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* [[Break the Cutie]]: Sean had a difficult time after {{spoiler|he left Leila by his own will}}
* [[The Chosen One]]: Dempsey apparently believes that Sean is predicted to protect the world from Sophia's people.
* [[CIA Evil, FBI Good]]: Subverted in agent Simon Lee (played by Ian Anthony Dale), who seems genuinely interested in saving lives and is implied to be the person who leaked the files about the secret prison to President Martinez, although he is an alien and [[The Mole]]. Possibly played straight with Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Blake Sterling who kept the information from the President, though it's hard to gauge his motives without knowing who the prisoners are and why they're being held.
** Thus far {{spoiler|Blake seems to be in the dark as everyone else regarding why the aliens are here, thus his stated motive to keep them until they talk}}.
** Played with by the two FBI agents that capture Sean Walker. Though they don't believe a word he says, they appear to be sympathetic and not a part of any conspiracy. By the third episode, the female agent has been converted to Sean's side, by virtue of her field office and coworkers being shot up by baddies.
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* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Revealed in a flashback between the [[Human Alien]] Simon Lee and his human lover decades in the past. Later we learn that quite a few got to the ultimate conclusion; {{spoiler|their offspring are the kidnapped girls.}}
* [[Ironic Echo]]: In 1x12, President Martinez finds himself having almost the exact same argument as he did in the pilot regarding the Inostranka prisoners, only this time with him on the opposite side.
* [[ItsIt's Going Down]]: {{spoiler|the Washington Monument in episode 15}}, as a last-ditch attempt by {{spoiler|Sophia to save her people}}.
* [[Its the Only Way]]: Practically Sean's [[Catch Phrase]], though President Martinez and others have used it as well. One episode had two characters utter the phrase, in completely separate situation, before the opening credits rolled. See [[Indy Ploy]] for what happens when they haven't come up with an "only way" just yet.
* [[Jigsaw Puzzle Plot]]: Absolutely shamelessly; see [[Anachronic Order]], above.
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* [[The Mole]]: Simon served as one for Sophia, keeping her aware of Martinez's plans. And when he's discovered, he's able to escape the White House with aid from a scrambled voice on a phone, which would suggest that there's another mole in the White House (the President and Sterling certainly seem to think so).
* [[Monumental Damage]]: {{spoiler|The Washington Monument}} is destroyed by Sophia in order to get Martinez to back down during a standoff.
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: Michael
* [[Necessarily Evil]]: {{spoiler|Sophia after Thomas' death.}}
* [[No Name Given]]: Not for a character, but for the ''entire alien race'', as well as their planet. Instead it's ''always'' referred to as "our people", "Sophia's people", and "our planet".
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** The Finale has an epic one. {{spoiler|You think that Sophia's people are coming in ships through the portal... wrong. They instead bring their entire PLANET into orbit to be a second moon around Earth.}}
* [[The Oner]]: A good portion of the escape sequence inside the collapsing warehouse is an impressively long one continuous shot.
* [[Out -Gambitted]]: {{spoiler|Jarvis' clever plan to turn Elias' wife against Sterling and use her as a pawn to ensure her husband dies. It really looks like he successfully manipulated her- then we find out Sterling has already talked with her and gained her trust, and her going along with Jarvis was a ploy to buy time}}.
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Vicky spared and adopted a child she was told to kill.
* [[Playful Hacker]]: Sean used to be this, a skill set that has since come in handy.
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* [[President Evil]]: Raymond Jarvis {{spoiler|after poisoning Martinez and ascending to the Presidency}}.
* [[President Minority]]: President Elias Martinez (played by Blair Underwood) is Cuban, referenced by Sterling the DNI while he tries to dissuade the President from his decision to release the prisoners from their secret prison. Also seems to be a President Personable.
* [[The Quisling]]: The Vice-President (though he comes across as [[Head -in -The -Sand Management]]).
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: Sophia and all the rest of the aliens.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Both Martinez and Sophia [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|at first]], but Blake Sterling stays this way.
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