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** During said promo, AJ proceeded to [[Calling the Old Man Out|call Eric Bischoff and Immortal out]] on '''damn near everything''' that fans had been complaining about during the entire Immortal angle. [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|You could literally hear the fandom rejoicing as the cheers of the crowd went off the charts.]]
** The following week, it got even better. When Immortal came out to address the fans, [[Jeff Jarrett]] demanded Fortune to come out. Once they did, Jarrett proceeded to browbeat them about being "ungrateful nobodies", since he gave them the opportunity they needed by signing them to TNA. Beer Money's Robert Roode (someone not really known for his mic skills) snatched the mic after a minute of this and flat-out told Jarrett to [[Shut UP, Hannibal|shut up and cut the horseshit]]. Roode then launched into an epic speech of his own, reminding everyone in Immortal that Fortune is the backbone that built TNA, yet all four of them kept on getting overlooked by the next "savior" to be brought in every few months by TNA management. This time around, they weren't about to stand by and watch their opportunity to build TNA up into something better pass them by. Essentially, the same character purpose that led Fortune to come together as heels (and administer bloody assaults to EV2.0) was carried over perfectly into the group's face turn against Immortal. Better yet, not one fan didn't go with it.
** It would appear the entire Fortune vs. Immortal angle is just spawning one Crowning Moment after another. After [[Ric Flair]] betrays Fortune, despite his support of the group earlier, he comes out to the ring and gives a [[A God Am I]] speech before calling [[AJ Styles]] down to the ring. AJ responds to Flair's [[Hannibal Lecture]] with an '''''EPIC''''' [[Shut UP, Hannibal]], followed by a [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|beatdown]] that left Flair near-naked and beaten half to death. Immortal's newest [[The Dragon|hired gun]], Hernandez, tried to help, but AJ kept turning the tables, treating Hernandez like a mere nuisance. Yeah, Immortal eventually got the upper hand...for all of five seconds; Fortune quickly rushed the ring and chased them all off. The capper to this? Hernandez, while retreating, walks right into ''another'' beatdown - this one from a pissed-off Matt Morgan!
*** More impressive is that Flair's normal mic skills, despite being top notch as they always were, were overshadowed by AJ's. [[AJ Styles]] outdid the "stylin' and profilin'" Nature Boy at his own game!
** Yet another on the March 17th episode. AJ is doing a promo on his upcoming #1 contender match when Ric comes in to try and start another [[Hannibal Lecture]]. AJ doesn't even let Flair finish his sentence and [[Talk to The Fist|decks him to the ground]], having gotten fed up with Flair's lectures. Crosses over into [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] when he states how good it felt to do so and just walks off.
** If this keeps up, Fourtune is going to need its own page! At the end of the March 31 edition of TNA, Immortal has lured Fortune into a beatdown locked in a steel cage. Just when it seems the episode will end in Immortal's favor, [[Christopher Daniels]] [[Big Damn Heroes|rushes out of the crowd]], climbs the steel cage and takes out '''''[[Dynamic Entry|all of Immortal in one move!]]''''' He caps it off by pulling out his best friend [[AJ Styles]] (who was recently taken out by Bubba) signature pose, as if saying "[[And This Is For|This is for AJ!]]" (which he then cuts a promo with Fortune saying exactly that). Its hard to tell which is more awesome, the fact Daniels is back or the fact he's with Fortune!
** Another one the next week. Daniels comes out and demands to be put into Lockdown in AJ's place. Flair and Immortal come out to the ring and Flair begins another [[Hannibal Lecture]] and states there's no way Daniels can be in TNA because Eric and Hogan wouldn't dream of letting him. Daniels reveals he's already one step ahead of Immortal and went over their heads to the network in order to get himself a contract and inserted into the match. To cap it off, he leads Fortune in an attack on Immortal and drives them out of the ring.
** When AJ returns to ''Impact!'', he calls out Bully Ray. Being the [[Dirty Coward]] he is, Bully Ray tries to talk big and not enter the steel cage that AJ has prepared. So Daniels rushes the ring and locks Bully Ray in with AJ. Cue an extremely well deserved [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]]. If Ray hadn't got out of dodge, he'd have been put through a table by a flying attack from the top of the cage.
** The opening segment of the May 5, 2011 episode of ''Impact'' saw Hulk Hogan and Immortal beat on three TNA officials only to come out on the back end of a brawl against [[Wrestler/Sting|Sting]], [[Rob Van Dam]], and Fortune. While Immortal was backing up the ramp, Bobby Roode called Hogan out and made sure he listened by ceaselessly calling him a coward, then finally said what everyone in TNA had been thinking about him, particularly over the firing of Jay Lethal, [[It's Personal|a personal friend of Roode's]]. Yep. Fortune is definitely going to need its own section by the time this is over.
** The Fortune vs. Immortal match at ''Lethal Lockdown'' had it's fair share, including Daniels hitting a crossbody from the top of the cage to [[Matt Hardy]] and Abyss. However, the crowner has to be [[AJ Styles]] returning to help Fortune pull out the win and taking a measure of revenge on Bully Ray for taking him out. Bully Ray reacting like he just saw a ghost is the best part.
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*** Or it was a [[Narm|Narmtastic]] speech that utterly deserved the [[Worlds Smallest Violin]] that it got from Jackie.
* ''August 25, 2011'': After managing to beat Fortune, Immortal prepares to beatdown [[AJ Styles]], when Mr. Anderson returns to [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|take his revenge for being put in the hospital by Immortal a few weeks ago]]. He throws [[Scott Steiner]] through a table and beats Gunner to a bloody pulp [[Hoist By His Own Petard|with the same chain he and Bully Ray had used to take out Anderson before]], all the while a ''terrified'' Bully Ray is forced to watch. Even more impressive is that '''[[Large Ham|MISTEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! ANDERSON!!!]]''' was [[Tranquil Fury|completely serious and never spoke a word the entire time]]. In hindsight, Bully Ray is probably regretting beating him down a few weeks ago...
* ''October 6, 2011'': Sting's [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] quest to get [[Hulk Hogan]] to face him at ''Bound for Glory'' and/or turn the company back over to Dixie Carter has produced several terrific moments, but none quite as gratifying as the night he finally got it done. Hogan, a week ago, had announced his "[[Ten Minute Retirement|retirement]]", and on this night was making his formal "final address", giving personal tribute to Hulkamania and to the fans "on the way out". Sting never bought it for a second; he'd [[Fridge Brilliance|seen this]] [[Finger -Poke of Doom|play out before]]. So instead of leaving it be, he came out in a red suit and Hulkamania shirt to call question to the whole thing and then to [[Engineered Public Confession|expose it as a lie through video footage of Hulk and Eric laughing about their elaborate hoax]]. Hogan finally [[Villainous Breakdown|had his meltdown]] and got so pissed off he agreed to everything Sting had been asking for this whole time on the double. The [[Open Mouth Insert Foot]] look on Hollywood's face...the [[And the Fandom Rejoiced|crowd rejoicing]] at the fact that Hulk's reign is finally ''really'' about to come to an end after he tried to play them for fools...Sting ''laughing at Hogan'' as he walked up the ramp with his music on to end the show. All freakin' '''priceless'''.
* ''October 20, 2011'': Even if was marred by a lousy setup and a short, worthless match, "Cowboy" James Storm winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is ''still'' a great moment for him and for TNA fans.
* ''Against All Odds'' 2012 featured at least three moments.
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