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Raiders of the Lost Ark (video game): Difference between revisions

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* [[Back Tracking]]
* [[Commonplace Rare]]: The most expensive item, only available in the hard-to-reach Black Market, is... a shovel.
* [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!]]: The game uses both joysticks. One fire button uses an item, and the other ''drops'' it. A dropped item either disappears or returns to where you first found it. Confusing the two buttons therefore has disastrous consequences, and happens a lot until you get used to it.
* [[Death Is a Slap On The Wrist]]: Nothing happens.
* [[Easter Egg]]: There is a [[Yars Revenge (Video Game)|Yars Revenge]] hidden in the mesa field. Also, if you get a high enough score, you see "HSW2", meaning Howard Scott Warshaw's second game.
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* [[One Bullet At a Time]]
* [[One-Hit-Point Wonder]]
* [[Painfully -Slow Projectile]]: The pistol.
* [[Palette Swap]]: The merchants in the marketplaces.
* [[Press X to Die]]: The map room is trickier than it looks. The path you walk down is a narrow ledge, with a fall into the Valley of Poison on either side. The key reveals a part of the room where you can walk to the right, and with the headpiece of the Staff of Ra, reveal the Ark's location. However: ''You can only walk over there with the key''. Equipping the headpiece means you are stuck in place; the slightest move will send you plummeting into the valley. You have to re-equip the key to walk back to the path.
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