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Strangetown, Here we Come: Difference between revisions

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* [[Coming Out Story]]: Frances J. Worthington {{spoiler|comes out at his big sister's wedding}}.
* [[Creator Cameo]]: Strange Tomato's simself can sometimes be seen as an extra in the background.
* [[Do You Want to Copulate?]]: Stella is a pure alien, with no prior knowledge of sim sexual conventions. As a result, most of her pickup lines are very direct.
* [[Expository Hairstyle Change]]: Used on Ripp, Jill, Frances, and Tank to show character development.
* [[Evil Versus Evil]]: Olive Specter takes on the Beakers.
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* [[Military Brat]]: The Grunts.
* [[Literary Allusion Title|Musical Allusion Title]]: The title is a play on [[The Smiths]]' album ''Strangeways, Here We Come''. The creator is a fan and makes other references to the band in the story. {{spoiler|Mr. Doe, Jayne's father, is a sim based on Morrissey.}}
* [[My Sister Is Off -Limits]]: Johnny is somewhat like this when someone expresses interest to Jill.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: The Grunt boys, Ophelia, and Nervous Subject. This is lampshaded by Ripp in chapter 28.
* [[Power Trio]]: Johnny = Superego, Ripp = Id, Ophelia = Ego.
* [[Schedule Slip]]: There haven't been any new updates of the story since March 2010.
* [[Shout -Out]]: The story gives frequent reference to the gameplay of The Sims 2, works that the author is inspired by, and other sim stories (simgaroop's The Broke Legacy is one example).
* [[Smitten Teenage Girl]]: Jill toward Ripp. {{spoiler|She gets over it.}}
* [[Title Drop]]: The title is used as the last line in chapter 28, from Johnny's point of view. {{spoiler|It is in reference to his complicated relationship with both Ripp and Ophelia, which he compares to all the other aspects of his life that are less than perfectly normal.}} The expression is more figurative than literal in this context (Strangetown is used generically, much as "crazytown" would be), though both could apply.
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[[Category:Strangetown Here We Come]]
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