House?|Is There A Geppetto In The House?]]
* [[Ironic Nursery Tune]]: "All Through the Night".
* [[It Got Worse]]: Connor is seduced by {{spoiler|Jasmine-posessed Cordelia}} during what looks like the end of the world and brainwashed into believing she loves him and that he must protect their love child {{spoiler|which is actually Jasmine}}.
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