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* ''[[Renegade (Fanfic)|Renegade]]'' is a crossover fic that explores how differently the ''[[Mass Effect]]'' universe would be if elements of the ''[[Command and Conquer]] Tiberium'' universe were worked into the continuity, notably being that GDI replaces the Systems Alliance and has enough military prowess to remain independent of the Citadel.
* ''[[A Complete Turnabout (Fanfic)|A Complete Turnabout]]'', an ''[[Ace Attorney (Visual Novel)|Ace Attorney]]'' fanfiction, takes place in an [[Alternate Universe]] where the DL-6 incident never happened, with the twist that the main character is Canon!Phoenix, trusted into Alternate!Phoenix' life for reasons yet to be revealed.
* ''[[Devil May Cry (Video Game)|Devil May Cry]]'''s Dante being Nero's father in "[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6822576/1/Like_Father_Like_Son Like Father, Like Son]" ({{spoiler|Which, hell, [[Shrug of God|might even be canon]], but the generally accepted theory is Vergil}}). [[Sink -or -Swim Fatherhood]] [[Hilarity Ensues|hijinks ensue]].
* A very different Contextual Reassignment ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' fanfic is found in ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7189428/1/Prison_Island_Break Prison Island Break.]'' The entire story not only takes place in a high-security prison, but almost all of the characters (from a wide range of Sonic continuities) are convicted criminals. Their goal to escape prison is neither noble nor heroic since there is no doubt that they are guilty, and most of them are unrepentant. Despite this, the story is popular for keeping all of them in-character, and even their very different criminal backstories still seem to suit their original characters.
* ''Coffee, Black'' is a ''[[Dragon Age 2]]'' fanfic which takes place in modern America. It is written through Garrett Hawke's point of view, while he works in a coffee shop and is practically hypnotized by a mysterious tattoo covered hipster named Fen. It can be read [http://archiveofourown.org/works/238633/chapters/366263 here]. (Warning: as it was originally inspired by a prompt from a [[Kink Meme]], it gets VERY steamy later on.)
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[[Category:Fanfic Tropes]]
[[Category:Alternate Universe Fic]]
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