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The killing of a parent is certainly very affecting and tells us a great deal about any character who would do it (And equally as much about characters who refuse to do it). When you're looking for some way of characterizing a hero as dark or causing him grieve heavily, this is always a good trope. What could be considered odd, however, is how often patricide is portrayed in fiction as opposed to matricide. As a matter of fact, try searching for a Matricide trope. You won't find it. This is probably a combination of [[Oedipus Complex]] and [[Most Writers Are Male]].
Compare with [[Self -Made Orphan]], when both parents are killed or otherwise done away with (usually [[Played For Horror]] whereas Patricide is [[Played for Drama]]), [[Archnemesis Dad]], [[Evil Prince]] and [[Oedipus Complex]]. Contrast [[You Killed My Father]]. The more violent examples of [[Calling the Old Man Out]] may well involve this. May well be the life's goal of an [[Antagonistic Offspring]].
[[Death Trope]], obviously, spoilers within.
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* Tsubasa from ''[[Kannazuki no Miko]]'' Killed his [[Abusive Parents|Abusive Father]] in order to protect himself and and his brother Souma.
* Suzaku Kururugi from ''[[Code Geass]]'' fell into despair and killed his father, who happened to be Japan's First Minister, in order to make the Japanese troops surrender and stop the bloodbath caused with their (losing) war against Britannia.
** Lelouch has "kill Father" at the top of his to-do list for much of the series, partly out of revenge for some pretty severe [[Parental Abandonment]], partly because he's the head of [[The Empire|the evil empire]] that Lelouch despises. He eventually succeeds near the end of the series, [[Self -Made Orphan|and decides to kill his mother too while he's at it]].
* In [[Fullmetal Alchemist (Anime)|the 2003 anime version]] of ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', this is [[Antagonistic Offspring|Envy]]'s life's goal. He's also got a [[Cain and Abel]] thing going on with his half-brothers.
* In the original ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam]]'' [[Evil Prince]] Gihren Zabi murders his father, Sovereign Degwin Sodo Zabi in order to graduate from [[Dragon-in-Chief]] to [[Big Bad]]. Note that for [[Complete Monster|Gihren]] this is not a particularly shocking move. Neither is the fact that he uses a [[Wave Motion Gun]] [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|to do it]]. {{spoiler|And then his sister Kycilia confronts him ''and shoots him'', invoking the trope as her reason to do so; Gihren would've been executed for patricide anyway, according to her.}}
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== Religion and Mythology ==
* According to Buddhism, intentional murder of one's father is one of the [[Moral Event Horizon|Five Grave Offenses]] that will get you reborn into the lowest hell, [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Avici |Avici]].
* [[Greek Mythology]] has Oedipus. He killed his father on the road outside Thebes, although some authors also make it an accident. In any case, he didn't know it was his father at the time, and had no hesitation about killing a stranger who got in his way.
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* Under the Lich King's influence, Arthas Menethil kills his father for the crown of Lordaeron after being turned into a Death Knight in ''[[War Craft]] 3''. A mook even calls him out on it, demanding to know "How could you murder your own father?"
* ''[[God of War]]'': Like in several Greek myths examples, Zeus hears a prophecy that his son Kratos would try to kill him and usurp his throne. This prompts Zeus to kill Kratos and send him to Hades, in turn prompting Kratos to escape [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy|and kill Zeus]].
* ''[[Soul Series|Soul Edge/Soul Blade]]'': A young Siegfried Schtauffen and his band of rogues attack a group of knights that they believe to be deserting the army. Unbeknownst to them, the group in question was simply returning home after their victory. Siegfried engages in battle with the leader of this group and beheads him; holding up the head in the moonlight reveals the identity of his prey: ''his own father Frederick''. The realization [[Go Mad From the Revelation|pretty much shatters his mind]], forcing Siegfried [[Trauma -Induced Amnesia|to go into denial]], believing that [[You Killed My Father|someone else killed his father.]] He decides to search for [[Evil Weapon|Soul]] [[Artifact of Doom|Edge]] in order to defeat this man, [[The Corruption|and]] [[Brainwashed and Crazy|the]] [[From Nobody to Nightmare|rest]] [[Face Heel Turn|is]] [[Big Bad|history]].
* Near the end of ''[[Exit Fate (Video Game)|Exit Fate]]'', Daniel kills his own father, Emperor Siegfried, who tried to [[The Pawn|determine his life]] via [[Demonic Possession|demonic ]][[Super-Powered Evil Side|possession]].
* In Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, the titular character kills his father Big Boss when he goes rogue. Snake is later called out on this in Metal Gear Solid by his support-worker Naiomi
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[[Category:Murder Tropes]]
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