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* [[An Axe to Grind]]: Captain Kotov's weapon of choice. He occasionally jokingly calls it [[Heroes Prefer Swords|"my trusty sword"]].
* [[Badass Abnormal]]: Igor Dolinsky, though by vampire standards he would be an example of [[Weak but Skilled]].
* [[Bad Cop, Incompetent Cop]]: The city militsiya force is systematically and thoroughly corrupt, to the point where {{spoiler|its [[Da Chief|commander]] was planning to use vampires in a power ploy against [[The Mafiya]]}}. This plan was only changed when {{spoiler|[[It's Personal|his ''daughter'' was raped and turned into a vampire]]}}.
* [[Badass Normal]]: The human [[Vampire Hunter|Night Teams]] would probably qualify in general; the one seen in the book itself certainly does, seeing as it consists of just two cops ([[Combat Pragmatist|Captain Kotov]] and [[The Big Guy|Sergeant Zykov]], each badass in his own ways) that nonetheless are capable of fighting vampires in top shape when needed ([[Fighting Dirty|though they generally prefer to kill them in their sleep, of course]]).
* [[Big Bad]]: The title eventually turns out to refer to this guy.
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[[Category:Horror Literature]]
[[Category:Night Watcher]]
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