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'''Bliss Stage: ''Love Is Your Weapon''''' is the official [[Visual Novel]] adaptation of the [[Table Top Role Playing Game]] [[Bliss Stage]], by [http://www.tao-games.com Ben Lehman's imprint, These Are Our Games.] The game is being produced by [[Tropers/Tsundere Lightning|Perpetual Motion Games.]] The prerelease demo for the Kickstarter backers is now available [http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1041711353/bliss-stage-visual-novel/posts here,] and the main discussion thread on Lemmasoft is [http://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=13681&p=180152#p180152 here.]
The story expands on the events and characters from the one-shot, Final Act, published in the first edition of [[Bliss Stage]]. It follows the adventures of [[Hot -Blooded|Josh Preston,]] the newest pilot of [[La Résistance|The Treasure Island Resistance]] and son of it's [[Magnificent Bastard]] Commander, Jim Preston. They are fighting a losing battle again an [[Alien Invasion]] by the Nightmares, a race of [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]] from a dimension adjacent to our dreams.
His weapon? The [[Humongous Mecha|ANIMa]], a [[Applied Phlebotinum|reverse-engineered alien device]] that creates a psychic manifestation of his [[Level Up At Intimacy 5|intimate relationships]]. But time is running out for him... Bliss happens, and if he drags his feet too long, or [[You Lose At Zero Trust|acts like a]] [[Jerkass]], he is going to either [[Your Head Asplode|die messily]] or [[Heroic BSOD|fall to the Bliss]].
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== Gameplay ==
* [[Discretion Shot]]: This game is probably going to be [[Rated "M" for Money|the equivalent of an ESRB M rating]]. Including [[Hentai|explicit]] [[Optional Sexual Encounter|Optional Sexual Encounters]] is probably, [[Only Fatal to Adults|given the age of the survivors of the Bliss,]] a very good way to wind up in a hostile court.
* [[Dating Sim]]: The [[Breather Level|Interludes.]]
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: [[Level Up At Intimacy 5|Hitting Intimacy 5]] with a character gives you an upgraded weapon with special powers.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: this is his general response to adversity, especially on Practical paths.
* [[Expy]]: Sort of; it depends on the path. He's based on [[Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime)|Shinji]] on Sensitive paths, [[Gurren Lagann|Simon]] on Idealist paths, and [[Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (Anime)|Setsuna]] on Practical paths.
* [[Hot -Blooded]]: On Idealistic paths.
* [[Momma's Boy]]: which helps to explain his [[Uke|submissive tendencies.]]
* [[Military Brat]]: Considering that the Colonel is [[A Father to His Men]] - literally in his case...
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* [[Sergeant Rock]]: While she's rather colorful in her descriptions of your fuckups, she's equally appreciative of well-executed hotshotting and good tactics.
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]: Originally she was going to be more tsundere, but she mellowed out considerably in writing.
* [[Transforming Mecha]]: Her ANIMa switches forms from a [[Shout -Out|jet plane]], a [[Macross|chicken-walker VTOL with arms]], and a [[Journey to The West|monkey-like mecha with a staff]]. Like all ANIMa, that's also a symbol of her relationship with her Anchor, Meredith.
== Meredith Odetta Baker ==
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* [[Failure Knight]]: "Have you ever seen someone as close as a sister die in fire and darkness because you didn't love them enough? No? Then you don't know what Anchoring is like."
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Seeing as she explains the [[Relationship Values]] of the game to you in a tutorial, she'd have to be.
* Metagaming: See [["Shut Up" Kiss]]. Somewhat subverted if you've had a so-far perfect Meredith run...
* [[Mission Control]]: She's Joshua's Anchor for most of the game.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Only kind of swearing she does, to the point that Anna comments on it.
* [[Shout -Out]]: "Why do I wear this scarf? ...It reminds me that [[Harry Potter (Literature)|wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure]]."
** And her Halloween costume, which consists of a wand and [[My Little Pony|a pink and blue streak of hair dye.]]
* [["Shut Up" Kiss]]: One of the ways she gets Josh to Pilot on his first mission.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Played with. She is genuinely kind and cheerful, but there are times when she's faking it.
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: Kissing Josh purely for the [[Level Up At Intimacy 5]] is only the first and most obvious one of these she pulls.
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* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: The first time you see him, he comes off as a - well, as a [[Handsome Lech|carefree hedonist.]] On missions, though, he becomes deadly focused and laconic.
* [[Polyamory]]: [[More Friends More Benefits|It's why he's such a scary combatant in his ANIMa.]] [[Glass Cannon|Provided that he's sniping:]] [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Yukiko occasionally needs a reminder that Keenan loves her first and foremost.]]
* [[Scary Black Man]]: Played with. Josh doesn't like to admit that this is most of the reason his relationship to Sara gets under his skin, [[You Know I'm Black, Right?|and both Keenan and Meredith will call Josh out on that.]]
* [[Rebel Relaxation]]
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* [[The Ingenue]]: This explains a LOT of her romantic ideals, sadly.
* [[Little Miss Badass]]: "Yoo~hoo~! Mr. Nightmare! I'm packing '''plasma grenades~!'''"
* [[Shout -Out]]: The design of her Genki Lilith mecha is a shout-out to [[Fate Stay Night|Saber.]] The name is a shoutout to [[WALL-E]].
* [[Tsundere]]: She really, REALLY doesn't like being treated as a child, and would rather have friends than lovers. [[Blatant Lies|Really.]]
* [[Tyke Bomb]]: She's the youngest pilot on the team, and truly terrifying in battle.
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* [[Mission Control]]: As Sara's Anchor.
* [[Mr. Fixit]]
* [[My Sister Is Off -Limits]]: Much to Sara's annoyance, Derek is deeply suspicious of anyone taking an interest in her.
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: Normally a 16-year-old wouldn't count for this, but in the world [[Only Fatal to Adults|post-Bliss]] that makes him positively ancient...
* [[Straight Gay]]: His path provides Joshua with some [[Gayngst]], but he's perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality.
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