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Additional Evil Overlord List Cellblock E: Difference between revisions

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* Anyone holding an officer's rank within my Legions of Terror will have been promoted to said rank after an appropriate number of years of competent, loyal service and demonstrating the requisite aptitude for leadership and tactics. On no accounts will I '''EVER''' make someone an officer just because he or she is a member of [[Blue Bloods|a priveleged class within my empire]], history repeatedly shows that [[Upperclass Twit|upper class twits]] make [[General Failure|piss-poor commanders]].
* I will only deploy my [[Walking Tank|Imperial Walkers]] in regions where the terrian and other conditions clearly favor them over more traditional wheeled and tracked vehicles. Also, they will be armed with as many weapons as weight limitations and viable hardpoints will allow, rather than just two cannons forward on the "head" which can only swivel a maximum of 60 degrees in any direction.
* Since few things in this universe are more infuriating and inconvenient than the do-gooders [[Heel Face Turn|turning my minions against me]] [[Machiavelli Was Wrong|through the simplest acts of kindness and/or compassion,]] I will try to avoid [[Mistreatment -Induced Betrayal|being such a hardass that they would have cause to secretly resent me.]]
* I will not take an innocent person hostage and then subsequently [[Moral Event Horizon|murder them]] in front of the hero solely for the purpose of illustrating what a [[Complete Monster|rotten bastard]] I am. Doing so would just give the hero one more reason to [[Boom! Headshot!|blow my brains out]] right there and then.
* Before my Legions of Terror put any revolutionary new personal weapons technology into wide use on the battlefield, [[The Enemy Weapons Are Better|I will take into account the probability of the rebellion or my other enemies acquiring the new weapons by taking them off fallen soldiers or prisoners of war.]] I will then make contingency plans accordingly, rather than allow myself be caught flat-footed when my enemies turn my own technology against me.
* All of the kitchen knives and steak knives in my palace's kitchen will be kept in a locked cabinet when not in use. Members of the kitchen staff will be issued keys to said cabinet only if they pass a thorough background screening and their duties logically require them to have access to the knives. The last thing I need is someone pilfering a knife, sneaking into my chambers in the middle of the night, and [[Slashed Throat|slash my throat]] while I slumber.
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** Nevertheless, my fortress will have the appropriate defences in place just in case some rogue dragon(s) and/or dragon-rider(s) attack me for some reason.
* No matter how small it is, no Rebel Alliance is insignificant enough to ignore. Should any arise, I will bring my full might to bear on them as soon as possible and present them to the people as a bunch of murderous, genocidal anarchists out for money.
* I will carefully read and reread any legally (or [[Magically -Binding Contract|mystically]]) binding contract before I even think about signing it, especially [[Read the Fine Print|the fine print]]. I will summon my lawyers and have them look it over as well, especially if there's anything in the contract that seems a bit fishy to me. All this goes double if it's a [[Deal With the Devil|pact with a diabolical spirit or deity]].
* I will not enter into any macho pissing contests with other Evil Overlords, especially ones that will end up with me revealing my secret back up plans in order to 'win'.
* All boxes, crates, barrels, etc. that the hero or one of his allies could conceivably hide in will always be kept in specially designated areas and will have labels indicating which area they are to be stored in. If any such container is sighted somewhere other than where it is supposed to be, even if said container is not moving, all exits from that area are to be sealed from the outside, and the container in question is to be inspected by two guards--one to open the container (if less direct methods of inspection are unavailable or insufficient) and a second to report an intruder if the first guard is killed by the intruder the instant he/she opens the container. If the container is found to contain no intruder, it is to be returned to its designated storage location.
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[[Category:Evil Tropes]]
[[Category:Additional Evil Overlord List Cellblock E]]
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