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Dragon Quest IX/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** {{spoiler|Except for the fact Sterling acknowledges them.}}
**** Okay, so how about the Celestian who has magic dissociative identity disorder and his other three identities are solid? Or something?
** For that matter, [[Insurmountable Waist -Height Fence|the barrier is 2d and does nothing to prevent someone from just climbing the nearby ledge]]
* The ending kinda got my goat. So let me get this straight, in order to finally defeat {{spoiler|Corvus}}, I have to {{spoiler|demote myself to a mortal and sacrifice my opportunity to [[Ascend to A Higher Plane of Existence]], the way my character has lived their entire life for the chance to do, just so I can bypass my magical inability to attack a superior? And for my sacrifice, I'm condemned to [[Roaming The Earth|roam the Earth]] and right the wrongs with no foreseeable reward? And the Villain is redeemed, forgiven and gets to ascend and live happily ever after with his deceased girlfriend?}}
** Shut up, its [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|heartwarming]]. >:O
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** No. No you are not.
** The Metal Slime gear is noted for being as hard as, well, Metal Slimes. How would you move in stiff solid pants?
** When has weight ever affected an RPG character? Besides, all the other armour sets have kneecaps in the legs section. They coulda just done that. Maybe it's a poke at people who want to get [[Hundred -Percent Completion]]?
* As a first-time Dragon Quest player, I have to admit that the Divination spell bugs me a little. It seems... well, outdated. I can't really think of a good reason ''not'' to put "exp to next level" on the rest of your character info screen. Also, what bugs me is when I went to a message board and found a topic with a similar complaint. Other posters then jumped down the guy's throat, and probably the best response I saw was that "Dragon Quest likes to be old-school." Okay, that's a decent response, but the rest of the game seems fairly fresh and modern to me, with the monsters, legacy bosses/characters, and equipment from previous games being all that really connects them. It's certainly more advanced than the older ones, why does this one thing have to stay the same? Also, I read a response that other games were doing the same thing- I don't know of many modern games like that, but that still doesn't automatically justify it. The worst response I saw was someone saying that, if you take out Divination, you might as well take out churches, have statuses healed after every battle, have your party healed after every battle, take out armor and weapons, take out the world map and basically have a menu between locations to teleport you everywhere, and making it real-time instead of turn-based. Look, I've heard of [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]] arguments before, but seriously... ''what?'' Or am I just now finding out that the Dragon Quest fanbase is as rude and pissy as the Pokemon and Doctor Who fandoms that I'm most accustomed to?
** Unfortunately, [[Grandfather Clause]] will do that to a fanbase. Always knowing "exp to next level" was considered an unnecessary form of cheating when [[DQ 1]] was released, and Enix has stuck to tradition ever since. Combined with the [[Ruined FOREVER]] and [[Unpleasable Fanbase]] issues and yes, you have a pissy fanbase who claims [[Nostalgia Filter|"it's oldskool so it's awesome!"]]
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