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[[File:gmd_2_8804.jpg|link=The Great Mouse Detective|rightframe|[[Diabolical Mastermind|Ratigan]], from [[Faux Affably Evil|before]] and [[Nightmare Fuel|after]] Basil makes a fool of him.]]
{{quote|"''THAT WAS AN ORDER! STEINER'S ASSAULT WAS AN ORDER! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, TO DISOBEY AN ORDER THAT I GIVE?''"|[[Adolf Hitler]], ''[[Downfall (Film)|Downfall]]'' }}
* [[The Shawshank Redemption]] has {{spoiler|warden Samuel Norton freaking out over Andy being missing from his prison cell. His rant doubles as [[Fridge Brilliance]] on the movie's part, as Norton's clearly [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection:Psychological projection|projecting]] his corrupt nature onto everyone else.}} This is a special case, because what the villain's freaking out over happens BEFORE {{spoiler|he gets exposed as a crook}}, (and is somewhat mild in comparison) and likely before he has any reason to expect that to even happen.
* At the end of Disney's animated ''[[The Great Mouse Detective (Disney)|The Great Mouse Detective]]'' (see the image on the right), Ratigan goes from being a smarmy, smug intellectual [[One-Winged Angel|to a feral, crazed rat]], savagely attacking Basil. Although he does have quick seconds of losing his cool throughout the film, he is just as quickly able to recollect himself as calm and collective. Until the end, when Basil saves the Flaversham clan, whom, thanks to Ratigan, had been kept separated from each other. But when Basil both humiliates Ratigan in front of dozens of aristocrats and saves and reunites Olivia and her father, Ratigan breaks down.
* In the [[The a Team (Film)|A-Team movie,]] {{spoiler|Lynch}} has one when he overhears that {{spoiler|The A-Team and General Morrison survived his bombing.}} He has a tantrum and repeatedly kicks in front of him like a kid.
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{{quote| {{spoiler|"If it's all the same with you, [[I Need a Freaking Drink|I'll have that drink now]]."}}}}
* In ''[[Kung Fu Panda]]'', Tai Lung's composure really starts to fall apart once he actually sees the Dragon Scroll he so coveted. Instead of fighting intelligently and using environment to his advantage, like he did in every fight before, he single-mindedly pursues the scroll, losing more and more of his cool, as Po starts to give him problems. After he obtains the Dragon Scroll and finds it to be blank, he suffers from this full out, and it just gets more intense after he discovers his pressure point technique to be ineffectual against Po, causing him to throw all semblance of strategy and martial arts mastery out the window, and after getting beaten and barely able to get up and stumble around, he just keeps rambling and trying to fight back.
** And in the sequel, [[Kung Fu Panda 2]], Po appearing as Shen is about to sail to triumph seems to result in the peacock finally losing it; {{spoiler|while he remains sane, he kicks the [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]] strategy he'd employed with his cannons up to 11, even willing to fire on his own fleet to clear out all obstacles and casually knifing his own [[Dragon]] when he refuses. This results in Shen refusing to cease using his cannons even when Po has perfected the catch and return technique, resulting in a pretty epic [[Oh Crap]] when Po's final returned shot makes a yin-yang symbol before striking his flagship. When Po confronts him on his ship after crippling it, he finds Shen completely stunned by both the fact everything he created has been destroyed and the fact that Po managed to overcome his traumatic past and find inner peace. When Po explains it to him, he snaps and tries to kill Po. Unlike Tai Lung, however, Shen doesn't lose his head, managing [[Tranquil Fury]] despite his breakdown, resulting in a much more even fight.}}
** {{spoiler|This is most likely due to the Soothsayer's prediction starting to come to pass and by this point Shen is getting desperate to change it. His [[Mind Screw]] didn't work and force is his only option. You can sense it in Shen's voice when he ask how Po overcame his trauma. Even if its calm, his ambition has been left in ruins and he got nothing to lose. Leading to the final assault and ultimately death at his own hands.}}
* Darla Dimple of ''[[Cats Don't Dance (Animation)|Cats Don't Dance]]'' gets a big one at the end. Darla's attempts to sabotage Danny's last-ditch effort to show that animals can be stars actually ''helps'' them. At the end, frazzled, exhausted and more than a little mad, Darla crawls up to Danny and, in front of the audience, accidentally outs herself as the one who sabotaged his earlier attempt.
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* In the ''[[Sherlock Holmes]]'' film ''[[Sherlock Holmes (Film)|A Game Of Shadows]]'', the chess match between Moriarty and Holmes. It starts when Watson and Sim catch the assassin; Moriarty is slightly perturbed, but he quickly points out that all Holmes did was delay the inevitable, as Moriarty is banking on human nature to bring about his world war, which is something that Holmes can't stop. Then Holmes reveals that {{spoiler|he palmed Moriarty's little red book}} about halfway through the movie, and that {{spoiler|Scotland Yard and Watson's wife have been cheerfully decoding it and ripping apart Moriarty's entire criminal empire}} the whole time. Moriarty's breakdown and rage is subtle but clear, right up to the moment where he and Holmes have their climactic final brawl [[Awesomeness By Analysis|in their minds.]]
* In the final ''[[Harry Potter (Film)|Harry Potter]]'' movie Voldemort resorts to hitting and kicking Harry despite the fact that that sort of thing is for ''[[Fantastic Racism|Muggles]]'', and he's passing up an opportunity to kill him immediately. The implication presumably is that forget the practicalities, he wants to ''hurt'' Harry, and doing so with magic isn't satisfying enough.
* Lord Barkis Bittern from ''[[Corpse Bride (Animation)|Corpse Bride]]'' after finding out that Victoria is poor after he married her and especially at the end where he has a major [[Freak -Out]] moment after he dies from accidentally drinking poison and the dead attack him.
* Debbie in ''Devil In The Flesh'' on account of being such a [[Yandere]].
* ''[[The Little Mermaid]]'': Ursula towards the end after Ariel destroys her eel pets. Also, when she transforms into Vanessa, its implied that she lost quite a bit of sanity (to the point of becoming a borderline [[Ax Crazy]]) when turning into her, as she talks to her mirror in a manner similar to a schizophrenic, emits a psychotic grin when throwing a pin at a mirror's head with enough velocity to knock the mirror back, and most certainly tries to kill a person had that been a human being, and her cackling.
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* In ''[[The Howling]]'' ''VI: The Freaks'', the vampire villain Harker loses his cool near the end when the mob he formed to kill the werewolf hero refuses to shoot him because the hero is still in human form -- they were prepared to kill a dangerous monster, not an unarmed man. Harker vamps out and tries to kill the hero personally.
* In ''[[Mean Girls]]'' [[Alpha Bitch|Regina George]] has one when she realizes that Cady deliberately made her gain weight and another one when Janie Ian reveals to everyone how Cady had been trying to ruin her life.
* In ''The Adventures Of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina'' the Mole King goes [[Ax Crazy]] when Thumbelina rejects him and chooses Tom instead and when Tom smashes his [[High -Class Glass]] that allows him to see.
* Jafar has this after learning that ''[[Aladdin (Disney)|Aladdin]]'' took back the lamp at the cave of wonders. And then there's his [[Laughing Mad]] moment after the Prince Ali Reprise and his [[Big No]] when he realizes that he's a slave to the lamp after becoming an all powerful genie.
* A disturbing [[Up to Eleven]] version Judge Doom of ''[[Who Framed Roger Rabbit]]'' has not once, but twice at the climax, both involving his "deaths". He's normally quite composed but when he gets run over by a steamroller and reveals himself as a toon, he goes completely and openly [[Ax Crazy]]. Doom is very serious prior to being stuck with super glow to a steam roller, once he is caught, he immediately blows his cover through screaming gibberish, after being reduced to a card board cutout, casually remarks in a loud voice on how surprising it was for him to be a [[Toon]]. When met with sarcasm, he [[One-Winged Angel|blows himself up to reveal he is a sick parody of a humanoid Toon with constantly warping eyes and a nightmarishly high pitched voice]] [[Nightmare Fuel|not only causing the normally cynical Eddie into a scared panic, but scaring half of the audience]]. From there, he is a silent, yet clearly devilishly sadistic monster who's only aim to bring Eddie despair as he takes away any hope of saving his friends and making him quiver in fear as he slowly moves toward him with a golden saw, with clear murderously gleeful intent as his eyes become more and more demented. This however is a [[Villain Ball]], as Eddie is able to escape and turn the Dip against Doom, reducing him to screaming "I'm melting" as he melts away to nothing, talk about two [[Family Unfriendly Deaths]]; not that he didn't deserve it [[Complete Monster|considering he was planning on mass-genocide on his own kind]].
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