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The Dresden Files/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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* Harry and Murphy are handcuffed and trapped in an elevator. {{spoiler|The scorpion talisman has grown to the size of a French car, poisoned Murphy into unconsciousness, and}} is trying to rip through the roof of the elevator. Harry knows that shooting fire at it would heat up the car too much to survive. So instead Harry pulls air up from the bottom of the shaft causing them to rise 11 stories and crush the {{spoiler|scorpion}} against the ceiling.
** And then the elevator falls all the way back down to the ground floor, where some very surprised paramedics are waiting.
* We can't forget the fact that Harry {{spoiler|channels the power of a fucking ''thunderstorm'' to banish a demon.}} While [[Full -Frontal Assault|naked.]]
* Harry going out to find Victor Sells and stop him from using a thunderstorm to murder him, but while he's in Mac's pub he's stopped by Morgan, who claims that he has proof that Harry has been committing the murders. Harry makes to go sit down and talk...then he grabs one of the heavy wooden chairs and beats Morgan into unconsciousness with it. Keep in mind that Morgan is a [[Lawful Stupid]] [[Inspector Javert]] [[Knight Templar]] [[BFS]]-carrying wizard parole officer that could have Harry killed at any time.
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== Proven Guilty ==
* "[[Shout -Out|How about]] [[The Wizard of Oz (Film)|a little]] [[Kill It With Fire|fire]], [[Scary Scarecrows|Scarecrow]]?"
* Dresden entering the movie theater with yet movie another reference:
{{quote| '''Dresden''': ''Kicks in the door'' "[[Shout -Out|AND I'M ALL]] [[They Live (Film)|OUT OF GUM!]]"}}
* [[Mama Bear|Charity Carpenter]] at Arctis Tor. "You will never touch my daughter again!", indeed.
** A Moment of Awesome is also awarded to Daniel Carpenter, for attacking the phages {{spoiler|that show up at the Carpenter home}} with nothing more than a fire poker and sheer balls. That it was ultimately futile does not diminish this in the slightest, particularly in light of the psychic beating he took on behalf of his family.
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** Don't forget about the [[Star Trek (Franchise)/Recap/S2 E1 Amok Time|highly recognizable fighting soundtrack]] playing as this occurs.
** Dresden also compliments Molly on how weird her brain is.
* During a meeting between Murphy and her various allies, their White Court contact learns that {{spoiler|Murphy is now custodian of two of the Swords}}. She makes Murphy an offer so that the White Court won't "learn" about this: [[Les Yay|let her feed on Murphy.]] Murphy [[Shut UP, Hannibal|presents her counter-offer]]: {{spoiler|a [[Pistol -Whipping]], followed by smashing her face against her coffee table, and leveling a gun at her and ''promising'' to kill her if anyone from the White Court so much as ''blinks'' at the Swords}}. Needless to say, the vampire agrees with the terms. The icing on the cake is Harry and Sir Stuart's commentary at the end:
{{quote| '''Sir Stuart''': Oh, my. I can see why you'd come to her for assistance.<br />
'''Harry''': Damn skippy. }}
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